"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." - 2 Timothy 3:15-16

This past week, I spent a great deal of time traveling.  Interstate travel is busy and often stressful.  Each road is numbered.  For instance, this week, I traveled on I-77, I-74, U. S. Route 52, I-40 and other roads.  In order for me to reach the right destination, it was vital to be on the right road.

Life is like a highway.  For the Christian, it is important that we keep ourselves from being lured onto side roads or the wrong highways.  Just because a road looks impressive doesn't make it the right road to travel.

The Christian needs to keep his journey simple.  We just need to stay on Route 66.  What is Route 66?  The Bible contains 66 books, each designed to keep us headed in the right direction.  The Bible is Route 66.

The Bible says, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  I am amazed at the number of Christians who claim that they, "believe the Bible from cover to cover," yet rarely open the covers. 

Are you traveling daily on Route 66?  Here are some things we know about the Scriptures:

First of all, the Bible is God's Word.  Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God."  The word, "inspiration," means, "God-breathed."  When you speak, breath is used in transmitting your voice.  On a cold day, you can see the steam come from a person's mouth as he speaks because his breath is used as he talks.  The Bible is God's Word to us.  He has spoken to us through His Word, the Bible. 

The psalmist wrote, "Thy word is very pure; therefore thy servant loveth it." (Psalm 119:140).  The Scripture is pure because it is the very Word of God. 

Notice that Paul wrote, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." (Emphasis added).  There are many people who wish to declare only part of the Scripture as inspired.  Many think only the New Testament is inspired, but that is simply not true.  The books of Leviticus and Nahum are just inspired as the books of Matthew and John.   All of the Scripture is pure because it is the Word of God.

Paul wrote that all of the Scripture is inspired, "... and is profitable."  The Bible is beneficial for all of God's people.  The Bible is more than a book we read from during church services, it is the most beneficial book you will ever read.

I admit that I love to read.  I read some books for entertainment and other books for instruction.  The Bible is the one book that has the power to change a person's life.  I may read from other books, but the Bible is the only book I read from daily.

Ray Comfort often asks professing believers, "Do you read the Bible daily, without fail?"  That is a good question.  You'll never find a more beneficial book than the Bible, so read it daily.

The Word of God is "... quick and powerful," (Hebrews 4:12).  People often underestimate the power of God's Word.  Paul wrote that the Scripture is "... profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."  As we travel through life, the Bible does a number of things to help us.

First of all, the Bible informs us.  Our text teaches us that the Scripture is profitable for doctrine.  The word, "doctrine," means teaching.  The Bible informs us.  One of the greatest blessings given to help us travel is a GPS.  A GPS informs you about your trip.  While traveling this week, my GPS gave me vital information, such as the road I was on, the speed limit and the current speed I was going.  In a similar manner, the Bible is like a GPS for Christian living.  The Word of God gives us the vital information we need for our journey through life.

Secondly, the Bible rebukes us.  Paul wrote that the Word of God is profitable for reproof.  The Bible lets us know when we get on the wrong road.  There are so many road signs that can confuse or mislead us in life.  The Word of God alerts us when we take the wrong road.

Third, the Bible corrects us.  The Word of God is profitable, "for correction."  Just as a GPS "recalculates," and gives directions to get you back on the right road, God's Word also directs us back to where we need to be.  Without God's Word, we are prone to drift further away from the direction we need to go.

Finally, the Bible leads us.  Paul wrote that the Scripture is profitable for "instruction in righteousness."  If we follow the Scriptures, we will stay on the right road.

Basically, the Bible is profitable to change us.  God uses His Word to transform our lives.

Finally, Paul wrote that the inspired Scriptures are profitable, "That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."  The word, "perfect" refers to being complete or mature.  God intends for us to be spiritually mature & fruitful.  A mature, fruitful believer honors and delights God.  A believer who lives a fruitful life brings glory to God. 

Realizing the importance and impact of the Scripture, we need to open God's Word and read from it daily.

Route 66 is not a congested highway.  Few are traveling this freeway, opting for newer roads of philosophy, new age or science.  Yet those who travel Route 66 are the ones who are on the right road and are headed for the right destination.

Consider this message to be your invitation to travel Route 66.  Clean the dust off of your Bible and read it.  Be challenged by this final quote: 

"Read the Bible to be wise, believe it to be safe, practice it to be holy."

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