"And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory." - Exodus 33:18

Google is famous for its search engine.  Millions of people have used Google to find items on the internet.  Google made the internet more user-friendly for countless people. 

It is amazing what people search for on the internet.  Even more interesting are the things that people look for in life. 

Moses sought something unique.  He made this petition of the Lord:  "Show me thy glory."  Prior to this, we don't find record of any person making that kind of request.  I suspect that very few people have ever desired to see the glory of God.  What about you?

Moses asked to see the glory of God at a vital time.  He had been used of God to lead Israel out of Egypt's bondage.  Miracles had been performed during their wilderness journey --- yet despite all of this, the people were superficial and rebellious.  Finally, the Israelites enticed Aaron to create a golden calf during Moses' long departure in the holy mountain.  No doubt, Moses was weary and needed encouragement.  He had close fellowship with God and yet he desired more.

I fear that many Christians are content to have shallow fellowship with God.  They are content with a Sunday morning church service, but are unmotivated to go deeper with God than that.  They don't seek the glory of God, merely His blessings.

What is God's glory?  Marvin Rosenthal once defined God's glory as His intrinsic, eternal perfections.  God's glory is the fullness of His being. 

Far too many believers focus on one or two attributes of God, instead of meditating on His numerous attributes.  It is wrong to treat the attributes of God like a buffet --- choosing the ones you like and rejecting the rest.  By doing so, many are guilty of mental idolatry --- creating a god that they want rather than the fullness of God Himself.   

Do we really seek God's glory or our own?  Do we really wish to behold God in His glory or is heaven our goal only because it is the better of the two eternal options available?

You cannot separate God from His glory.  If you desire God, you must desire His glory.  Many church members seek God only when they get into trouble.  They want the grace of God but not the God of grace.  It is one thing to desire God's blessing but it is something entirely different to desire God Himself.

Moses' request was only granted in part.  God permitted Moses to only see part of His glory.  God mercifully kept Moses from being consumed by certain aspects of His glory. 

One day, genuine believers will be permitted to see the glory of God.  Our new bodies will be designed to behold God in His fullness.  Our concept of heaven is often tainted with sentimentality and human reasoning.  Heaven will be a place where the glory of God will be on display. 

We tend to get too attached to this world.  As a result, we no longer seek the glory of God.  Instead, we pursue the temporary trinkets of this world rather than seeking the eternal glory of the Lord.

We were created for more than a career, family, and retirement.  When we settle for anything less than God's glory, we sin against God and cheat ourselves.

Moses sought God's glory.  It is time we do the same.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...