"It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed..." - Lamentations 3:22

Mankind is guilty of taking God's mercy for granted.  Since His mercy has been extended to us daily, we act as if we deserved or earned it. Many people feel entitled to the blessings of God.  In reality, every good thing that we enjoy is a gift from God.  We don't deserve these blessings.  

The word, "mercy," refers to God's loving kindness demonstrated by keeping us from the wrath we deserve.  Talk show hosts never speak about the wrath of God.  Most preachers rarely talk about the judgment of God.  As a result, most individuals fail to understand the nature of God's mercy.

In our text, Jeremiah wrote, "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed."  Americans tend to think that our advanced education, ever-expanding liberal standards, capitalism, and democracy have produced the blessings we enjoy.  What foolish thinking!  It is wrong to think that somehow we deserve our blessings.  America exists --- and continues to exist --- because of God's mercy.  You woke up this morning because of God's mercy.  If it weren't for God's mercy, all of us --- and I do mean ALL of us --- would be in hell.  Because of sin, we deserve hell.  Evangelist Bill Stafford once said, "Anything short of hell is grace."

The fact is that we deserve to be consumed by the wrath of God.  We are not as "good" as we think we are.  We measure our lives by our intensions while God judges us by the truth.  We tend to compare ourselves to others & end up with a distorted view of ourselves.  Compared to a murdering rapist, most Americans would seem to be good.  However, compared to God's standard of perfection, all of us fall woefully short. 

Think about how incredible God's mercy really is.  He permitted many of His enemies to awake this morning, knowing that they would continue their rebellion against Him, use His Name in vain and fight against everything He attempts to do.  They deserve His wrath.  Jeremiah was right, "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed." 

God deserves our praise and devotion.  We tend to overlook Him.  We enjoy gifts, blessings and mercy while deliberately avoiding the One they came from.  When we think about God's mercies, we should be in awe of Him.  One who is so great extends such great mercy to the worst of sinners. 

When confronted with the truth about God's mercy, many tend to take God and His mercy for granted.  Sadly, many think that mercy will always be extended to them.  God's mercy points sinners to the Savior, where the greatest act of mercy can be enjoyed.  Salvation is the ultimate act of God's mercy.  There's not a man or woman who deserves heaven.  Instead, all of us deserve hell.  When a man repents of his sins and trusts Jesus alone to save him, God's glorious mercy and grace is extended to him, bringing salvation.   

God's mercy is extended to mankind through the sacrificial death of His Son, Jesus Christ.  On the cross, Jesus took our place & suffered the penalty that we should have received.  Jesus experienced the wrath that we deserved.  There on the cross, the justice of God was satisfied and the mercy of God was extended.

The only way a man or woman can avoid the penalty of sin is through the mercy of God, extended through the blood of Jesus.  The born again believer will not be consumed by God's wrath because the wrath we deserved was poured out on Jesus.  Because of God's mercies, we are not consumed ... and never will be.

What about you?  Can you honestly state that you have been born again?  Apart from God's mercy and grace, you will ultimately face eternal wrath because of your sin.  Don't take God's mercy for granted.  His mercy is available to you at this moment so that you may turn from your sin and meet Jesus Christ.  God is incredible to offer you salvation.  His mercy is incredible.  While mercy and grace are available, turn to Jesus Christ in repentance and faith. 

What a mighty God we serve!  His mercy is incredible.  "It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed..."

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