"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." - Jeremiah 8:20

Jeremiah is often called, "the weeping prophet."  His writings often reveal his grief over the sin of his people and the severe consequences they face.  Our text is a classic example of the prophet's anguish.  In this verse, he gives a vivid description of the spiritual condition that his people face. 

These days, televangelists tend to preach only "positive sermons."  Jeremiah would not fit in with the popular ministers of our day.  The prophet proclaimed God's message of judgment and doom in a day when it was dangerous to do so.  Jeremiah's faithfulness to God's message made him the recipient of harsh persecution.

Is it right to preach a positive message when God's judgment is imminent?  The fact is that God's judgment is imminent.  Every person will soon stand before God in judgment.  Most individuals are unprepared for this inevitable event.

My message today is written especially for those who've never repented of their sin and trusted Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior.  Unless Biblical repentance occurs in your life, there will come a time when it will be too late to call on God.  It is very possible for you to sin away your day of grace.  In fact, you may be dangerously close to that moment right now. 

Like the people of Jeremiah's day, you may soon be facing a hopeless future.  As we look at our text, I want you to understand three things.

First of all, there was a past opportunity.  The Bible says, "The harvest is past."  You have had ample opportunities to repent and believe in Jesus.  Perhaps you grew up in a Christian home.  Maybe you went to church as a child.  It could be that a friend or family member has been talking with you about the Lord.  You have shrugged it all off as a matter that you'll deal with later.  Maybe you have "good intensions" of getting right with God "some day."  Yet "some day" may never come.  It could be that tomorrow, your opportunities will be gone forever.

Secondly, there was a pitiful occasion.  The Bible continues, "... the summer is ended..."  When the summer is ended and the harvest is over, the opportunity to be saved is gone.   I believe that we are in the final days of God's grace. When Jesus returns, I believe the harvest of grace will be over for many.  You may think that you'll repent "some time" in the future, not realizing that your life will end much sooner than you think.  When the summer of God's grace is over, it will be a pitiful occasion for souls that have not repented. 

Finally, you need to consider the final outcome, "... we are not saved."  To face the end of life and the finality of eternity without being saved is a terrifying reality that you may soon face.  Despite the pleading, prayers and tears of family members and friends, you are traveling on the road that leads to hell. 

Our text is the lamentation of hopeless souls.  Unless you repent and trust in the Savior, the day will come when you'll be in hell.  The torment of that place will not cloud your understanding that the harvest is past, the summer is ended & you are not saved.  Your plight will be horrible and eternal.

During these final days of spiritual harvest, cry out to God for mercy ... while mercy is available.  Turn from sin right now and place your faith in Jesus. 

Don't gamble with your eternal future.  The harvest is almost past, the summer is almost ended ... and you are not saved.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...