"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." - Galatians 6:9

The devil seeks to hinder the work of God's people.  He has many weapons at his disposal to hinder Christians from serving God.  I believe that discouragement is one of his strongest weapons.  The devil knows that discouraged people are anemic in their efforts.  Discouragement tends to slow people down and, eventually, stop them. 

Discouragement is the gap between expectations and reality.  Often we get discouraged when results fail to reach the pinnacle of our goal.  For some, just a little bad news is all it takes to get them discouraged.  For others, a series of disappointments is required to bring discouragement.  The ultimate goal of the enemy is to discourage the Christian to the point that he gives up. 

It is easy to quit.  Far too many people have quit going to church.  Many have quit serving God in ministry.  Others have quit serving their neighbor and those in need.  Here in America, it has become a common thing for people to quit.  Quitting has become a national epidemic. 

In his epistle to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul gives us a reason to keep going.  In Galatians 6:9, he wrote, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."  Considering the lateness of the hour and all that is at stake, this is not a time to quit. 

Let's look again at Paul's challenge to us.  While it is easy to get discouraged at times, let's resolve to keep going in the Lord's work.    
I believe that the first step in spiritual fortitude is to live by God's principles.  When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians, he gave them a basic truth:  a man reaps what he sows.  While most of us understand this truth, few live by it.  So many think that they can sow wrong seed but reap a good harvest.  It is foolish for a man to think he can commit adultery without experiencing repercussions for his action.  It is wrong for a woman to think that she can live an immoral lifestyle without serious consequences.  A man is seriously mistaken to think he can mistreat others without paying a cost.  A man reaps what he has sown.

Notice what Paul wrote, "And let us not be weary in well doing."  The Christian should be doing what is right.  If we desire a wonderful harvest, we need to sow the right seed.  As John Maxwell once said, "If you don't like the harvest you're reaping, change the seed you're sowing." 

There is another matter to consider.  Some expect a harvest even though they aren't sowing anything.  I believe that one crisis we face in the American church is idle harvest workers.  It is true that most Christians aren't sowing to the wind, but at the same time, they're not sowing anything.  The best seed is useless as long as it remains in a bag.  Seed must be sown before it can yield a harvest.

Live by God's principles.  Sow the right seed.  Sow it daily.  

Secondly, we need to live by God's promises.  Paul gives us this promise, "... for in due season we shall reap."  God's promise is true:  we will reap what we have sown.  Just because a harvest hasn't arrived yet doesn't mean it isn't coming.  If we are sowing good seed, we will reap a good harvest.  Discouragement comes when we quit trusting God & focus solely on present circumstances.  Take God at His Word.  Trust Him right now.  We should live by faith and not by sight.  Stand on the promises of God.  If we are actively sowing the right seed, at the right time we WILL reap a great harvest.

Finally, we need to live with persistence.  Paul wrote that in due season, we'll reap, "... if we faint not."  It is one thing to give out; it is another thing to give up. We need to obey God daily, not just when things are going well.  When times get bleak, we need to depend on God more.  Others need our help more when things are tough.  People may look to you for inspiration or hope.  Others may depend on you for strength & wisdom.  Living for God is not a Sunday activity.  We must live for God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  God is not looking for part-time help.  He expects us to serve Him every moment. 

Life consists of ups and downs.  There are mountains we must climb and valleys we must cross.  There are sunny days and rainy days.  An unbelieving world needs to see Christians who consistently live for Jesus regardless of circumstances.

A farmer depends on the sunshine and the rain.  He does not tend the soil only when circumstances seem good.  He works hard, sowing the right seed, depending on God, and laboring persistently because he knows a harvest will come.  The same should be true of every Christian.

Knowing that God guarantees a harvest to those who persistently sow the right seed, we have good reason to keep sowing.


"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." - 2 Corinthians 9:8

While traveling this week, I've been listening to a secular audio book written by a businessman.  In an early chapter, he wrote about his first job & an experience that had left a deep impression on his mind.  The author was a young guy, just out of college.  He was working as part of a sales staff & most of the men were much older than he.  One day, a 30-year veteran of the company was met at his desk by two superiors and was escorted out.  He was fired without notice.  Even worse than his firing was the reason for his termination:  he was earning too much money for the company to absorb.  The leadership of the company speculated that they could hire two guys out of college to work for less money than this 30-year company man.  At this point, the young author pointed out, "There's no such thing as job security."

His observation is true.  I live in the mountains of West Virginia where many have experienced the loss of a job.  For those who lose a job, it is devastating.   

In the same audio book, the author pointed out that the average worker changes jobs six to eight times during a lifetime.  That's a lot of transition.  In fact, it is more than most people are comfortable with.

The reality is that we don't know the future.  Today a person may be at the top of his profession.  The next day, he may be unemployed and desperate for a job. 

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church and challenged to them to generously support the work of God.  Most people tend to be very conservative with the use of their income, especially during economic tough times.  Being a Christian in the first century was not an easy life.  Financial freedom was not part of their experience.  The modern "wealth and prosperity gospel" that is popular in some circles today was not taught or experienced by the early Christians.  In spite of all the challenges of the first century, Paul encouraged believers to be liberal in their giving.  Furthermore, Paul gave this promise to those who honor God with generosity:  "And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work" (2 Corinthians 9:8).  Although many have misused this verse, it is actually a promise specifically offered to believers who practice generosity.  No, it isn't a promise that you'll "get rich quick," by giving to God's work.  Instead, Paul gives us the truth about generous living & the life of fruit that follows it.

In our text, Paul begins by making the statement, "God is able to make all grace abound toward you."  Let's be honest.  When times get tough, our faith is tested. It can be scary to face uncertainty during times of economic recession or depression. But God is not dependent on circumstances.  He is able to work in spite of the circumstances.  God's economy is not affected by the constant changes of the stock market.  Although God may use different ways to accomplish His will, He does not need human aid or natural means.  The Bible says that God is able to make, "... all grace abound toward you."  Grace is God's unmerited favor.  Grace is God's mercy and blessings, freely bestowed upon undeserving people.  God has the power to bless you when all other channels of support are cut off.  He is able to bless His people in an abundant way.  He lavishes His grace on His people.  The God we serve has enormous power.  He has the power to lavish you with grace --- even when the world around you seems to come crashing down.  

The power of God is at work in a believer's life, "... that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things."  In other words, God gives us exactly what we need when we need it.  God meets every need.  Notice that the believer "always," has sufficiency.  God give us the grace we need right now.  We are always recipients of His grace.  God provides us with grace for today.  He doesn't supply us with tomorrow's grace until tomorrow arrives.   Also, note that we have "sufficiency in all things."  God's provisions are all encompassing.  He is able to meet your diverse needs, including those that no one else knows about. 

The power of God enables us to enjoy the provisions of God --- but why does He provide so much grace for a believer?  Our text teaches us, "... that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work."  Notice the reason God blesses us:  so that we may abound to every good work.  What a promise!  God brings grace to our situations, that through them, we may abound to every good work.  Notice that believers who live generously will, "... abound to every good work."  God blesses us so that we may thrive in personal ministry.  You are blessed to be a blessing.  God gives grace so that you will be an agent of grace.  God gives you help so you can help others.  Too many believers are selfish to the core.  They receive God's blessings and then hoard them up.  No wonder their lives are void of fruit.  When you give generously, you are living like Jesus, for He gave everything for you.   I don't believe we should treat generosity as a means to gain more money.  Obviously, this verse doesn't teach this.  Instead, this verse teaches us that those who give generously are blessed by God to abound to every good work. 

Let me share one closing thought.  Many think that generosity refers to giving money.  At least in the case of Paul's writing to the Corinthians, that was the case.  However, keep in mind that generosity is more of a state of heart than the use of your wallet.  A generous person will give of his time, talents and treasures for the glory of God.  That is the kind of person that God will bless. 

Though times are tough just remember, when God guides, God provides.


"... whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

This weekend, 68 men's college basketball teams will be formally invited to play in the NCAA tournament.  Only one of these teams will emerge as the national champion.  Players from different backgrounds will be playing hard to reach the pinnacle of the college basketball world.  Their dream is to hold that national championship trophy.  100 years from now, that trophy won't matter.

Most Americans pursue goals and dreams that are just as temporary as a national championship.  It goes without saying that fame and fortune are not eternal.  Vacations and retirement don't last.  Too many people are climbing the "ladder of success" without noticing that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall. 

The fact is that most people fail to understand why they are here on earth.  Most think they are here to earn a living, raise a family and retire.  The Bible gives us a far different reason.  Revelation 4:11 states, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."   Reread that last line again:  "... thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created."  Everything, including you & I, were created for God's pleasure.  We were created to bring glory to God.

Our purpose for living is not wrapped up in careers and cars.  We're here for something more than homes and hobbies.  Life is about something bigger & better than fame and fortune.  We are here on earth to bring glory to God.

Why should we live for God's glory?  Here are several important reasons.

First of all, we should live for God's glory because He is worthy.  Actors, musicians and athletes are sought after because of their talent.  Often these celebrities are far from being decent human beings.  There is only One who is truly good.  Only One is perfect.  God is worthy of our glory.  When a man or woman lives to glorify God, he or she is devoting himself or herself to the ultimate purpose of life.

As I've already written, we are here to bring Him glory.  When we live for God's glory, we fulfill our purpose for living.  Only in living for Him can we find peace and satisfaction in life.  When we live fully for Him, we can die without regrets.

Ultimately, those who live for God's glory will be rewarded.  The Bible says, "... them that honor me I will honor" (1 Samuel 2:30).  One day, God will reward those who live for His glory.  That's a good reason to glorify Him, don't you think?

We should live for God's glory, but how can we do this?  First of all, we must believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.  Only a born again believer can really bring God glory the way he was designed to do.  Secondly, we must live humbly.  Rather than seeking our fame, we should seek His fame.  We can't occupy the spotlight while simultaneously shining the spotlight on Him.  We must reject our selfish ways and seek to make Him known to those who need Him most.  Third, we must obey His Word.  A Christian cannot live for God's glory without obeying the Word of God.  We honor Him by submitting to His Word.  Next, we must make His glory our all-consuming passion.  Living for God's glory is not one of many things we do; it should be the total passion of our lives.  Thus, every aspect of our lives is impacted by this passion.  Whether at home, work, church, in the community or on vacation, we should do everything so that God will be glorified.  This greatly changes our approach to marriage, parenthood, careers, hobbies and spirituality.  When we live for God's glory, we do not become hermits.  Instead, we live on a mission to glorify God in all we say and do.

We were created to bring glory to God.  The Bible says, "... whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."  Glorifying God is not just a Sunday experience.  Notice the Bible tells us to glorify Him in "... whatsoever ye do."  If you haven't been living for God's glory, begin today.  Then continue to glorify Him every day. 

Live for God's glory.


"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." - Romans 1:16

Here in the mountains of West Virginia, we had severe weather this past week.  Many homes, including my own, were without electric power for some time.  It has been a rather difficult time of recovery and survival during those days.  It is amazing how dependent we've become to electricity.  Without electric power, our lives almost come to a halt.  So many of the necessities and luxuries of life rely upon electricity.  When we have long-term power outages, it seems to cripple our lifestyles, drastically altering our daily routines.

I am grateful to have electric power.  The loss of electric power this past week was due to power unleashed through a storm.  Yet I am reminded that there is power that we need desperately.  This power is comes from God.  We are more dependent on His power than we are to electric power.  One day, this world (and its electric power) will cease, but God's power will still exist.  Even though His power is effectively working today, it is not being diminished.

When Paul wrote to the believers at Rome, he penned these words:  "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."  In this verse, Paul reveals the nature of God's power.  His power is an unseen power, yet more dynamic than electric power.  God's power has the capacity to save and change people. 

God's power is unleashed as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed.  Whether it is proclaimed from a pulpit, on a street corner, in a Gospel tract or through a one-on-one conversation, the Gospel message has the power to penetrate the heart of a man and bring him in humble submission to the Master.  In fact, Paul wrote that the Gospel was the power of God, "... unto salvation to every one that believeth."  The Gospel message is used of God to save sinners and change their lives.  That is powerful!

God has given His children the awesome privilege to share this Gospel message.  He has given us the blessing of speaking the truth to those who need it most.  It is glorious to see God's power at work in the hearts of men and women.  When we see sinners repent and believe, we behold God's power as He transform lives. 

No wonder Paul was unashamed of the Gospel.  He was an obvious example of the Gospel's transforming power.  He had personally been changed by the power of God.  Furthermore, he had preached the same Gospel and seen numerous lives also changed.  Why should he be ashamed of such a message?  Why should we?

Paul was unashamed of the Gospel.  How do we know?  First of all, he believed the Gospel.  The Gospel had changed his life & he knew it would change others also.  Secondly, he preached the Gospel.  He was consumed with a passion to proclaim the Gospel.  His passion compelled him to travel many miles, endure hardship & persecution, and ultimately give his life for the sake of the Gospel.

I fear that many in the American church have slowly departed from the Gospel.  Many ministers have diluted the Gospel with pop-psychology, human marketing techniques and self-help concepts.  It seems that we have departed from the simple, yet bold preaching of the Gospel.  While modern techniques may yield a following, only the Gospel can change lives eternally. 

Rather than trust in the power of persuasion, we need to get back to trusting in the power of God.  His power is unleashed as we boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Will you share that message with others?

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...