"Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen." - 1 John 5:21

When I was a young Christian, I thought it was ridiculous that Israel would forsake God and worship hand-carved idols.  How foolish could they be!  I thought it was unthinkable that people could see God's miracle-working power & yet turn from Him to serve self-created gods.

Now as a more-mature believer, I see the same scenario unfolding around me.  Americans worship idols, they're just not the same kind of idols that Israel worshiped. 

Pastor Johnny Hunt once defined an idol as a God substitute.  Americans have many God-substitutes.  Consider just a few of the American idols that are worship consistently in our land.

First of all, there are some who worship money.  The almighty dollar has consumed many people.  The Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil.  Jesus said that you couldn't serve God and money. There are many who have made wealth their idol.

Others have made an idol of themselves.  Instead of living for the glory of God, they live for their own glory.  Here's the irony:  some work hard to be seen and known & when they become famous they want avoid the spotlight.  If you try to focus the spotlight on yourself rather than God, you've made yourself an idol.

Americans love to have a good time, often in excess.  Some pursue fun to the extent that they harm themselves and others.  Some forms of fun seem innocent, such as hunting or fishing.  Yet it is possible for a hobby to turn into an idol.  Football is a major idol in America.  Have you noticed how they schedule ballgames to interfere with church time?  Furthermore, there are church members who are more faithful to attend a college football game than their own church.  People tend to more zealous in their vocal support of their team than Jesus.  Football, basketball, hockey, NASCAR, and baseball are popular American idols. 

Finally, too many have made an idol of their family.  It is not possible to love your family too much, but it is possible to make your spouse or children idols.  It is not uncommon for church members to stay home on Sunday so they can entertain family.  Others willfully disobey God because their love for family is greater than their love for Jesus.  When this occurs, you can be sure family has become an idol.

So what should we do about the idols in our lives?  John answered this question in the conclusion of his first epistle.  John wrote, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols."  Keeping yourself free of idols should be our goal.  It requires a great deal of diligence.

Idols creep into our lives so easily, though.  How does a person get free from an existing idol?  First, recognize the idol.  It is important to properly identify the idol.  Secondly, repent of your idolatry.  Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior.  You must change your mind about your affection for the idol & its priority in your life.  Next, remove all forms of idolatry from your heart.  Finally, return to your first love, Jesus. 

The old hymn is right when it invites people,

"Kneel at the cross, give your idols up,
Look unto realms above."

Yes, there are many American idols.  Yet the Lord Himself should be the only One to occupy the throne of your heart.  It is one thing to call Him Lord of your life; it is another thing for Him to actually reign as Lord of your life.  

"Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen."

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