"I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father." - 2 John 4

Most teenagers drop out of church after they graduate high school.  That fact concerns me greatly.  Many youth leaders agonize over the teenage dropout rate.  Although young people are taught Biblical truth at their local church, worldly distractions tend to lure them away as they enter adulthood. 

I think there are a number of reasons for the teenage dropout in most churches.  First and foremost, most of these teenagers never experience genuine salvation for themselves.  Sure, they may be led to make an emotional decision, but that is not necessarily a new birth experience.  Secondly, many young people grow up without parental spiritual guidance.  Sadly, many of them only receive spiritual influence at church.  When parents fail to embrace Christ themselves & model Christianity before their children, it deeply brings negative consequences.  Third, some teenagers confuse love for their parents (or grandparents) with love for Christ.  Instead of having their own faith, they tend to ride the coattails of their parents or grandparents.  This leads to a shallow and temporary religious experience.

It is rare to see a young person be born again and then live a godly, fruitful Christian life deep into adulthood.  Metaphorically, John looked upon converts as being like spiritual children.  In verse 4 of his tiny second epistle, John wrote, "I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father." 

It is one thing to talk about truth, but it is even more valuable to walk in truth.  A life of consistent obedience to God is rare these days, even among adults.  While it is easy to point the finger at teenagers, we must ask ourselves the question:  Am I walking in truth?

As we try to answer that question, I want you to ponder a few thoughts.

In order for us to walk in truth, we must know the truth.  It is not enough to merely know about the truth, we must personally value and embrace the truth.  Keep in mind three things about the truth.

First of all, Jesus is the person of truth.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life."  You must know Jesus Christ personally through the new birth.  Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  When you walk with Jesus, you're walking in truth.  When you walk with Him, you're walking in freedom.

Secondly, the Bible is the precept of truth.  Jesus said, "Sanctify them through the truth; thy word is truth."  We walk in truth when we believe and read the Word of God.  The Word should order our steps.

Finally, the Spirit of God is the power of truth.  In John 16:13, Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Truth.  A man who walks in the Spirit is walking in truth.

Knowing the truth and obeying the truth are not always synonymous, but they should be.  Our obedience is an outward sign of an inward change.  As we walk in obedience to God, it will give evidence to others that we are walking in truth. 

Our society is aggressively pulling at believers to depart from truth.  Most in our society reject truth.  They reject the principle of truth because acknowledging truth will force them to be accountable to a higher power for their actions.  Most individuals want to be free from accountability.  However, their rejection of truth does not eliminate personal responsibility. 

Although the unbelieving world wishes to pull us away from truth, we need to stand firm on the truth.  Our concept of truth is not based upon popularity polls, political fads or the latest news headline.  Our understanding of truth is based upon the unchanging message of an unchanging Savior, Jesus Christ.  Truth will stand when all else fails.

As a minister of the Gospel, I find it encouraging, noticing people walk in truth, regardless of their age.  As our post-modern society distances itself further and further from the truth, we need to remain steadfast in the faith.  

Believe the truth.  Obey the truth.  Defend the truth. Live the truth.  That's how you walk in truth.

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