"Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God." - 3 John 11

It is amazing that people tend to overlook major character flaws.  Sometimes good Christian girls ignore obvious faults in the boys they date.  Christian businessmen can disregard evident faults in those that they partner with.  Believers can support politicians with blind faith, choosing to overlook glaring defects.  When we choose to overlook the major character flaws of those we wish to align ourselves with, we do so to our own peril.

When John wrote his third epistle, he cautioned his readers, "Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good."  It is important who and what we follow.  Jesus once told a rich young ruler that there is only One who is good & that is God.  If we are to follow what is good, we must follow the Lord.

As born again believers, we should live and walk by faith.  This is not a faith that has no foundation.  Many have followed cult leaders & it ended up costing them their lives.  There is a major difference between following a cult & following Christ.  A cult is deceitful and deadly.  Christ spoke truth and offers life.

As we follow Christ, we must be careful about the amount of confidence we place in others.  Paul instructed believers not to put confidence in the flesh.  Our allegiance belongs to God.  Although we should live under the authority of those who lead us, we must be discerning about the things they teach and our response to their leadership.

While we should avoid all forms of falsehood and sin, we must aggressively seek the things that are good.  We are not accountable for the errors of others but we are accountable for our own decisions and deeds. 

When Christ indwells a man, the internal work of the Spirit will manifest outward fruit.  When the good, gracious Lord resides within a man, good fruit will be obvious.  Evil fruit is the result of an evil heart --- an unregenerate heart.  That's why John wrote, "He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God."

It is important to study the fruit of those you entrust to lead you.  It is far more important to examine your own fruit. 

Although good works will never save you, a life of good fruit is a good indication of a good work that Christ has performed within you. 

It is possible to look at others through rose-colored glasses, but it is even more deceptive when you look at yourself that way.  An honest appraisal may keep you from eternal ruin.  If your life has manifested evil fruit, it is time to repent and diligently seek the mercy and grace of God.

The Psalmist wrote, "Depart from evil and do good."  Instead of following the wrong crowd to the wrong destination, turn around and start following the only One who offers eternal life.

You can never go wrong when you follow the One who is always right.

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