"Enoch walked with God." - Genesis 5:22, 24

Enoch is one of my heroes in the Bible.  He is actually an unsung hero because many Christians don't even know who he was.  Enoch was the seventh man from Adam.  The Bible does not dedicate many pages to describe him, but what is revealed about him is amazing.

As our text indicates, the Bible plainly states that Enoch walked with God.  The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us that Enoch had a testimony that he pleased God.  What a testimony to have!  Furthermore, the book of Jude refers to Enoch as a prophet.  Both Genesis and Hebrews inform us that Enoch never died.  Instead, God simply took him home.

Let's go back to tribute given to Enoch in the book of Genesis.  "Enoch walked with God."  Last week, I wrote about the subject, "The Rest Of My Life."  In that message, I revealed that as I pondered about the remaining time I have left here on earth, I had seven things I wanted to see occur.  Let me reveal the first thing on my list:


Many are born again Christians, but few are actively walking with God.  When the Bible says that Enoch walked with God, I believe it means that Enoch had ongoing, intimate fellowship with God.  That should be our spiritual goal!

Let's be honest.  It is difficult to have ongoing, intimate fellowship with God these days.  There are so many distractions and interruptions.  Yet I believe it is possible for a person to walk with God.  Few enjoy this level of intimacy with God.  Why is that?  I believe the answer is plain:  many don't want that level of fellowship.  Sure, they'd like to have the benefits of walking with God, but they don't want to invest in the process of walking with God.  Walking with God comes with a cost --- and few wish to pay that cost.

In this age of advanced technology and hectic schedules, it is possible for a person to walk with God.  Do you remember the story of Mary and Martha in the New Testament?  When Jesus visited their home, the two sisters responded differently.  Martha was busy, trying to be a good hostess.  On the other hand, Mary sat at Jesus feet and listened to His Word.  I must confess that I act more like Martha than I do Mary.  I like to be busy.  I am geared for activity.  Yet, if I am to walk with God, there is a need to get alone with Him and spend quality time with Him.  That is the key to walking with God.

Have you ever had leftovers at dinner?  Often we think that leftovers are not impressive, simply reheating a previous meal.  We wouldn't think of heating up leftovers when we know in advance that an important visitor would dine with us.  However, we often have no problem giving God the leftovers of our lives.  We offer Him leftover time, leftover effort, leftover money, and leftover affection.  That is a shame.  The One who loves us supremely merely gets our leftovers.

When it comes to our time, God deserves quality & quantity.  Let me explain.  You can offer your kids a large quantity of your time, but if your mind is elsewhere, it isn't quality time.  God deserves a large portion of our time, with our undivided attention.  No leftovers should be offered to Him.

Like Mary, we need to humbly spend time at His feet.  Learn from His Word.  Obey the Spirit.  Enjoy fellowship with Him.  Bask in His love.  Delight in Him.  Adore Him. 

Like Enoch, I want to walk with God.  What about you?

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