"But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." - 2 Peter 3:18

The concept of growth is one that we know very well.  We watch babies grow up to be adults.  We observe a seedling become a plant.  We notice when the grass grows in the yard. 

What about you?  Are you growing?  If you're an adult, physical growth has peaked (unless you are putting on extra pounds!).  It is one thing to grow physically; it is another thing to grow as a person.  Pastor James MacDonald once said, "You're only young once, but you can be immature for life." 

Most people are content with their present state of maturity.  In fact, they have a false belief that they are very mature when they actually have so much more growing to do.  When I thought about the rest of my life, one of the seven things I felt led to emphasize is this:


I must confess that this has been a struggle.  Personal and spiritual growth is not easy to gauge.  Yet here are some things I am learning:

When it comes to growth, I don't think a person ever "arrives" at full maturity.  Instead, growth is a lifelong process.  Those who are serious about growth embrace this process. 

Growth requires hard work.  That is why most people aren't growing.  Instead, they are content with their present status and refuse to push themselves toward a new goal.  Our natural tendency is to take an easy road in life.  Growth requires us to leave our comfort zone and try new things.  Growth is never easy, but the dividends are worth the effort.

A person must discipline himself to take the necessary steps to grow.  The Apostle Peter challenged believers to, "... grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."  Notice that there are two parts to the growth process:  learning and experience.  When we grow in grace, we find that growth occurs through our experiences.  When we grow in knowledge, we find that growth is part of a learning process.  Learning & experience are vital aspects of our personal & spiritual growth.

Only God can bless us with growth.  When we grow, it is an obvious tribute to His grace and mercy.  The Lord expects us to grow in our faith.  He intends for us to grow emotionally and relationally.  As we grow in maturity, it testifies to others that God is actively working in our lives.

As a Christian, you should desire to grow spiritually, personally, emotionally, relationally and professionally.  Don't let your life get stuck in a rut.  Don't be content with superficial results. 

Let me close by giving some practical suggestions.  First, be patient.  Growth can be a slow process.  Secondly, network with growing people.  When you are around growing people, it tends to encourage you in your growth.  Third, don't let fear hinder your growth.  When we focus on the fear of failure, we quit growing.  A growing person experiences failures and sometimes learns more from failures than successes.  Fourth, learn by reading.  Growing people are always reading.  You won't grow spiritually if you refuse to read your Bible.  You won't grow professionally, if you refuse to read magazines, journals and manuals that are written for your trade.  Next, learn from others.  Older people can provide you with a wealth of wisdom if you'll learn from them.  Sometimes I deliberately listen to podcasts and conversations from those I disagree with, so I can understand their perspective.  I sometimes learn from those I disagree with.  Finally, you're never too old to grow.  It should be your goal to continue growing until you leave this world.  You still have room to grow, so keep growing!

The Gospel of Luke gives us insight into the growth of Jesus, stating that He, "... grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him" (Luke 2:40), and "... Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" (Luke 2:52).  Jesus modeled growth for us.

I've known people who quit growing.  It is sad to look at their lives.  Once they were vibrant and excited.  Now they are downcast and apathetic.  Once their lives were abounding with God-honoring fruit, but now they have a life of weeds.  I don't want my life to become like that.

I want to grow to my fullest potential.  What about you? 

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