"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." - Hosea 8:7

We are living in a turbulent world.  The recent act of violence at a Texas church is a reminder that there is no safe place in this world.  In recent years there have been acts of violence at work places, malls, schools and colleges.  The sanctity of the home is not immune from violence.  We are living in a wicked world.

During the last few blog messages, I have addressed the subject of sowing & reaping.  America is certainly reaping what she has sown.  Most would object to this analysis, but I believe it is true.  "Sex education" is taught in schools ... and then we wonder why teenage pregnancy is common.  Sin is celebrated.  Righteousness is ridiculed.  Right is considered wrong & wrong is considered right.  "Political correctness" has replaced common sense.  Somehow, it has become "acceptable" for some to show disrespect to those in authority and even celebrate acts of violence against law enforcement agents. What in the world has happened to our country?

America is reaping what she has sown.  Our careless attitude to God's Word has led to the mess we are in.  Somehow, Americans think they can live in violation to God's law and somehow be immune to the consequences.  God has promised that there would be consequences to sin and we are reaping what we have sown.

What is the cure for America's woes?  In response to this question, we must return to the law of sowing & reaping.  If we want a different harvest, we must sow different seeds. 

It is time we face the truth.  While many celebrate the legalization and propagation of sin, we must honestly admit that this has been our problem.  Pastor James MacDonald often says, "If you choose to sin, you choose to suffer."  When you sow sinful seeds, you'll reap a painful, deadly harvest.  That is the problem with America.

America needs to turn to God.  Rather than embracing sin, we need to embrace the Savior.  Instead of celebrating lawlessness, we need to submit to God's Word. 

It is wrong to expect God's blessings when we deliberately pursue the very things He has specifically condemned.  There is something more sacred than the US Constitution --- and that's the Bible.  The Bible is God's Word.  It is the truth.  America will either live by the truth or she will die. 

America is facing self-destruction.  America has placed herself in jeopardy of God's wrath. 

Repentance is the only way judgment may be avoided.  In Jonah's day, the mega-city, Nineveh, faced God's wrath.  After hearing Jonah's message, the people repented and the city was spared.

It is time for Americans to do the same. 

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...