"Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy." - Hosea 10:12

During the past few weeks, I have been writing about the subject of sowing and reaping.  The Bible says, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  The law of sowing & reaping is active whether a person consciously knows it or not.  There are many who are reaping painful consequences to sinful seeds they have sown --- but it doesn't have to be that way.

It is true that if you sow evil seeds, you will reap a corrupt harvest.  But the opposite is also true.  If you sow good seeds, you will reap a good harvest.  Which describes your life?

God said, "Sow to yourselves in righteousness."  This word was given to Israel.  The people had sinned greatly against God & were reaping a harvest of pain.  Now, God is challenging them to change and begin sowing the right seed.

Notice that God instructed Israel to sow, "... in righteousness."  Righteousness refers to moral perfection.  This is the standard by which men are permitted into heaven.  Here's a major problem.  No one measures up to this standard.  We fall way short of righteousness.  Isaiah accurately pointed out that our righteousness is like filthy rags. 

How then can sinful people become righteous people?  How can we sow in righteousness?  The answer is found in Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ, the righteous, came to earth and died upon a cross.  Through His shed blood upon the cross, forgiveness of sin is guaranteed for those who believe.  When a person repents and believes, the righteousness of Jesus is accounted to their lives.  We are made righteous through the blood of Christ. 

Only through faith in Christ can we become righteous people.  At salvation, we experience real change through the power of God.  Then we live with a different mind-set, a desire to honor God with our words & deeds.  We begin to sow in righteousness.

Israel had strayed far away from God.  Although they had outward religion, they were far from the Lord in reality.  Through the writing of the prophet Hosea, God was calling Israel to renew her faith in Him and begin sowing in righteousness. 

Our nation, like Israel is far from God.  We wonder why our nation is such a mess today.  The answer is found in the fact that our nation is sowing with ungodliness.  We, like Israel, need to repent.  We need to return to God.  We need to seek Him and honor Him.  We need to sow in righteousness.

Finally, God told Israel to "sow to yourself in righteousness, reap in mercy."  Here's a fundamental fact about the law of sowing and reaping.  You tend to reap MORE than you sow.  God promised Israel a harvest of mercy, if they would sow in righteousness.

They needed mercy.  They had sinned greatly before God.  Before we arrogantly judge Israel for her sinfulness, we must look in the mirror and see the same thing.  We need God's mercy ourselves. 

Right now, America stands on the threshold of judgment.  Rather than pleading for justice, let us beg for mercy.  However, we must recognize that mercy is the harvest.  Before our nation can enjoy a desired harvest, our country must sow the right seed.  If we seek mercy, we must first sow in righteousness. 

We have just a limited time to live here on earth.  This is the sowing season for us.  On a personal level, are you sowing in righteousness or are you sowing with selfishness?  Are you sowing good seed or scattering wicked seed?  Are you living for the Lord or for yourself? 

It is time to sow in righteousness!          

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DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...