"The seed is the word of God." - Luke 8:11

What we do today may greatly impact the future.  Our decisions have consequences, some consequences are positive & others are negative.  The Bible states, "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."  For several weeks now, I've been writing about the law of sowing and reaping.  Today I want to focus on the seed that all of us should be sowing.

Jesus often spoke to His disciples, using parables to communicate His message.  One day, He shared a parable about a sower.  In the parable, the sower threw seed to the ground as he walked.  Some seed fell into poor or rocky ground.  However, some seed fell on good ground, which produced a great harvest.

His disciples were intrigued by the parable and asked Jesus to explain it to them.  Jesus explained that, "the seed is the word of God."  The Word of God is good seed.  If that seed is sown in fertile ground, it is guaranteed to produce a harvest. 

It is sad that this seed is neglected.  While many pursue psychology, human achievement and self-help methods, God's Word remains untouched.  Yet it is the only seed that God promises to bless.  

Realizing the value of God's Word, let me challenge you to do two things with this seed:

First of all, sow this seed in your own life.  Invest time in God's Word daily.  Make sure that this seed sinks deep in the soil of your heart.  Read the Word of God every day.  Meditate on God's Word.  Memorize Scripture.  Stand on God's Word.  Furthermore, attend a local church on a regular basis where you will hear the Word taught and preached.

Prepare your heart to receive God's Word.  Set a specific time to meet with the Lord.  Clear your mind of distractions.  Practice daily repentance.  Come before the Lord with clean hands and clean heart.

Treat the message of the Bible as God's Word to you.  Believe His Word.  Trust His Word.   

Secondly, sow this seed in the lives of others.  Others don't need to hear about your denomination's constitution or your church's by-laws.  They need to hear the Gospel.  People need more than stale religion, they need to be exposed to the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. 

Share the Word of God with family members, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances and even strangers.  Use unique means to get the Word to people.  There's nothing that will change a person's life like exposure to the Word of God.

The seed of God's Word impacted your life & can impact the lives of others, too.  Sow this seed regularly, generously and expectantly. 

If you want to see a good harvest, sow the right seed.  God will bless His Word.  Sow it day!

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