"For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." - Psalm 107:9

We are living in a spiritually starved world.  Each day, we meet many hungry souls.  Each soul has a hunger that only God can satisfy.  Unfortunately, most of our society tries to satisfy this hunger in unhealthy ways.  The inner hunger cannot be completely satisfied with education, career advancement or money.  Neither can this hunger be satisfied through sensual pleasure, entertainment or leisurely pursuits.  Only in Christ can we find the bread of life that truly satisfies our soul's deepest hunger.

The Psalmist wrote that God, "... satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness."  Only the Lord can do this.  Too many expect the church to fill their soul.  Others think that religious activity will satisfy their longing.  Yet these things are ploys by the enemy to divert us from the satisfying pleasure of fellowship with God.

As we close out 2017 and begin a new year, it is an excellent time to do an honest evaluation of your spiritual situation.  Have you been pursuing the wrong things in 2017? 

It should be the resolve of every Christian to make communion with God his #1 priority.  Fellowship with God is food for the soul.  As we spend quality time with God, we feast at His table.  His Word becomes alive as we read it.  Prayer becomes a vital, enjoyable activity.  Church becomes more meaningful and pleasurable.  Sharing Jesus with others becomes more natural.  Loving others, even the worst of people, becomes a reality.

Sometimes we tend to pursue the outcome of fellowship rather than fellowship itself.  Jesus is not a means to an end.  His is the end.  He is all in all.  Only when we find our satisfaction in Him can we truly experience abundant life.

Do you have daily time with God?  Is it the top priority of your day?  Does your daily schedule reflect this?  If not, today is a good time to start.

Start with an open Bible, an open mind and an open heart.  Start your day on your knees, seeking God.  Start your day with Him.  Enjoy communion with Him.

When writing to the Colossians, Paul said, "Christ ... is our life" (see Colossians 3:4).  Christ should be more than part of your life.  In fact, He should be more than the biggest part of your life.  He should be your life.

He satisfies the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness.  Rather than eating the unhealthy fast food of the world, it is time to bring your spiritual appetite to the Master's table & feast on the good things of God. 

Feast on the bread of life.  He satisfies the hungry soul.

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Down To The River To Pray

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