"... thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." - Matthew 1:21

When I was younger, my birthday was a big deal.  I expected to receive a large birthday cake, gifts and a lot of attention.  Birthdays aren't a big deal anymore, although I am grateful to still be having them!

Christmas is the day that has been set aside to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Quite honestly, we do not know the exact date of His birth.  Furthermore, the Bible does not instruct us to remember or celebrate His birth --- however, we are commanded to remember His death.

On Christmas day, we give and receive gifts.  Don't you think it is strange that everyone receives a gift on Jesus' birthday ... except Jesus?  Most Americans go into deep financial debt to give gifts to friends & family members, but they won't give a thought to the One having the birthday. 

The fact is that when Jesus came to earth, He came because of us.  You see, His arrival was a gift to us.  The great need of humanity could only be met through the intervention of God.  Jesus came to meet that need.

Our great need was to be saved from our sins.  Talk show hosts, news reporters and commentators would be quick to say that the need of humanity is for world peace, feeding the poor, helping the needy, and bringing relief to suffering.  While these issues are certainly important, there is no greater need that the eternal welfare of souls.  Sin has separated us from God.  Sin is comic treason against Him and is worthy of eternal destruction.  Being sinners, we are unable to span the chasm between God & us.  As long as we are guilty of sin, we face the eternal death penalty that sinners deserve.

Thankfully, Jesus came and did for us what we could never do for ourselves.  We were spiritually bankrupt and unable to contribute anything to our salvation.  Christ came to pay, in full, the payment due for our offense.  He came to save His people from their sins.

On the cross, Jesus paid for our sins.  The price has been paid!  Redemption is complete for every believer.  When a person repents & believers, complete forgiveness is experienced through the blood of Jesus Christ.

Jesus came to earth as God's gift to us.  Those who believe in Him are forgiven.  His grace has saved us.  That saving grace is, in itself, a gift of God (see Ephesians 2:8-9).

Christmas is all about God's gift to us.  As recipients of this glorious gift, we should have hearts of gratitude and love.  Instead of succumbing to the world's temptation to extravagantly give gifts to others, perhaps it is time to reevaluate this holiday.  Perhaps our giving needs to be different.  First of all, we should give to the One who is having the birthday.  Honor Him who willingly came, suffered & died so we could be saved.  Secondly, we should share the message of salvation with others.  We should not be content to go to heaven alone.  The message of Christmas is the message of salvation ... and everyone needs to hear it.  Finally, we should give to those in need --- in the Name of the Lord.  This form of generosity should not be reserved just for Christmas ... but all year round.

God gave a gift to you.  This gift was not placed under a tree, but was nailed to one.  His Name is Jesus.  He came to save His people from their sins. 

Thank God for this incredible gift!

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