"The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."
- Jeremiah 8:20

I have been writing about the law of sowing & reaping for several weeks.  As I conclude this little series, I must examine a heartbreaking text.  Jeremiah wrote, "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."

What a tragic reality ... some will not be saved.  Many modernists refute this reality, but both the Old & New Testaments declare this truth.  How sad it is to know that the harvest is coming soon and many aren't saved.

In this text, the people are likened unto unharvested wheat.  The harvest is over, but wheat still remains.  The unharvested wheat will perish. 

It is horrifying to know that there will come a time when people will become aware that their opportunity to be saved is forever gone.  It is terrifying to realize that there is no hope ahead.  That is the fate awaiting many.

Here's the thing we need to think about.  Unless a miracle occurs, many people we know will soon wake up in hell.  It will be too late for them to be saved.  Others may be alive when Jesus returns & yet for many, they will be left behind to face the consequences of their sin. 

A person cannot be saved too soon, but there come a time it will be too late to be saved.  The harvest is wrapping up and many are going to be left unsaved.  This includes people we know and love.

These days it is considered politically incorrect to speak the truth with boldness.  While we should never be hostile, arrogant or belligerent, we have a vital message to convey & people need to hear it.  We need to risk our reputations and relationships in order to reach those are near to hell.

Quite honestly, I feel like the American Church has missed the mark.  We try to be relevant and likeable, thinking that somehow we can impress people into heaven.  People don't go to heaven by being impressed, they go to heaven by hearing the plain, but bold truth of the Gospel, repenting of their sins and trusting Christ alone for salvation. 

Time is running out.  Many are headed down the broad, beaten road of sin --- headed for an eternal destination they think little about. 

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment.  Think what it would be like to awaken to the fact that the harvest is past & you are not saved.  Scary, isn't it?  That is what your lost friends and family members are facing. 

It is time for us to be about our Father's business.  Instead of worrying about what they think or say now, consider what they are facing later. 

Perhaps someone reading this message is not ready for eternity.  I am convinced that time is running out.  You don't have time to wait & consider this matter.  This time tomorrow, it may be too late for you.  Turn from your sin and trust Jesus to save you right now.  Humbly surrender your life to Him & ask Him to save & forgive you right now. 

The harvest is nearly over and many aren't saved.  Don't be left behind ... forever.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...