Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” - Hebrews 12:1

The writer of the book of Hebrews aptly refers to the Christian life as being a race. We are in a marathon. We are pressing forward, traveling daily toward our home in heaven.

When we come to the end of a year and plan for a new year, we tend to make superficial resolutions. While some of these resolutions have a valid purpose, we tend to lose motivation after the first week or two and eventually return to the rut of living like we had before.

As we enter a new year, I want to challenge myself --- and you. Here is the advice I'm giving to myself. See if these three things don't appeal to you also.

My first piece of advice is to walk with God every day. For many years, I've made it a habit to read from the Bible daily. Sometimes when I speak at another church, I'll ask people in the congregation to raise their hands if they read from the Bible every day during the past week. Few raise their hands. That is a problem. In 2019, spend time with God daily. Read from the Bible every day. Spend time in prayer each day. My suggestion is to start your day with God. This remains the greatest piece of advice for myself and everyone else for the new year. As Hebrews 12:1 indicates, we are in a race. We're on a journey. Don't walk alone. Walk with God daily.

Secondly, travel light. Since we are in a race, it is important to keep our load light. Heavy burdens need to be removed. A load of guilt needs to be rolled away. Forgiveness needs to be given and received. Too many pilgrims are loaded down with unnecessary burdens. Take your burdens to the Lord and let Him lift them from you. Notice in our text that the Bible says, “let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us.” There is a difference between “sin” and a “weight.” While sin certainly weighs us down, there are other things that may not necessarily be sinful, but still weigh us down. Examine your life. There may be things that are hindering your spiritual progress. An athlete will wear light clothing when he runs. Spiritually, we should do the same. Travel light.

Finally, keep moving along. As our text indicates, we are in a race. Keep pressing forward. It is tempting to quit at times. Some, for instance, quit going to church. Others have quit serving. Some have quit giving. This is not a time for quitting. If you have quit, it is time to get back at work. Return to church. Start serving again. Keep moving. I must confess that, physically, I need to get more active in the year to come. Spiritually, we should all be active. We have been created to do “good works,” (see Ephesians 2:10). I am reminded of an old Stamps-Baxter song that simply said, “Keep moving along the Gospel way.” That is good advice for the new year.

I am not promising that 2019 will be a fun year. It may be … then again, it may not be. I am not a prophet. I do believe that we are closer to the finish line than ever before. As we near the end, let us finish well. Each day, walk with God, travel light and keep moving forward.

That's my advice for the new year.


For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”
- Luke 2:11

It is strange how far things go astray in our culture. For many years, December 25th has been set aside as a time to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. In the later part of the 20th century, the fictitious character of Santa Claus was created as a focal point of the holiday. Slowly, the emphasis of Christmas shifted from Jesus to this fictional character. Furthermore, Christmas has become a time for retailers to make a lot of money from well-meaning consumers. Each Christmas, Americans spend an enormous amount of money purchasing Christmas gifts for family members and friends.

Here's my question: haven't we missed the point? Everyone gets a Christmas gift at Christmas except for the One who is having the birthday. While it is not wrong to give gifts to those you love, shouldn't we be dedicating Christmas to the birthday of Jesus? If giving to loved ones is so important, why are we only giving gifts once every year?

It is easy to say that we are keeping Christ in Christmas, but are we really doing that? American Christians tend to treat Christmas like the unbelievers do. Sadly, many professing believers go deeply in debt to purchase gifts for everyone EXCEPT the One whose birthday we are supposed to be observing.

In all honesty, we do not know that Jesus was born on December 25th. Whether or not He was born on that exact date, we do know that His birth was a major event. When Jesus was born, hope was provided to sinful mankind.

The birth of Jesus was treated as a holy event. Angels proclaimed His arrival. Shepherds came to behold the newborn. Later, wise men would arrive, giving Him gifts. Yes, gifts were given … to Jesus.

It is time for all Christians to sit back and evaluate our approach to Christmas. I know it may seem extreme, but shouldn't we be focused on the Son of God instead of contributing to the pagan rituals that have taken over Christmas?

Here are just a few suggestions to consider:

When the wise men saw the baby Jesus, they knelt before Him and worshiped. Shouldn't we do the same? If your local church has services on Christmas Day, take your family to church and worship the King. If your church does not have services, spend time worshiping Him in your own home.

Instead of reading “The Night Before Christmas,” to your kids, read the Biblical account of Jesus' birth. Share the truth with your family instead of fiction. Expose your children and grandchildren to the reason for this season.

During the Christmas season, focus on giving to the needy in Jesus' Name. Traditionally, people give only to family members at Christmas. Be different. Give of your time, talents and treasures to those in need. Learn from the ministry of Jesus and serve those who can't repay you.

I know this may sound like an attempt to sound modest, but I just want to be honest with you. Receiving Christmas gifts is no longer a big deal for me. I have already received the greatest Christmas gift of all --- Jesus, my Lord. His birth was a gift to me. His life was a gift. His death upon the cross paid for my salvation. His resurrection guarantees that my sin debt is paid in full. What can be a greater gift than Jesus?

If you want to share something wonderful with your family on Christmas, share Jesus with them.

Sadly, Christ is no longer welcome as people “celebrate” on Christmas. Americans have taken Christ out of Christmas. How foolish!

Christmas is a holy day, not a holiday.


It is more blessed to give than to receive.” - Acts 20:35

The holiday season is a time for giving. Television and radio commercials target consumers with gift-giving ideas. Mail boxes are filled with unsolicited mail from mail-order businesses, enticing us to purchase from them. Then there are non-profit organizations that concentrate on fund raising during this season of giving.

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give then to receive.” Ironically, this verse is not recorded in the four Gospels, but quoted by Paul in the book of Acts. We tend to quote this verse, especially at this time of year. But do you know that giving is not meant to be a once-a-year event? As Christians, we are called to be generous people.

Sadly, some of the stingiest people on earth are professing Christians. We claim to be recipients of grace, but tend to show so little grace to others. God has lavishly poured out His grace upon us. He has been, and continues to be, very generous with us. Why, then, aren't we more generous? If there is one group of people on earth that is generous, it should be Christians. But instead, Christians give the very least required, whether at church or a tip at a restaurant. We need to be generous people. The holidays are a good time to be generous, but why should it be the only time?

Let me make something perfectly clear. Generosity has less to do with money than it does your heart. You don't have to have money to be generous, you just need to have a generous heart. When the widow cast her two mites into the treasury, Jesus commended her generosity. Two mites probably didn't seem like much to the disciples, but Jesus knew that she was giving all she had. Jesus knew she was a generous woman.

Generosity comes from a loving, grateful heart. Stinginess is a reflection of an uncaring, ungrateful heart. Which really describes you?

Many try manipulation tactics to motivate people to give. I am strongly opposed to manipulation, either by a pastor or TV “minister.” Furthermore, a Christian shouldn't need to be motivated externally, he should have an internal motivation to give.

Generosity covers a broader area than just money. Generosity includes giving yourself to others. When Peter and John were going to the temple at the hour of prayer, they encountered a lame man who was begging for a financial gift. Peter looked at the man and said, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” The lame man was seeking money but ended up receiving more than money could buy, all because of two generous Christians.

Our Lord modeled generosity to us. Paul wrote, “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” Jesus gave freely of His time for the needy around Him. He washed His disciples feet as a servant would. He gave His life freely for us upon the cross --- the ultimate gift of all.

Now we are called to emulate our Lord. We should be generous people, caring for those around us in a very tangible way. John wrote, “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”

We should be generous people, simply because of love and gratitude. But there is a promise from our Lord, “It is more blessed to give then to receive.” We are blessed ourselves when we bless others through our generosity. Sometimes that blessing comes to us here on earth. Also, I believe there are blessings awaiting us in heaven because of our giving.

Whether you are giving of your time, talents or treasures, it is more blessed to give than to receive. Live with a loving heart and open hands. If your hands are open to give to others, they are also open to receive from the Lord.

We are stewards of the items God has entrusted us with. Invest your life in the things that matter most. Don't be selfish and try to hoard everything for your private, selfish pleasure. A water supply must be kept fresh so that it will be fit to drink. In order for a water supply to be kept fresh, water must be used and then replaced with fresh, clean, treated water on a regular basis. The same is true of our lives. If we wish to live fresh, revived lives, we must give of what we have so that we may be replenished.

It is more blessed to give than to receive.


Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” - Luke 5:4

When Simon was instructed to “launch out into the deep,” it seemed like a ridiculous command. He had fished unsuccessfully all night. The Lord's command seemed to be foolish. Yet Simon responded, “nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” We should have as much sense as Simon. When the Lord gives a command, it is our job to obey. It is His job to supply the need. Simon obeyed Jesus and had an abundance of fish to show for it.

Far too often, we tend to quit when times get tough. When results don't measure up to expectations, we tend to get discouraged quickly.  Too many Christians are floating around in the shallows. Others have hung up their nets. It is time for all believers to get the nets in the water and launch out into the deep.

Leaving the safety of shallow waters is unnerving at times. When we have little or no fish to show for a long time of fishing, the deep waters can be intimidating. However, most fish are in the deep waters.

It is wrong to expect your nets to be full if you simply float along in the shallow water. Yet that is the condition of most Christians. Empty nets bring discouragement.

Simon fished for a living. He was a professional. He would have been considered an expert. Yet even an expert needs the Lord. Jesus knows more about your occupation than you do. He is omniscient. He knows how to fill your nets.

It all begins with His Word. Simon said, “nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.” We tend to heed the advice of society, philosophers, and self-help gurus rather than simply obeying God's Word. Whether God's Word seems practical or feasible is not the issue. It is our job to believe His Word and obey it. God will take care of the rest.

Going deeper requires three things.

First of all, it requires a matter of truth. We will either go deep in the truth or hang up our nets. Jesus said to the Father, “thy word is truth.” We go deeper when we quit following the world and start obeying the Word. It is time we get serious about the Bible. It is time we believe God's Word completely and obey His Word explicitly. Obeying God's Word will require us to leave the safety of shallow waters.

Secondly, it requires a matter of trust. When the Lord says to launch out into the deep, we should trust Him enough to do what He says. It is easy to tell an unbeliever to trust the Lord, but do we trust Him ourselves? Do we trust Him enough to obey Him, even when it is difficult or uncomfortable to do so?

Finally, it requires a matter of time. Simon had quit fishing. He was washing his nets. Yet when Jesus told him to launch into the deep, the washing job was over. It was time to get the nets back in place and get to work. Time is a precious commodity. Walking with God requires time. Most Christians have their schedule so full that there is no time for Jesus. What a tragedy! Simon took time to hear and heed the Master. If your schedule is too full for spiritual devotions, your schedule is too full. Clean out room in your schedule for Jesus. If you don't, you'll soon find yourself either aimlessly floating in the shallows or cleaning your nets.

We have too many shallow Christians these days. Even worse, we have some who feel like quitting. They are cleaning their nets, thinking that it is all in vain.

Perhaps our problem has been that we've been fishing on our own. We've been living and working according to our plans, rather than seeking the Lord's will. Maybe we've been laboring in our own strength, rather than His. Regardless of the case, get the nets back in service. Set sail once again. Leave the shallows and launch out in the waters according to the Word of the Lord.

It is time that we go deeper.


"But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” - Matthew 9:36

On more than occasion, the Bible states that Jesus was moved with compassion. Jesus was moved with compassion as He saw multitudes who needed spiritual leadership. On another occasion, He had compassion as saw great human suffering and healed the sick. Yet again, He was moved with compassion for just one man as He healed a leper.

What has happened to the Church's compassion? When was the last time you were moved with compassion? If we claim to be Christians, shouldn't we be growing more and more like Him? These days, professing Christians would rather argue over political views rather than minister to others. 

The greatest commandment is to love God, and the second greatest commandment is to love others as yourself. Let me say candidly that American Christians are failing miserably at both.

I am convinced that if Jesus were walking the streets of America, He wouldn't waste His time by going to Capitol Hill or Wall Street. I am convinced He would minister among the homeless, children's hospitals and the local mission hall. During His earthly ministry, Jesus had a heart for people, especially those that society had rejected. Society shunned the lepers, but Jesus ministered to them. Society was heartless toward the disabled, but Jesus healed them. Society rejected those who had publicly sinned, but Jesus offered grace and mercy to repentant souls.

As we get closer to Christmas, Americans tend to focus on giving, but is our giving really where it needs to be? Are we simply giving gifts to family members who have little need, while overlooking the desperate need of hurting souls around us?

Once Jesus told a story about a man who was traveling to Jericho. While He was traveling, he was robbed, beaten and left for dead. In Jesus' story, religious leaders passed by this suffering man. They saw his anguish. They witnessed his plight. They knew his condition. Yet in spite of all of this, they chose to pass him by. Perhaps they felt their schedule was too full. Maybe they judged the situation and wrongly assumed the man had received what he deserved. More than likely, they didn't want to get their hands dirty and commit to helping the man. Does that sound like you?

As Jesus continued the story, He said that a Samaritan came and saw the man. The Samaritan had compassion on the suffering man. He reached out to this victim, treated his wounds and brought him to a nearby hotel where he could get better. The Samaritan paid for the man's room. Keep in mind that when Jesus told this story, his listeners despised Samaritans. No doubt they respect for a Levite and a priest, but in Jesus' story, these men did not show any mercy.

The message of the story is clear. It isn't a religious title or position that matters. How you treat people really matters, especially those who are suffering.

We are living in a hurting world. People don't need to know our political views. They need the Gospel message that we know so well. Furthermore, many of them need our mercy and compassion. We tend to be too judgmental and cold towards those who are suffering. Perhaps they've made bad choices. Maybe they've failed miserably. It could be they have done evil things.  Keep in mind that Jesus had compassion on you … and you weren't deserving. You had failed. You had sinned personally against Him. You had mistreated Him. Yet He saw you suffering and had compassion on You. He saved you. He changed you. Since you have been a recipient of such amazing grace, He challenges you to be an agent of His grace each day.

It is time that we ask God for vision. Ask Him to give us eyes to see things as He sees them. Ask Him to give us a heart for the things He cares most about. I believe if we saw people as He sees them, we wouldn't label them as Democrats or Republicans. We wouldn't view them as worthy or unworthy. Instead, we'd see these people as precious souls, in desperate need of Jesus and His love.

We need to be moved with compassion ourselves.

And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him. And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.” - Mark 5:24-27

Interruptions can be annoying at times. Interruptions have a way of interfering with our plans. When we have highly structured schedules, an interruption can be very frustrating. Interruptions can come in a variety of ways. Unexpected automotive problems, a knock on the door, a medical emergency, a phone call at the worst possible time --- these are among the interruptions that often come along.

Have you ever considered interruptions to be a blessing? The fact is that interruptions often turn out to be divine appointments that we are unaware of. God's opportunities often come in the form of interruptions.

Think about the life of Jesus. His ministry was often filled with interruptions. In Mark chapter 5, Jesus was on His way to perform one miracle when a woman, with an issue of blood, touched the hem of His garment. In another situation, Jesus was teaching in a house when the message was interrupted as men tore open the roof and let down a man on a mat, believing that Jesus would heal him. Interruptions were ministry moments for Jesus.

I have to admit that I used to see interruptions as a frustrating aspect of my day. Recently, I've changed my mind. You see, our frustrations with interruptions often reveal how consumed we are with our plans ... and totally oblivious to God's plans. It isn't important that my goals are accomplished. It is important that God's will is done.

Interruptions are meant to divert our attention from our selfish ambition and focus on the people around us who are hurting and in need. It is possible to be so consumed with myself that I fail to see the tremendous needs of those God has placed near me.

It is impossible to live a life of ease and comfort if you are serious about God using you. Ministry is never done according to my pre-planned schedule.

The next time an interruption occurs, we need to pause and think. This may be a God-ordained moment. A display of kindness, a word of encouragement, a moment to stop and pray for a person --- these seemingly small things may be used of the Lord in a great way.

Sometimes the greatest blessings of life don't come in a church service. They often come during the daily grind of life when we stop and help others in Jesus' Name.

The Lord interrupts our lives so that He may use us to bless others.


In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:18

This coming Thursday, we'll be celebrating Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. For most, it is a time for family, food and fun. Yet the holiday has a deeper meaning than this. The Thanksgiving holiday is a reminder that we have much to be grateful for. For the Christian, giving thanks is a daily event, not an annual observance.

The Bible has much to say about giving thanks. When Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, he said, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” While most of us would agree that it is God's will for us to give thanks, there are three words that make this command very challenging: "In every thing..."

Most of us have no problem giving thanks when we receive an answer to prayer. It is not difficult to be grateful when we receive good news. We don't consider it a difficult matter to express gratitude when we receive God's blessings. But Paul wrote, "In every thing give thanks." Let's be honest, there are times that giving thanks is more difficult than others. When the doctor gives you a terminal diagnosis, it is tough to give thanks. When a policeman knocks on your door and gives you devastating news, it is hard to be grateful. Yet the Bible instructs us, "In every thing give thanks."

How can we be grateful at all times? How can we give thanks "in every thing"? When everything is going wrong, how can we praise God? Let me give you three things we can always be grateful for.

Your circumstances may not be great, but God is. Your medical prognosis may not be good, but the Lord is good. God is good whether your situation seems good or not. He can be trusted with our challenges, problems and uncertain future. Isn't it good to know that your future is in the hands of Someone good? Yes, bad things happen in life. It rains on the just and the unjust. Life on earth is marred by sin, so don't be shocked when problems or pain comes in your life. The problems of this sin-cursed world are a reflection of man's rebellion. God is good all the time. Be grateful for that.

Regardless of what you're going through, you can be thankful for the grace of God. Because of God's grace, you are His child. The old hymn writer, John Newton, aptly wrote, "'Twas grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home." Every blessing you have enjoyed is a gift to you from a loving Father. Even if all your blessings came to an end today, you've already received far more blessings than you can repay Him for. You didn't deserve a single blessing, yet God, in His grace, has blessed you abundantly. Has a loved one passed away? Be grateful for the time you did have with him and thank God for the promise of the resurrection. Loose a portion of your health? Be thankful for the health you've had in the past and the degree of health you now have. All good and perfect gifts come from the Father. They are tokens of His love and grace. Be thankful for God's unmerited favor.

Finally, be thankful that God is in control. Your future is not in the hands of "fate," but a great and loving God. The God we serve is perfect in all His ways. Meditate on the glory of the Lord and you'll be blown away. We are not servants of sin, but servants of the most high God. He takes great delight in making His glory known. In fact, you are here on earth to express praise to Him. You were created to glorify the Lord. The Lord is glorified through the obedience of His children. When His presence is noticed in the life of a believer, it brings great pleasure to Him. Sometimes in our valleys, He works deeply in our lives, making us the people we ought to be. It is the trials of life that make us strong. The problems and pain of life keep us humble and prayerful. We find ourselves spending more time with Him as we face the challenges of life. Just as the melting fire melts away dross from a precious stone, the melting fire of affliction often melts away the sinful, selfish dross from our lives. God's glory, not our comfort, is the aim of this life. We are here to glorify the Lord, not build large bank accounts. Paul wrote, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;”

The horrible events of life remind us that we live in a sin-infested world. Such heartbreaking events also remind us that we are citizens of another country --- a better country. When we get to heaven, the trials of this life will make better sense. Until then, we can trust God with anything we face. And for that, we give Him thanks.


For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.” - Romans 10:2

Why are so many young people dropping out of church? Some would argue that they need more entertainment to keep their attention. Others believe that churches need to have a better transition ministry, helping these young people move into adult-oriented worship. Some even believe that the drop-out rate is inevitable and is a natural occurrence.

I really believe that so many young people only have a second-hand religion. They identify with the religion of parents, grandparents or close friends. They are emotionally impacted by the spiritual transformation they witness around them. Young people are easily influenced by the faith of those they respect the most. Here's the problem: many of these young people never have a personal, life-changing encounter with God themselves. Thus, when they get to an age when they start dating, church is no longer important to them. When they get to college, the influence of parents and grandparents diminishes a great deal and the influence of professors, textbooks and college-life impacts them more. It isn't an issue of losing salvation, it is a revelation that they never had a real salvation to begin with. They were simply going through life hanging on to the spiritual coattails of family. They only had a second-hand religion.

Many adults are in the same boat. A husband experiences a life-changing encounter with Jesus and the wife joins the church with him, even though she has not had the same salvation experience. A person can be swept away with emotion or caught up in a moment of excitement, making a public commitment, but never repenting of sin or trusting in the Savior. They have a second-hand religion.

Churches are hurting across America because of this dilemma. Many have made outward religious professions without a first-hand, life-changing moment with Jesus Christ. So many are deceived and hell-bound who call themselves Christians, yet only have a second-hand religion.

Paul instructed the Corinthians to examine themselves, challenging them to be positive that their faith is genuine. I believe that second-hand faith is the reason for so-called “backsliding,” and apostasy. That is why you find atheists who were once church members and some in the deepest forms of depravity who once were in ministry. They only had a second-hand faith.

It is a concern for parents or Sunday School teachers when they share the Gospel with children. While it is certainly possible for a child to get saved, far too many simply make a profession of faith that is not anchored in Christ, but a second-hand faith.

It is time for us to examine our own faith. Do I have a second-hand faith or have I been truly born again? Does my life manifest God-honoring fruit, or is my life just an outward show of religion? Do I really believe the Bible, or have I simply been brought up to acknowledge the truth of Scripture? These are questions we need to answer ourselves.

The fact is that a second-hand religion is as about as useless as false religion or no religion. Don't settle for counterfeits. A first-hand salvation can only come through a first-hand encounter with Jesus Christ. That kind of salvation bears fruit and perseveres.

Do you have a second-hand religion or the real thing?

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” - Psalm 34:19

We tend to think that the word “affliction,” refers to physical pain. While physical pain is an affliction, the word, “affliction,” is defined by Merriam-Webster as something that causes pain or distress. defines affliction as a state of pain, distress, or grief; misery.

I used to hear old-timers pray for “the sick and the afflicted,” noting that there is a difference in the two. While sickness is an affliction, the word “affliction,” covers a broader area that would include anything that we'd consider a burden or problem.

In Psalm 34:19, the writer penned these words, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” In this verse, the psalmist specifically addressed the issue of afflictions. While his words are sobering, they also contain a powerful promise to those who are struggling with afflictions.

First of all, there is the sobering news: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous.” We are tempted to think that afflictions are for the disobedient or indifferent. Not so. The psalmist wrote, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous” (emphasis added). This verse teaches us that God's people will suffer trials, heartaches and pain. None of us are immune to afflictions.

Furthermore, the psalmist wrote, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous” (emphasis added). The righteous will suffer many afflictions. We have not been promised a life free to pain or problems. Many afflictions will come as we travel through life. Afflictions are not necessarily a reflection of a deficient faith. In fact, afflictions may come to try your faith.

Secondly, there is a promise, "... the LORD delivereth him out of them all." Afflictions may come to the child of God, but God is still in control. Our afflictions seem overwhelming to us, but it is comforting to know that God is greater than all our afflictions combined. We find hope in the promise that God delivers His people out of their afflictions.

Notice that the promise is that "the LORD delivered him out of them all" (emphasis added). Deliverance is promised for ALL of our afflictions.

Yet there are a few things we need to understand. First, God does not promise when deliverance will come. In our face-paced society, we like immediate results. When we pray for deliverance, it may not come within the timeline we desire. Yet deliverance WILL come.

Secondly, God does not promise how deliverance will come. Deliverance may come in a dynamic, miraculous way. Then again, He may choose to deliver us through the means of death. Regardless of how it comes, deliverance will come.

It is encouraging to know that our afflictions are temporary. Soon our afflictions will give way to glory. When we get to heaven, afflictions will be a thing of the past. In the meanwhile, we endure afflictions by the grace of God for the glory of God. Soon our trials will end and all will be bliss.

While the afflictions of the righteous are many, we rejoice that the Lord delivers us out of them all.

And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take.” - Mark 15:24

As we read the crucifixion story in the Gospels, we tend to overlook the verse above. The soldiers cast lots for Jesus' garments. In essence, they had a form of lottery going on, with the “winners” taking home part of Jesus' garments. How sad that soldiers would gamble for Jesus' clothing with no concern for the One who was dying on the cross. Their careless, calloused attitude reflected the spiritual mood of the day. They were playing games at the foot of the cross. Instead, they should have been worshiping the One who was dying for their sins.

Sadly, many in churches today are playing games at the foot of the cross. In spite of the proclamation of the Gospel, many “believers” act indifferent to the Lord and His sacrifice upon the cross. While public worship and communion are occurring in churches, many have their minds elsewhere. Others are “going through the motions,” merely pretending to be serious about spiritual matters. In America, we are experts at playing church. We are playing games at the foot of the cross.

While many souls are perishing, many are playing church. Like the soldiers who gambled for Jesus' clothing, we are sinning greatly at the very feet of the One who is holy. We know two things about the soldiers … and they are true of American Christians today.

First, the soldiers were treating casual things sacredly. They were treating the garments of Jesus as souvenirs. Perhaps they thought of treating His clothes like a trophy of Roman dominance. While some would consider His clothes to be sacred, it is the One who wore them that was really holy.

These days, Americans are like the Roman soldiers. We treat casual things as if they're holy. Many will travel for hours just to sit in a cold stadium, scream and yell for a football team for four hours. Others act like hunting and fishing are holy events. Some ladies treat a sale at the mall like a sacred event not to be missed. Even at church, Americans treat casual things like they're holy. Many will fuss and fume over the color of carpet being purchased. Others will complain because the sanctuary temperature is 2 degrees cooler than they think is comfortable.

Yes, like the Roman soldiers, we are treating casual things sacredly. We are playing games at the foot of the cross.

Worst of all, the Roman soldiers were treating sacred things casually. Jesus Christ, the holy One, was hanging on a cross. They ignored Him as they gambled for His clothes. Which is more valuable, the clothes of Jesus or Jesus Himself? The answer is obvious.

Here in America, we are guilty of treating sacred things very casually. For many, church attendance is optional. Participation in worship is a chore to be endured rather than a holy expression of praise. The commandments of God are ignored. Like the church at Laodicea, the American church seems proud of her riches. Many boast about their buildings and budgets. We tend to worship the church building rather than the Savior. We are proud of our music instead of exalting the Master. We boast about exciting programs rather than praising Jesus. We seek to be “cool” and “relevant” instead of being faithful to the Lord and His Word. Too many pastors want to be seen and noticed rather than putting the spotlight only on Jesus. The Lord was right when He said, “This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.” We are treating serious things far too casually. We are playing games at the foot of the cross.

We need to have an awe and wonder about the cross once more. We need to seriously consider what Jesus did for us about the cross. The cross is not a place for games, but a place for repentance. The cross is not a place for casting lots, but for worship and gratitude. It is time for us to cherish the old rugged cross once more. Even more important, it is vital that we love the One who died on that cross for us --- remembering that He is no longer on the cross. He is alive. He will soon return.

It is time we quit playing games at the foot of the cross. Instead, we need to kneel at the cross.


Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.” - Psalm 119:140

Recently, I retired my old Bible. It really wasn't all that old, but it was coming apart a little bit. I ordered it from Christian Book Distributors back in 2011 and received it in the mail on Christmas Eve of that year. Until recently, it was my main Bible. I used it while preaching, teaching and conducting funerals.

What I really liked about my old Bible was its large print. It was advertised as jumbo print. As I get older, I enjoy that larger print. The binding is genuine leather, which does not show signs of wear and tear like bonded leather.

The pages began to come apart from the binding on both ends recently. I still think it could still be used for a while. Then I came across a sale on the exact same Bible and decided to buy it.

Changing Bibles is not easy --- even though my new Bible is exactly the same as the old Bible. My old Bible was marked, underlined and had notes that I had written in it.

This transition made me remember old Bibles through the years. My very first Bible was a very cheap Bible that my parents gave me when I was very young. When I began to read it, it quickly fell apart. Then my parents spent their hard earned money (which they hadn't much of) and bought me a leather edition of the Scofield Study Bible. Wow, what a Bible! I wore that Bible out. Literally. Sections of the Gospel of John were falling out by the time I finished with it. I tried to replace it, but could find one that was exactly like it. I loved that Bible.

Since then I've had several Bibles. Most of them weren't noteworthy. Like many others, I got fascinated with study Bibles and bought a few. I just never found one that I wanted to stay with --- until I found the Bible I just retired. I'm glad my new one is exactly the same. It is not a study Bible. It is just a regular Bible with jumbo print. Even though the print is very large, the Bible itself does not have large dimensions. It is easy to carry around and use.

What about you? Do you have a Bible that you enjoy using? Do you recall some special Bibles you've had through the years?

Sadly, publishers try to produce new Bibles in an effort to stimulate sales. I'm hooked on large print and I want to stay that way. No, my eyesight isn't gone, I just don't think it is necessary to strain my eyes when I read the Word, especially if it is available in large print.

Charles Spurgeon once said, “A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't.” I fear that there aren't enough well-worn Bibles these days. While it is okay to read the Bible from a portable device like an Iphone or Kindle I still think that the book form is best. I love to see people take their Bibles to church. As a pastor, I enjoy hearing the pages turn as I announce my text on Sundays.

I want to encourage you to get a good Bible with easy-to-read print --- and read it! The most important thing is to know the Author. If you fall in love with the living Word, you'll love the written Word. “But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.”

Most books are written to inform or entertain. The Bible was written to transform your life. Read it. Believe it. Obey it.

Dig deep into God's Word and let it dig deep in you.


And Peter went out, and wept bitterly.” - Luke 22:62

I have a problem. There is someone I have trouble with. This person has caused me so much difficulty through the years. This person has gotten me into trouble time and time again. My problems with this person is not an occasional disagreement, but a daily battle. I am, of course, referring to myself. Yes, I am my own worst enemy. My enemy is the man I see in the mirror every day.

I wished I could say that my inner battle has decreased through the years, but that is not the case. I battle my sinful flesh every day. When I walk in the Spirit, I enjoy victory. At other times the flesh is victorious.

When I walk in the flesh, I can be unkind to people. When my sinful flesh is in control, my attitude is a problem. Let me just cut to the chase: when I walk in the flesh, I am impatient, proud and selfish.

Someone may argue that I am being too hard on myself, but, apart from God, I know myself better than anyone. Like it or not, in your flesh, you're not much better either.

I find great comfort in knowing that the Apostle Peter was a man who struggled as well. Peter let his mouth get him into trouble. In fact, I've often said that Peter opened his mouth often enough to change which foot went in.

While Peter probably meant well, he was very impulsive and careless. He didn't really consider the gravity of a situation until it was too late.

The man I see in the mirror needs a lot of work. Do you feel the same way about yourself?

The fact is that my sinful flesh will not improve one bit. Self-help books, self-improvement lectures and positive thinking won't eradicate the deeds of the flesh. Some think that Christian growth will improve the flesh. That simply isn't so.

We need to face the fact that we'll struggle with our flesh all the way to the grave. However, that does not mean that we have to be slaves to our flesh.

Here are a few things to ponder.

It is important to practice daily repentance. Stay clean before God. Specific, regular confession of sin is vital to victorious living. Don't take sin lightly. Be brutally honest with God and yourself concerning personal sin. It is easy to spot sin in someone else's life, but recognizing your own sin is often more difficult. The only way to deal with sin is to honestly bring it to God and have Him deal with it.

Secondly, there is a need to die to self. Paul wrote that we are to put to death the deeds of the flesh through the power of the Spirit. We need to be merciless about our own sin and our sinful flesh. Billy Sunday said, "One reason that sin flourishes is that it is treated like a cream puff instead of a rattlesnake." We should treat sin like a rattlesnake. If a rattlesnake were in your home, you wouldn't go to bed until it was found and destroyed. Treat sin the same way. Paul wrote that Christians should offer themselves as sacrifices to God. A sacrifice to God is to be slain. A dead person makes little trouble. A dead man doesn't get into an argument. A dead person is not vain. Dying to self requires unconditional surrender to Jesus. It is a consistent yielding to His Lordship. It is refusal to be selfish or conceited. Dying to self requires that we give up all that we feel entitled to. We give up all we have to Him. We simply live obediently to His Word thereafter. Paul wrote that he died daily. We must die to self daily!

Paul wrote that if we walk in the flesh, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. You can't be full of yourself and full of the Spirit at the same time. God will only fill a clean, empty vessel. We need to practice daily repentance so we stay clean before God. We need to be emptied of selfishness as we die to self. A clean, empty vessel is one that God will fill. The Bible instructs us to be filled with the Spirit. That particular Scripture tends to indicate that we need to be continuously filled. You see, we tend to leak. Without vigilance, the flesh crawls off the altar and tries to take control. It is a constant battle. Being filled with the Spirit is a day-by-day, moment-by-moment occurrence. Without spiritual diligence, we find ourselves walking in the flesh instead of walking in the Spirit.

Yes, the man in the mirror has been a problem for me. I struggle greatly with this guy. I'm glad that the answer for the man in the mirror is the Man in the middle --- the One who died on the middle cross of Calvary. Just as Christ made me new within at conversion, soon He will change the outer man --- and free me from the sin nature that hinders me so.

Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the LORD; Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!” - Ezekiel 13:1-3

I don't like to be quoted for saying something I didn't say. You don't either. It is time for well-meaning Christians to quit quoting God for saying things He didn't say. Ezekiel was commanded to speak to the false prophets of his day. He was commanded to say, “Thus said the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!”

I hear too many Christians saying, “The Lord told me...” If you are saying that the Lord told you something, it had better come from the Bible. Adrian Rogers once said that once you allow extra-Biblical revelation, the next step is anti-Biblical revelation. We have arrived at this point in America.

There are many who call themselves prophets, but their “prophecies” are often vague and nebulous. Their “prophecies” are so vague that just about anything would be considered a fulfillment of “prophecy.” In the Bible, prophecies were specific. If a prophecy was proven to be false, the prophet was considered false and was subject to execution. You see, God doesn't like to be quoted for something He didn't say.

Many claim that the strict standard for prophets were only for Old Testament times. But why should we think that God is okay with people quoting Him today when He didn't speak?

We have a sure word of prophecy. It is called the Bible. The Bible is sufficient for life and godliness. Too many are looking for mystical experiences instead of reading, believing and obeying the Bible they have.

If you want a genuine experience with God, then take Him at His Word and obey Him explicitly. If we spent our time our time reading and obeying our Bibles, we wouldn't have time or need to look elsewhere for an “experience.”

God holds us responsible for the Word He has already revealed to us. How are you doing with His Word? We should treat God's Word with fear and trembling. Most Christians do not have a proper fear of God. A healthy fear of God would cause us to respect the Word He has already given and be cautious of extra-biblical revelation.

The Lord has spoken to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. His message has been captured clearly in the Bible. If you say, “the Lord told me...” it needs to come from the Bible. It isn't your dream or vision that others need to know. They need the clear message for the Bible. The devil can easily influence your dreams and visions. He can easily persuade you that an emotional feeling is the voice of God. I certainly don't trust my feelings or dreams and you shouldn't either --- but I do trust the Bible.

Read the Bible. Believe the Bible. Obey the Bible. Spread the message of the Bible. The Bible is the clear, concise Word of God. Don't settle for anything else.

Holy Habits

HOLY HABITS “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7 We are creatures ...