Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” - Matthew 7:12

What has ever happened to civility in our land? Common sense is no longer common. Anger, hostility and lawlessness prevail throughout our land. Even in our government, we are witnessing despicable actions by those who should be leading us. Sadly, even Christians are guilty of acting in such disgraceful ways, treating each other with scorn and ridicule when they disagree of minor issues.

I think it is time for all Americans, from the White House down to every house, to get back to practicing the Golden Rule. Jesus said, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” When I was growing up, school teachers rephrased this as, "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." We need to get back to living by the Golden Rule.

I think this includes several basic things:

We may disagree on politics, but we can agree to respect each other. Christians may have differing views on non-essential points of doctrine, but we should still treat each other with respect. I was brought up to respect my parents, peers and those in authority. I was taught to respect the flag and what it represents. I grew up respecting the church and the spiritual beliefs of others. These days, showing respect is seen as a weakness. However, if you wish for others to respect you, then you should respect them. I know there are things I don't respect. I don't respect those who are dishonest. I don't respect those who are wicked. I don't respect those who harm others. However, there are many people I can respect. If we practice the Golden Rule, we will treat others with respect.

It doesn't cost any extra to be kind to someone. The late Country artist Glen Campbell had a hit in the 1970's called, "Try A Little Kindness." Many need to practice the message of that song today. We can be kind to others, even if we disagree with them. We want others to be kind to us, don't we? Name-calling, verbal abuse and other forms of personal attacks are childish. It is time that people grow up and act like adults. In football, a player (or coach) is harshly penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct. Quite honestly, I still like to see a player lend a helping help to an opponent on the football field. Why don't we do this in real life? When we practice the Golden Rule, we treat others with kindness.

It is rare to find those who treat others fairly. These days, the distinction between right or wrong is based upon civil law rather than a code of ethics. A person can be unethical and yet remain within the boundaries of the law. God expects better of us than merely staying within the limits of the law. He wants us to live honesty. He expects us to treat others right. "Victory at all costs," has become the motto of modern day politics, but it is a deadly concept that is infecting our entire nation. You don't like to be mistreated, do you? Then treat others fairly yourself.

People will do you wrong and even hurt you from time to time. Sometimes the offense is innocent and at other times it is deliberate. At such times, it is easy to get angry and seek revenge. There are professing Christians who refuse to forgive others. It is amazing that we want God to be merciful and forgiving to us, yet we want Him to be harsh and condemning to others. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, He stated that His forgiveness of our offenses is contingent upon our forgiveness of others. Paul wrote that we should forgive others just like Christ has forgiven us. That is a difficult thing to do, but God has forgiven us of sins that were far greater than any offense we've received. We want God and others to treat us mercifully, thus we should treat others mercifully.

There's much more that could be said about this subject. There was a time that civility was the norm in our country. It is time we return to it again.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” - Matthew 6:33

Some things are more important than others. It is easy to talk about priorities, it is another thing to regularly maintain proper priorities. One of the main problems facing the American church is this issue of priorities. We are majoring on minor issues. We are emphasizing good things at the neglect of vital things. We have forsaken the basic aspects of our faith while stressing lesser issues ... some issues we shouldn't address in the first place.

Jesus said, "... seek ye first the kingdom of God..." Many in the American church seem to be seeking their own kingdom or the kingdom of their local church rather than the kingdom of God. Shouldn't we be pursuing the things God has commanded us to pursue? Shouldn't we be emphasizing the issues that God emphasizes.

We are majoring on minor things. Here are a few examples:

Americans have overemphasized pleasure. Our culture is a hedonistic culture. Think about how the average American spends his “free time”: Television, social media, music and going to the theater. We are a pleasure-seeking society. Local churches are not much different. A church typically draws its largest crowds for a potluck dinner, a concert or sports. The smallest crowd for a church is typically the weekly prayer meeting. Most Christians get excited about a special speaker or a concert, but he will not show up to pray. Yet prayer is needed more than ever. The church is not commanded to play, but she is commanded to pray. When prayer not a major event for a church, we are majoring on minor things.

Another observation I've made is that many are interested in Bible prophecy. They will show up to hear an exposition on the book of Revelation or go to Bible prophecy conferences. I'm not saying that it is wrong to study prophecy. We should study prophetic Scripture. I just fear that many have a mystical excitement about the subject and nothing more. At the same time, Bible prophecy should give us a great incentive to spread the Gospel. Knowing that time is running out, we should be actively sharing the Gospel with an unbelieving world. We are commanded to spread the Gospel. A lack of evangelism is a sure sign that we are majoring on minor things.

I am amazed at the number of pastors who think that their main job is to be “hip” or “cool.” They want their church and ministry to be “relevant.” God has not called us to be “cool,” but obedient. He has not called us to be socially relevant, but Biblically faithful. When pastors and churches emphasize relevance, they usually do so while undervaluing repentance. You usually don't hear one of those “cool” preachers give a stirring sermon on repentance. Repentance is not a “cool” subject. Yet it is a needed subject. Jesus preached about repentance. John the Baptist preached about repentance. The Apostle Peter, on the day of Pentecost, commanded the people to repent. The Apostle Paul challenged his listeners to repent. Real life-change only occurs when a person repents. A person can repeat a “sinner's prayer” without repenting. He can join a church without repenting. He can be baptized without repenting. But a man will never go to heaven without repenting. Rather than trying to be cool and relevant, let's get busy preaching the Gospel. The Gospel is not always popular, but it is always relevant. It isn't important that we be “cool,” “hip” or popular. It is vital that we are right in our living and preaching. When we deliberately omit repentance from our message, we are majoring on minor things.

Sadly, the American Church today is known more for its political action than anything else. Sometimes Christians are known more for what we're against than what we are for. We are emphasizing politics too much these days. Political change is not the answer for America, Christ is. It is time for preachers to get back in the pulpit and preach again. Let me be clear. We need God-called, God-led, God-anointed preachers who will stand and boldly proclaim the Word of God. The Bible does not say that heaven rejoices over one who changes political parties. The Bible DOES say that there is rejoicing in heaven when a sinner repents. A thousand years from now, all that will matter is where a person is spending eternity. Preach the Word, not politics. When we emphasize politics, we are majoring on minor things.

Often we are guilty of emphasizing preferences instead of people. We can talk at long lengths about doctrinal preferences (like a defense or opposition to Calvinism). We can talk excitedly about our musical preferences or even Bible translation preferences. Yet we won't open our mouth to talk to anyone about Jesus. When we overemphasize preferences, we are majoring on minor things.

We are also guilty of programming our churches and ministries, just like a person would program a TV or radio station. Some pastors approach their ministry like a CEO does a corporation. The problem is that the church is not a corporation. Rather than plotting a strategy, let us implement the strategy God has already given us in His Word. God wants a pure church, untainted from the world. Rather than focusing on strategy, we need to emphasize sanctification once more. Our members need to grow in holiness. When holiness is neglected, we are majoring on minor things.

Finally, we are guilty overemphasizing wealth. Just like the church of Laodicea, the American church is a wealthy church. We think it is more important to have great looking sanctuary than to have a Biblically-driven church. We can spend an enormous amount of money on the image of our church, but very little worshiping the God who birthed the church. True worship is really missing from churches these days. We like to stress professionally sounding music, trendy programs and self-help messages. At the end of the day, our focus is on ourselves rather than God. We are majoring on minor things.

It is time we get back to majoring on major things. Love God. Love others. Spread the Gospel. Help those in need. Read our Bibles. Spend quality time in the prayer closet. Worship God regularly. Invest in God's Kingdom.

We need to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. When we do, we'll be majoring on major things.

And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.” - Mark 4:37

Here in the eastern part of the United States, our attention has been on a hurricane all week. There has been much speculation as to the track of the storm and the impact it will have. The impending storm created concern for millions as people scrambled to prepare for its arrival.

The arrival of Hurricane Florence is a reminder that life itself has storms that we must face. Storms are part of life. They are unavoidable.

It is comforting to know that Jesus knows what it is like to be in a storm. In Mark chapter 4, He and His disciples were in a ship when they faced a storm. When the storm came, Jesus was actually asleep on the boat. The wind became fierce and the boat took on water. The disciples went into panic mode.

Although His disciples were panicking, Jesus remained asleep. He was not worried about the storm. He was not fretting the outcome.

Here are a few things we need to consider when we face storms in life.

First of all, storms come to us all. Although it seems like certain people face more storms than others, but all of us will face them from time to time. Storms may be small or large. They could be life threatening or just annoying. God has not promised us a life free of storms. Storms will come.

Being a Christian doesn't make you immune from storms. Keep in mind that Jesus Himself was on the boat when the disciples went through the storm. If Jesus had to endure a storm, so will we. Even though Jesus is on the boat with you, storms will come your way.

The disciples' boat took on water. They thought they were facing imminent danger. We must face the facts. Danger may come during storms. When a boat takes on water, it will quickly sink. There are times in life when we feel like our boat is taking on water. Don't ignore the signs of danger.

Although their boat seemed to be in peril, the disciples were actually in a safe place because Jesus was on board with them. Unbelievers will face storms, but they don't have the comfort or assurance that we have. The Lord is on board with us. He is our Captain.

Jesus was not a victim of the storm. He is Lord of all … including the storms. When He was awakened by His disciples, He rebuked the storm and it immediately ceased. I can't control the weather. Meteorologists have a hard time predicting the weather and certainly can't control it. Jesus, however, can speak and the storm comes to an end. Psalm 107:29 states, “He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.” That leads us to our final lesson.

Storms may seem endless at times, but the fact is that they are temporary. Storms of life may wreck your comfortable life, but the storm itself will soon cease. Storms may seem like a strong breeze. At other times, a storm can feel like a powerful hurricane, churning and churning through a seemingly endless night. Regardless, the storms we face are not permanent.

Isn't it good to know that there will be no storms in heaven? The One who rebuked the storm will not permit storms to overshadow or endanger His home.

Singer and songwriter Squire Parsons said it best when he wrote:

When He reaches out His hand,
Billows cease at His command,
Winds and waves obey His will
When He says to them 'Be Still;”
What man is this they all did say,
That the winds and seas obey,
He's the One who sails with me,
He's the Master of the Sea.”
(c) 1975 Kingsmen Publishing Company

We can trust our lives and our future to the One who controls everything.

O LORD, revive thy work in the midst of the years.” - Habakkuk 3:2

Our nation is in a mess. Tensions are running high. Anger and violence are common these days. We lack civility when sharing opinions, especially political opinions. There is public shaming of people who have differing views. Those who are vocal about bullying are often guilty of it themselves. Then there are accusations of racism, corruption and hatred that are freely vocalized.

What is the answer for all these problems? How can this mess get cleaned up?

Some would argue that political change is needed … even radical change. Others would say that common sense needs to return to our country. I'm certainly not opposed to common sense, in fact, it really isn't common these days.

What we need most in our country is a mighty move of God. We need to see massive changes that only God can provide.

While many are passionate about their preferred political party, I think it is time for Christians to return to the prayer closet and seek God. I am not naive about our situation. Republicans can't solve our nation's woes. Democrats aren't the answer either. Our nation needs the Lord.

Let me share two things that we need most in America:

First of all, we need revival in our churches. It is time for Christians to come together and pray for a mighty move of the Spirit in our churches. Sadly, some professing Christians are more passionate about filling a ballot box than filling the church pews. We seem to be more fired up about our political agendas rather than the advancement of the Kingdom of God. We need believers to start acting like believers. We need Christians who will storm the gates of heaven in prayer. We need to live the truth, speak the truth and share the truth. We need to see a revival of holiness among professing believers. We need to see evangelistic zeal return to our churches. We need to be desperate in prayer.

Secondly, we need a spiritual awakening in America. Let me be specific. I'm not referring to a generic spiritual awakening that includes every religious brand out there. Instead, I am referring to a Christ-centered, God-honoring, sin-hating, devil-bashing, church-edifying, soul-winning spiritual awakening. We need the Spirit of God to stir people, awaken hearts and radically change lives. We need a move of God that sweeps across this land, bringing civility to our nation, peace among Americans, and decency to everyday life. We need to see such a mighty move of God that completely changes the tone of our land. We need to see personal, as well as widespread repentance. From the highest levels of government to every home in America, we need a return to the basic elements of a healthy society. Our nation needs to turn to God.

Some would argue that this is not the direction our country needs. Think about it. If you want God's blessings on our country, you shouldn't expect His blessings when we deliberately embrace the things He strongly condemns. Since our nation has opened the door to allow wickedness to seep into every fiber of society, our country has quickly fallen apart. We don't need to continue this route any longer.

We need revival in our churches and a spiritual awakening in our country. These things can't be planned or produced by us. Only God can provide them. However, you and I can seek God for these things. One thing is true: He won't answer the prayers we don't pray. As Christians, we must seek God in prayer. Keep praying until God answers.

America's woes won't be reversed at a ballot box, but they may get reversed in the prayer closet.

Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.” - Jeremiah 20:9

Have you ever been tempted to quit? If most ministers were honest, they'd tell you that they've been tempted to quit many times. Ministry can be a very discouraging work. People disappoint you. Results don't measure up to expectations. Circumstances arise that seem to thwart any good work. Satanic resistance is real and powerful.

Jeremiah had a difficult job. As a prophet, he was called to speak an unpopular message to an unfriendly audience. Their response to the message was to imprison the messenger. It is easy to see why Jeremiah got discouraged. His discouragement reached the point where he decided to quit. He basically turned in his resignation to the Lord. Thankfully, God refused to accept it.

Have you ever felt like quitting? Discouragement and depression comes so easily when you try to do God's will. The devil is a dirty fighter. The devil will kick you when you're down. He is merciless.

Instead of resigning, Jeremiah got fired up. Jeremiah said, "But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones." The Word of God is alive and powerful. God's Word was like a fire that turned in a mighty blaze in the prophet's life. To Jeremiah, it felt like a fire in his bones. The inner flame of God's Word had rejuvenated the man of God. He was fired up!

Do you need that inner fire? It won't come by watching a sitcom or reading a novel. God's Word is the fire that revives. Take time to get away with your Bible and let God set your soul aflame.

Jeremiah went from pit to the pulpit. There was a fire in his bones. The devil probably thought he had gotten rid of the loud-mouthed prophet, but Jeremiah came back with greater intensity.

The devil may think that he has stopped you, but God is not finished yet. This is not a time to quit. This is not a time to pout. This is the time to rise up and be counted for God. Get back into God's Word. The Bible is fuel for the soul. When that fuel touches a dying ember, a flame comes to life.

The most effective days of your life may be yet ahead. Like Jeremiah, let God's Word come alive in you and get busy for God!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...