This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.” - 2 Timothy 3:1

For some time, news headlines have provided us with a great deal of disheartening news. Most recently, professing Christians have been outraged over New York's expansion of abortion laws. These news headlines remind us that we are in a sinful world, run by sinners.

These are dark days in our nation and our world. We shouldn't be surprised by this. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote, “... in the last days perilous times shall come.” The fact is that we are very near to the coming of our Lord. America is facing the judgment of God for her sins.

I have some well-meaning friends on social media who are apathetic about many of the sinful ways of our country. Some are even supportive of legislative and judicial decisions that support activities and lifestyles that God has condemned. To these friends, I wish to ask a question: do you want God to bless America? It is wrong for us to support wickedness and still expect God to bless. Let me put it bluntly. If God does not bless America, this nation is doomed. Our constitution, heritage and collective efforts are not enough to sustain this country should she ever face the wrath of God.

The ultimate standard for our society is not our Constitution, but the Word of God. While I love America, I love God more. While I honor the flag, I worship the Lord. While I believe in obeying proper laws, the ultimate standard will be God's law. While politicians, entertainers and even preachers wish to alter the Bible, we know that God never changes and His Word doesn't either. His Word will stand long after America ceases to be.

Here are a few things to ponder:

God has promised that perilous times will come. I have every reason to believe that the darkness of sin will intensify in our world as the end nears. That does not mean that we should be apathetic. Instead, we should be vigilant, caring and praying!

This is the best time to be a Christian witness. Light makes its greatest impact when darkness enshrouds society. As Christians, we are called to let our light shine. Be a beacon of light for your family, neighborhood, workplace and the world.

Our lost friends are being lied to by the father of lies. The power of darkness is very strong. As Christians, it is our job to proclaim the truth. The truth of the Gospel is needed in this dark world. While many are proudly and eagerly embracing falsehood and deceit, we have the very message that will set them free. We need to believe the truth, stand for the truth and share the truth.

Finally, look up. Our redemption draweth nigh. Jesus is coming SOON. These dark times remind us that this world is not our home. We are just on assignment as ambassadors for Christ. When He feels that this world is too hostile for us to stay in any longer, God will call all His ambassadors home. I believe we are nearing that day. Look up! Jesus may come at any moment and we'll leave this world of darkness.

Be encouraged, there will never be any dark days in heaven!

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Holy Habits

HOLY HABITS “ Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7 We are creatures ...