O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!” - Romans 11:33

We serve an awesome God. Our finite minds can't fully grasp how great He really is, yet His Word reveals much about Him. It is important to often remember His attributes. He is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. We know He is immutable (never changes). He is honest, fair and just. He is holy and righteous and yet He also shows love, mercy and grace. What a mighty God we serve!

We tend to overlook something about God. Our God is creative! Think about the creative things He has done. He created the universe. Astronomers are still investigating the vast nature of our universe. He created our world. Some celebrate the seven wonders of the world, but honestly, all the world is a wonder. Think about this: no two mountains are exactly alike. The oceans and rivers are all different. Even if you carefully study botany, you'd realize that each plant is different in its own way. God was creative when He placed animals upon this earth. Each animal is unique and amazing to study.

Consider the human race. Each person has DNA that is the completely different. DNA was discovered in recent years but has always existed in humans. Some say that DNA is the specific code of each person. Who wrote that code? God did. Each person is unique. In Psalm 139:14, David wrote, “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Furthermore, the fingerprint of each person is different. How creative our God really is!

Think about how He works in our lives. No two days are exactly the same. Even the boring, mundane days of life are unique in their own way. One day you may receive a phone call that you don't receive on another. Sometimes we have unusual and even exciting experiences. He brings different people our way to enrich our lives. He teaches us lessons that are unique.

Consider the matter of conversion. Every Christian has a conversion testimony, yet each conversion is unique. Saul of Tarsus was the only person to meet Jesus after being struck down by a blinding light on the Damascus Road. Although you may have been converted along with others in a church service or evangelistic crusade, God had uniquely worked events in your life differently than He did with others.

Have you ever read the Old Testament? If so, you'll quickly learn that when God gave a military strategy to Israel, it was different from battle to battle. The strategy God gave Joshua for the conquest of Jericho was far different than the strategy He gave Gideon when the Midianites were defeated. God creatively parted the waters of the Red Sea for Moses and caused the sun to stand still for Joshua.

The creativity of God gives us another reason to worship, honor and praise Him.

Our creative God has passed creativity on to humans. Some people are able to craft an exciting novel. Others can inspire others with a speech. Some can impact a culture with their music. There are those who show their artistic expression on a canvas. Some have the ability to solve difficult problems through creative thinking. Then there are those who demonstrate creativity through architectural design or furniture craftsmanship.

Like any good thing, the devil has corrupted what God has designed for good. Human creativity can be used for evil purposes. Computer viruses are an excellent example of corrupted creativity. It is hard to believe that intelligent people strategize ways to create these viruses and cause them to infect computers. As humans, we have the responsibility to use our creativity in ways that honor and glorify God. It is wrong for us to be jealous of the creative gifts that others have. Our job is to discover our own creative gifts and utilize them fully.

I am grateful for creativity. I feel alive when the creative juices flow in my mind. Creative moments should remind us that our creativity is a gift from a creative God.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...