Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” - Psalm 85:6

I am posting this message on February 3rd. 49 years ago on this date, a real revival broke out on the campus of Asbury College in Willmore, Ky. Although many churches "schedule" revivals, the event at Asbury was a spontaneous revival. It was a mighty move of God. It began in a regular chapel service.  But then the Lord made His presence known.

The college president was away on a trip on February 3rd. Instead, the dean of the college conducted the chapel service. Rather than bringing a sermon, he simply gave his testimony. Later, he opened the floor for testimonies. At the insistence of another, the dean gave an invitation.

Holy Spirit conviction fell upon Hughes Auditorium that morning. Students, and even faculty, began to experience conviction. Sins were confessed. Altars were filled with people seeking God. Sinners were getting saved.

That chapel service, which was scheduled to only last an hour, went much longer. In fact, it lasted nearly a week. It was a week of revival without one sermon. Yet God did more in the hearts of people in that one week than typically occurs in a lifetime for most Christians.

The main outcome of the revival was personal repentance. Personal repentance leads to changed lives. Personal transformation occurred on a large scale.

When news reached surrounding communities, it prompted the local news media to investigate. Even the news reporters were impacted by the event when they came to witness it. Other colleges and churches requested Asbury students to come and share what was happening. When the Asbury students would testify, revival broke out in the churches and colleges they visited.

Youtube has more than one video about this revival. After all these years, those who were involved are still impacted by what God did during that week.

Why did revival come to Asbury College in 1970?

The revival was not a scheduled event. It was a sovereign move of God where He generously poured out his grace upon needy people.

A small group of students had been praying for a mighty revival. Biblically and historically, revival is preceded by the fervent prayer of a small group of believers.

These days, many churches and colleges are resistant to the Spirit's move, especially when it comes to personal conviction of sin. The young people at Asbury fell under conviction and got right with God. Faculty members were even transformed by the power of God that week.

The revival would have stopped immediately if those in attendance sought to brag or seek attention. God was always praised for the work He did that week in the hearts of those at Asbury.

Just like today, 1970 was time of great civil unrest and uncertainty. The war in Vietnam was very unpopular. It wasn't uncommon for college campuses to have demonstrations and violence. America was in turmoil in 1970. It is wrong to assume that God must have ideal circumstances in place before He does a mighty work. The Asbury revival in 1970 is a classic example of God bringing revival when it was needed most.

On that cold Tuesday morning, the Lord made His presence known at tiny Asbury College. That one divine moment has caused Christian historians to classify that event as one of the greatest revivals of the 20th century.

We need such a divine moment in our land today!

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