"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new." - Revelation 21:5

As we depart from an old year and enter a new year, we are often filled with optimism. We want the new year to be better than the past year. We tend to look at January 1st as a new beginning and, for a calendar year, it is.

Do you need a new beginning? For some, New Year's resolutions reflect a desire for a new beginning. Many intend to loose weight. Some will try to get their finances under control. Others seek to break bad habits, such as smoking or overeating. A few wish to initiate good habits, such as exercising or improving relationships.

It is good to know that God provides new beginnings for people. Each new beginning is a gift from God. We don't deserve these gifts, but He freely gives them out of love for us.

Here are just three of the new beginnings that God offers people:

When a person comes to God through Jesus Christ, God changes the person at their very core, giving that person a new heart. The Bible says, "A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh." The new believer is a new person as a result of God's work of grace. Paul wrote, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." Too many people try to change themselves instead of coming to Christ and being made new by Him. Our efforts at self-reformation are limited, empty and vain. However, when God changes the heart of a person, true transformation occurs. Have you experienced this change yourself?

Secondly, God give us new hope. Lamentations 3:22-23 states, "It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness." Every morning, God's mercies and compassion are new for us. You see, you don't have to wait until January 1st to have a new beginning because each day is a new beginning. Yesterday is past. With the dawning of a new day, God gives you a new beginning.

Finally, God has prepared a new home for His children. One day, we'll receive a new body. Paul wrote, "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." The great convention songwriter Luther Presley expressed it with this line from his famous song, "I'll have a new body, praise the Lord, I'll have a new life." When the Lord returns, we'll have more than a new body. We'll have a new home. In Revelation 21:1-5, John wrote, "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful." For the child of God, a new body and a new home awaits us.

When we bury a saint of God, we are tempted to think that his or her life is over. Not so. In fact, for that person, life has just begun. For the child of God, death is just a new beginning. In this life, a man considers it a new beginning when he moves from a deteriorating house to a new glamorous home. The same is true for a Christian at death. When he dies, he moves from a temporary, flawed tent to a new, eternal home.
Thank God for new beginnings!


"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."
- Matthew 1:23

History records many amazing events. From the splitting of the atom to Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon, it would be easy to be mesmerized by astonishing events of human history. Of course, over time we've been so acquainted with these historical moments that we treat them with apathy and detachment.

Such is the case with Christmas. Christmas began as a holy day of remembrance --- a day to remember the arrival of Christ. Now it has been degenerated into a secular holiday without any spiritual significance whatsoever.

Yet as we ponder this sacred event of long ago, we should be in awe of what transpired. God came to earth! Some object to this terminology, but it was prophesied that he would be called Emmanuel, which is interpreted, "God with us." What an awesome thought: God came and dwelt among men!

In some areas, people are awe struck by a visit from a political dignitary, professional athlete or famous singer. Yet mankind should be overwhelmed with the knowledge that God Himself came to this world.

As we consider the birth of Jesus Christ, we should do so with a fuller scope of His work --- more that just a manger. God came to earth for a reason. We should be thrilled to know that we are the reason He came.

Consider some interesting facts about the divine visit of Jesus.

The Lord did not come to rub elbows with the elite. Neither did He come to socialize with the powerful. Instead, He came to minister among the common folk. He was compassionate with the hurting. He showed sympathy to those that society had rejected. He offered forgiveness to humble, repentant souls. He fed thousands and taught many.

Jesus was criticized for His ministry among publicans and well-known sinners. Yet the Bible states that the common folk heard Him gladly.

God loves individuals on skid row as well as those in a middle-American neighborhood. He cares for the child that teachers and society have given up on. He seems to be specifically interested in the underdogs of this world.

You'd think that if God came to earth, He'd associate with the rich and powerful. Not so. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

God actually walked along the shores of Galilee. Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon was exciting, but to realize that God Himself walked on this earth is most thrilling fact of all. Yet God came to a tiny town called Bethlehem. Don't despise small things, because God doesn't. From the world's viewpoint, Jesus was a small-town guy. We realize that He came from the splendors of heaven and came to lowly mankind, arriving in a tiny town. During His ministry, Jesus visited people in their homes. He taught on a hillside. He rode a donkey into Jerusalem.

Yet we realize that Jesus was more than a religious figure. He was God in the flesh. God actually came to earth, and didn't even have a house of His own.

God came to earth. While we commemorate His arrival, keep in mind that He came for a reason. He came to redeem lost souls. The Good Shepherd came to give His life for the sheep. The most amazing fact of all is that God came to earth TO DIE. He came to die so that we may live. He left heaven and came to earth so that we could leave earth and go to heaven. The Son of God became a man so that men could become sons of God! He left the riches of glory to die as a poor felon so that poor felons could enjoy the riches of glory.

If we visualize Jesus as only a Babe in a manger, we do Him and ourselves a great disservice. God came to earth. Now this same God has come to dwell within the heart of every believer. God has come! Because of this, we rejoice and give Him praise!

God came to earth!


Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith... - 1 Timothy 1:2

Last week, I wrote about five people who have influenced my life. As I wrote in that blog message, many people have influenced my life through the years. Most of these individuals never knew the profound difference that they made in my life. I am blessed to have some of these people with me today. Others have passed on to glory. Some have influenced my life up close … and many I've never met personally.

The Apostle Paul was very influential in the life of the young preacher, Timothy. Paul referred to Timothy as his own son in the faith. Every Timothy needs a Paul. All of us need someone to invest in our lives --- teaching us, helping us and encouraging us. As we get older, we need to find our Timothy and invest in him.

Last week, I shared five people who've greatly influenced my life. In this blog, I want to share, in no particular order, five more who've greatly influenced me.


Mr. Nixon was the assistant principal at Herndon High School, where I attended. In addition to his role as assistant principal, he taught different subjects, coached the varsity football team and was involved in nearly everything that went on at the school. I always considered him to be “Mr. Herndon High School.” Mr. Nixon taught me eighth grade science. He was a good teacher and had a sense of humor. What I admired most about Mr. Nixon was his work-ethic. He seemed to go way beyond the call of duty in the things he did at the school. This impressed me. After I graduated, he became principal at Herndon Consolidated Grade School. He influenced many young lives through the years. For those of us who knew him, it was a sad day when he passed away.


I have to admit that I didn't always agree with the late Lester Roloff. I have to admit that Roloff's preaching style was unusual, to say the least. He was a very controversial person in the 1970's and early 80's because he deliberately rebelled against the State of Texas as they attempted to control his homes for troubled youth. Despite all of this, Roloff influenced me greatly. His emphasis upon the Bible caused me to read my Bible consistently. He believed that the Bible was the answer to all our problems. I really began reading my Bible daily because of him. He challenged people to memorize Scripture, a practice that I still implement. I have him to thank for this.


Adrian Rogers was a powerful Southern Baptist pastor. He had a pulpit voice that was impressive. Adrian Rogers led the conservative resurgence of his denomination several years ago. Adrian Rogers influenced me in the area of expository preaching. I was impressed with the way he made a sermon come alive with his sermon titles, outlines, illustrations and delivery. I am a strong proponent of expository preaching today, due in large part, to the late Adrian Rogers.


Johnny Hunt recently preached his final sermon as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Ga. He had ministered there for over 33 years and is now moving into a role inside his denomination. I've learned much from Pastor Johnny. By observing his life and ministry, I've learned about pastoral ministry. He is an avid reader. He is an encourager and exhorter. One of the things I've learned most from Johnny Hunt is to be a generous man.  He loves his family, keeps priorities and has compassion for others. Most of all, Pastor Johnny is an influencer. Most pastors in his denomination would point to him as an influence in their lives. Although I am not a Southern Baptist, he has influenced me in many ways. I've learned much from Pastor Johnny.

5. A. W. TOZER

Aiden Wilson Tozer was a man of God. Often the phrase, “man of God,” is misused and abused these days. Yet I believe Tozer was a man of God. Tozer never had a college or seminary education, yet his writings are profound. I have been greatly influenced by his book, The Pursuit of God. While some criticize the “deeper life,” Tozer preached it and practiced it. Tozer's writings challenge me to go deeper with God.

There are many more that I could mention who've influenced me greatly. Has anyone influenced you? Give them a call or send them an email and thank them. Most of all, thank God for bringing them into your life.


When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” - 2 Timothy 1:5

Many people have influenced my life through the years. Most of these individuals never knew the profound difference that they made in my life. I am blessed to have some of these people with me today. Others have passed on to glory. Many have influenced my life from afar … and some I've never met personally.

I think it is important to recognize and appreciate those who've positively influenced our lives. Often when I pray, I thank the Lord for those He's sent into my life to bless, help, encourage and challenge me.

Timothy had such influential people in his life. When Paul began his second epistle to the young preacher, he reminded Timothy of his mother and grandmother, both of whom had influenced Timothy in the faith.

As I think about those who've influenced me, I can name several people who've greatly impacted my life. In no particular order, here's a list of a few people who've greatly influenced my life.


My father, Melvin Lane, has greatly influenced my life. He has sacrificed greatly for his family. Most of his life, he worked hard for a meager income. While doing so, he preached hard on Sundays, doing the work God called him to do. I have learned about sacrifice from him. Additionally, I've learned to remain faithful in ministry. He has been, and continues to be, a great influence in my life.

2. PEARL LANE (My Mom)

My Mom, Pearl Lane, has been a solid person of faith. At the bleakest of times, she has proven herself to be deeply grounded in her faith. She has always believed that God would work everything out just right. Furthermore, she is the greatest example of a servant. She deliberately puts others before herself. She gives of herself tirelessly. I've learned about service and faith from her. She loves her Lord and her family.

3. JAMES LANE (My Grandfather)

My grandfather, James Lane, was a rather quiet, unassuming man. He worked hard all his life. I don't know of anyone who loved his neighbor like my grandfather. Most of the food from his garden was given away to those in the community and at church. My grandfather would often provide manual labor for projects in the community, like building an outdoor eating shed for the church or helping a widow who needed carpentry work. What I remember most is the love he showed to his family. He had the unique ability to make each grandchild feel like he or she was his favorite. When he died, the world lost a truly great man.


Obviously, I have never met Charles Spurgeon. He lived and died long before I was born. Charles Spurgeon was a Baptist preacher, best known as “the Prince of Preachers.” His church was among the first mega-churches. In the 1800's, people in the London area would eagerly come to hear Spurgeon preach. In addition to pastoring a huge church, Spurgeon ran a school for young preachers, ran an orphanage and invested in missions. His sermons were written down as he preached and were later put into print. I was impacted by reading Spurgeon's sermons. His little book, All of Grace, was especially instrumental when the Lord was drawing me to Himself. From Spurgeon, I learned about grace. Spurgeon also taught me to dig deeper into a verse of Scripture. When he preached, Spurgeon always made it a priority to exalt Christ and call sinners to repent. I never met Mr. Spurgeon, but I am greatly indebted to this great man of God.


I must confess that when I was first exposed to the ministry of Ray Comfort, I didn't agree with him. Ray Comfort's style of evangelism seemed so … so … unAmerican. Yet ultimately I began to see that he was right and I was wrong. His methods seem unusual, but they are Biblical. Ray Comfort's ministry, Living Waters, focuses primarily on equipping believers to share their faith. They believe in preaching the law to the proud and grace to the humble. I once considered things like Gospel tracts and open-air preaching to be unproductive. Not so anymore. Ray and his ministry have taught me the need to be evangelistic at all times. Most people need to be brought under the influence of the law before they can properly appreciate God's goodness and grace. I am still a student when it comes to evangelism, but I have Ray (among others) to thank for this.

These are just five of the people who've greatly influenced my life. Lord willing, in next week's blog I will share five more people who've greatly influenced my life.

Who has influenced your life the most?

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...