"Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us."
- Matthew 1:23

History records many amazing events. From the splitting of the atom to Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon, it would be easy to be mesmerized by astonishing events of human history. Of course, over time we've been so acquainted with these historical moments that we treat them with apathy and detachment.

Such is the case with Christmas. Christmas began as a holy day of remembrance --- a day to remember the arrival of Christ. Now it has been degenerated into a secular holiday without any spiritual significance whatsoever.

Yet as we ponder this sacred event of long ago, we should be in awe of what transpired. God came to earth! Some object to this terminology, but it was prophesied that he would be called Emmanuel, which is interpreted, "God with us." What an awesome thought: God came and dwelt among men!

In some areas, people are awe struck by a visit from a political dignitary, professional athlete or famous singer. Yet mankind should be overwhelmed with the knowledge that God Himself came to this world.

As we consider the birth of Jesus Christ, we should do so with a fuller scope of His work --- more that just a manger. God came to earth for a reason. We should be thrilled to know that we are the reason He came.

Consider some interesting facts about the divine visit of Jesus.

The Lord did not come to rub elbows with the elite. Neither did He come to socialize with the powerful. Instead, He came to minister among the common folk. He was compassionate with the hurting. He showed sympathy to those that society had rejected. He offered forgiveness to humble, repentant souls. He fed thousands and taught many.

Jesus was criticized for His ministry among publicans and well-known sinners. Yet the Bible states that the common folk heard Him gladly.

God loves individuals on skid row as well as those in a middle-American neighborhood. He cares for the child that teachers and society have given up on. He seems to be specifically interested in the underdogs of this world.

You'd think that if God came to earth, He'd associate with the rich and powerful. Not so. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

God actually walked along the shores of Galilee. Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon was exciting, but to realize that God Himself walked on this earth is most thrilling fact of all. Yet God came to a tiny town called Bethlehem. Don't despise small things, because God doesn't. From the world's viewpoint, Jesus was a small-town guy. We realize that He came from the splendors of heaven and came to lowly mankind, arriving in a tiny town. During His ministry, Jesus visited people in their homes. He taught on a hillside. He rode a donkey into Jerusalem.

Yet we realize that Jesus was more than a religious figure. He was God in the flesh. God actually came to earth, and didn't even have a house of His own.

God came to earth. While we commemorate His arrival, keep in mind that He came for a reason. He came to redeem lost souls. The Good Shepherd came to give His life for the sheep. The most amazing fact of all is that God came to earth TO DIE. He came to die so that we may live. He left heaven and came to earth so that we could leave earth and go to heaven. The Son of God became a man so that men could become sons of God! He left the riches of glory to die as a poor felon so that poor felons could enjoy the riches of glory.

If we visualize Jesus as only a Babe in a manger, we do Him and ourselves a great disservice. God came to earth. Now this same God has come to dwell within the heart of every believer. God has come! Because of this, we rejoice and give Him praise!

God came to earth!

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