Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith... - 1 Timothy 1:2

Last week, I wrote about five people who have influenced my life. As I wrote in that blog message, many people have influenced my life through the years. Most of these individuals never knew the profound difference that they made in my life. I am blessed to have some of these people with me today. Others have passed on to glory. Some have influenced my life up close … and many I've never met personally.

The Apostle Paul was very influential in the life of the young preacher, Timothy. Paul referred to Timothy as his own son in the faith. Every Timothy needs a Paul. All of us need someone to invest in our lives --- teaching us, helping us and encouraging us. As we get older, we need to find our Timothy and invest in him.

Last week, I shared five people who've greatly influenced my life. In this blog, I want to share, in no particular order, five more who've greatly influenced me.


Mr. Nixon was the assistant principal at Herndon High School, where I attended. In addition to his role as assistant principal, he taught different subjects, coached the varsity football team and was involved in nearly everything that went on at the school. I always considered him to be “Mr. Herndon High School.” Mr. Nixon taught me eighth grade science. He was a good teacher and had a sense of humor. What I admired most about Mr. Nixon was his work-ethic. He seemed to go way beyond the call of duty in the things he did at the school. This impressed me. After I graduated, he became principal at Herndon Consolidated Grade School. He influenced many young lives through the years. For those of us who knew him, it was a sad day when he passed away.


I have to admit that I didn't always agree with the late Lester Roloff. I have to admit that Roloff's preaching style was unusual, to say the least. He was a very controversial person in the 1970's and early 80's because he deliberately rebelled against the State of Texas as they attempted to control his homes for troubled youth. Despite all of this, Roloff influenced me greatly. His emphasis upon the Bible caused me to read my Bible consistently. He believed that the Bible was the answer to all our problems. I really began reading my Bible daily because of him. He challenged people to memorize Scripture, a practice that I still implement. I have him to thank for this.


Adrian Rogers was a powerful Southern Baptist pastor. He had a pulpit voice that was impressive. Adrian Rogers led the conservative resurgence of his denomination several years ago. Adrian Rogers influenced me in the area of expository preaching. I was impressed with the way he made a sermon come alive with his sermon titles, outlines, illustrations and delivery. I am a strong proponent of expository preaching today, due in large part, to the late Adrian Rogers.


Johnny Hunt recently preached his final sermon as pastor of the First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Ga. He had ministered there for over 33 years and is now moving into a role inside his denomination. I've learned much from Pastor Johnny. By observing his life and ministry, I've learned about pastoral ministry. He is an avid reader. He is an encourager and exhorter. One of the things I've learned most from Johnny Hunt is to be a generous man.  He loves his family, keeps priorities and has compassion for others. Most of all, Pastor Johnny is an influencer. Most pastors in his denomination would point to him as an influence in their lives. Although I am not a Southern Baptist, he has influenced me in many ways. I've learned much from Pastor Johnny.

5. A. W. TOZER

Aiden Wilson Tozer was a man of God. Often the phrase, “man of God,” is misused and abused these days. Yet I believe Tozer was a man of God. Tozer never had a college or seminary education, yet his writings are profound. I have been greatly influenced by his book, The Pursuit of God. While some criticize the “deeper life,” Tozer preached it and practiced it. Tozer's writings challenge me to go deeper with God.

There are many more that I could mention who've influenced me greatly. Has anyone influenced you? Give them a call or send them an email and thank them. Most of all, thank God for bringing them into your life.

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