"I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears."
- Psalm 34:4

We tend to think of David as a man of courage and valor. He is the man who slew the giant, Goliath. His reputation as a warrior was well known. It may come as a surprise that such a mighty man once struggled with fear. In the above text, David shares his spiritual autobiography.

By his own admission, David once was shackled by fear. Fear can be a scary prison. Sadly, many reside in the dungeon of fear. Unable to free themselves, they remain prisoners indefinitely. David was once among that crowd himself.

How does a man go from fear to faith? How does a person rise from cowardice to courage? I think David's testimony gives us the answer to these questions.

David did not free himself from fear. The Lord did that for him. David experienced true freedom that comes when the Lord delivers a man.

Notice what happened to change David's life.

First of all, he prayed. The Bible says, "I sought the LORD ..." Tragically, most people seek quick relief rather than genuine deliverance. These days many seek motivational speakers rather than the Master.

Programs may be good up to a point, but true deliverance can only come through supernatural means. God must deliver. David looked up for help. He sought the Lord in prayer.

Do you need deliverance today? Look to Jesus. Call upon Him. Pray to the Lord in honesty and sincerity.

Secondly, deliverance was experienced. In response to David's prayer, the Bible says, "... and he heard me." When I was in the fifth grade, our teacher encouraged us to write to an organization. I chose to write to the FBI. To my surprise, I got a package from them, describing the work that they do. I was pleased to get an answer to my letter. How much greater it is to receive an answer from God Himself when we pray!

Furthermore, David wrote that God, "delivered me from all my fears." God delivered him! Notice that David was delivered from ALL his fears. Notice that the word, "fears" is plural. He struggled with more than one fear, yet God delivered him from them all.

Do you need deliverance? Then look to the Lord and seek Him today. God delivers people today, yet they must come on his terms. Like David, you must come humbly. Quit trying to deliver yourself. Lay aside your pride and seek God. Next, you must come honestly. Quit pretending to be someone that you're not. You are in need of help. Confession is good for the soul. Pour out your soul to God. Also, you need to come dependently. Trust Him alone for deliverance and help.

Don't be held prisoner in the dungeon of fear any longer. Deliverance may be just one prayer away!

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...