"O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him." - Psalm 34:9

There are some self-designated "experts" who tell us that we have nothing to fear in life. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." I have heard many Christians say that the Bible has 365 "fear not" verses. I haven't counted, so I assume they are correct. Yet from all of this, a person could easily be convinced that we should never fear anything at any time. Yet that is not true.

The Bible instructs us to fear the Lord. In fact, the Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Our nation is in the downward spiral into moral depravity because people do not fear the Lord. In fact, there are even ministers who say we shouldn't fear God. The Bible contradicts that belief.

In Psalm 34:9, the Bible says, " O fear the LORD, ye his saints." It isn't just the pagan that should fear the Lord, even believers should fear God. In the same verse, the Bible continues, "... there is not want to them that fear him." In this one verse, we find a command and a promise. The promise is contingent upon us obeying the command to fear God.

What does it mean to fear God?

First of all, fearing God includes respecting His position. He is God. We should have a healthy, Biblical understanding of God. Too many people believe in a higher power that they have mentally created. To them, God is just a grandfather-type figure that overlooks everything. Some believe that He is like a butler, ready to serve them at a moment's notice. We need to know who God REALLY is. This comes from His own revelation to us --- the Bible.

Secondly, we need to respect His authority. Since He is God, He can do anything He wishes. Of course, everything He does will be true to His character. Some struggle with the sovereignty of God. They don't like the idea that God is independently authoritative. He does not work according to our ideas, plans and goals. Being the final authority on all things, all of humanity is subject to Him

Next, we need to have a healthy reverence of God. Too many use the Name of the Lord in vain. They treat the Name of God casually and carelessly. Furthermore, some even use His Name as a swear word. Such blasphemy is an extremely serious crime against God. We need to remember that He is holy. None of us are worthy to approach such a holy God. Only through the merits of Christ can we even come to God. Our reverence of Him is due to a proper understanding that He is undeniably holy. In the book of Revelation, John saw the Lord and was so overwhelmed by the holiness of God that John fell at the feet of the Lord. When Isaiah saw the Lord in all His holiness, he cried out, "Woe is me."

When we consider the fact that God is holy, we must also understand that He is righteous. It is easy for us to be boastful when saying that God is righteous and that He will ultimately bring justice to the guilty. Yet that very fact is condemns us. Apart from Jesus, ALL OF US are guilty before Him. Only through the death of Christ can the righteousness of God be imputed unto us. Certainly, rapists, child molesters and murderers will ultimately face the justice of a holy, righteous God, but so will lawyers, doctors, nurses, Wal-Mart greeters, school teachers, fire fighters and the rest of us. Realizing that sin is a treasonous act worthy of death, we should fear God.

Judgment day is coming for all of us. The fact that we must face an awesome, holy, righteous God, we should fear the Lord. A proper fear of God would close down liquor stores, shut down pornographic websites, purge Washington of all corruption and end crime in the streets. A proper fear of God would fill churches with anxious, needy souls. It would rid our churches of hypocrisy and self-righteousness. The fear of God would keep us on our knees in prayer.

A proper fear of punishment will keep a child from misbehaving at home and in the classroom. A healthy fear of authority will keep you driving at the speed limit, especially when you see a police car monitoring for speeders. On a much greater level, we should have a real fear of God. He is powerful, just, holy and righteous. The Bible says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

So let's heed the challenge of the psalmist: "O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him."


"O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him." - Psalm 34:8

I love to eat. Good food is a vital part of my life. I enjoy sitting down with my family and digging into home-cooked food! To me, there's nothing like good old-fashioned homemade fried chicken. What a delight to dig into a juicy steak! Certainly burgers on the grill are special. Then there's homemade biscuits and gravy ... well, you get the picture.

In sharp contrast, TV dinners rarely look (or taste) as good as the image on the cover. Have you noticed that about the advertisement of food? It always looks better on the commercial than it does when you order it.

Spiritually, man-made religion is like a TV dinner. It looks good to the eye, but it is sadly lacking in substance.

Let me be very candid. There is no substitute for a genuine soul-saving, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Church membership, denominational allegiance and social action may keep a man busy, but will leave him still hollow within. Each person must be born again.

It isn't enough to look at good food or smell good food. Your hunger can only be satisfied when you taste the good food and eat it. The Bread of Life is available for hungry souls. Soul salvation comes without a price tag because Jesus has already paid the bill. Because of this, souls can come freely to the table of grace and feast on the good things of God.

The invitation is given to you today: "O taste and see that the LORD is good." While church is important, don't substitute church for Christ. Only Jesus can save you. Singing Gospel songs, hearing stirring sermons and giving charitably certainly have their place, but hearing about the Gospel is different than embracing the Gospel personally.

The real need of humanity is met in Jesus Christ. Jesus came to give us life. Abundant life. Eternal life. When a man meets Christ, he begins to really live.

Taste and see yourself. Come to the banquet table and meet Jesus yourself. Let your starving soul enjoy the good things of the Lord. You'll find out personally that God is truly good.

The Bible goes on to say, "blessed is the man that trusteth in him." The person who trusts in the Lord is blessed in a special way. No, the problems of life don't vanish upon conversion. Instead, the peace of God brings special consolation to the believer as he faces the challenges of daily life.

Some confuse salvation with joining a church. For some people both may occur at the same time. However, salvation is a definite, personal encounter with Jesus Christ. When a sinner comes to Jesus in repentance and faith, the Lord does a mighty work of grace in the heart of the sinner. The sinner tastes and finds out that salvation is truly of the Lord. The sinner becomes a saint --- and he is never the same again.

Let me challenge you today to taste and see that the Lord is good. Don't fall for substitutes. Turn from your sins and trust Jesus alone for your salvation. Drink deeply at the well of salvation today.

Every one who comes to Him is never the same.


"The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them." - Psalm 34:7
As humans, we have a desire for security. Self-preservation is a common aspect of the human condition. We desire protection. Some seek protection through the accumulation of firearms. Others seek protection through an expensive security system. A guard dog is often used as a form of security. Large businesses actually hire people to serve as security. Our nation has a military that is constantly guarding our country.

Famous people, like actors and musicians, may hire bodyguards to keep them safe. Of course, the average man cannot afford this kind of security.

The President of the United States is protected by our government. The Secret Service has agents assigned to travel with the President. Their job is to shield the Commander and Chief as he circulates in public. A secret service agent has a dangerous job.  It is his task to keep the President safe, and if necessary, be a human shield and take a bullet to protect the President.

Do you know that the followers of Jesus have secret service agents? No, they aren't paid for by our tax dollars. Instead, God has created angels to provide security for us.

Many people are mystified about angels. Unfortunately most Christians have an incorrect view of angels. Many learn from songs, TV programs and fictional stories about angels. The Bible is the only real reliable source for us to refer to about angels. The Bible has much to say about this subject.

First of all, angels are not divine. They are created beings. God created angels. He created them for a specific purpose.

In the Scriptures, we find men kneeling before angels. When they did, they were reminded not to worship angels, but instead, worship the Lord. I find too many people have a more worshipful attitude about angels than they do about the Lord Himself. This is idolatry.

One of the assignments that the angels are given is to minister to us. Hebrews 1:14 teaches us this. In fact, Hebrews chapter 1 has much to say about angels. Take time to reach this powerful chapter of the Bible.

Jesus said, Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. This verse seems to indicate a specific assignment of angels for individual people.

In Biblical days, there were times that angels took a human form and were visually seen by others. At other times, angels took human form and were not distinguished as angels. Hebrews 13:2 says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Most of the time, angels are unseen. Their job is not to make much of themselves, but to simply obey God.

Angels provide us protection. Well, at least one angel does. Our text, Psalm 34:7, teaches us: "The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them." Just as the President is guarded by the Secret Service, God has a secret service agent agent assigned for your protection. Can you think of times that your life was spared? You have the Lord to thank for that. He may have used an angel to provide that protection. Angels operate at God's command, so the real praise for such deliverance belongs unto the Lord.

Keep in mind that angels may not always spare us from the consequences that arise from our foolish decisions. Sometimes we must reap what we've sown.

At least this happened to Lazarus in Luke 16:22. We tend to think that such is the case for other believers as well. To have an angelic transport to glory is a precious event in our future. I think this also teaches us that the angelic protection is not meant to keep us immortal on this earth. There is an appointed day when we will leave this world. If Luke 16:22 is symbolic of all believers, then we realize that we'll have an angelic departure, and our transition will be safe and secure.

Angels are God's secret service agents, operating at His beckoning call. There's no doubt that each of us have been protected by their intervention.

Thank God for these ministering spirits called angels!


"This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." - Psalm 34:6

What is your personal testimony? Could you share, in just one sentence, what the Lord has done for you? If you're like me, the Lord has done far more than can be described in a short statement. Yet, David does this in Psalm 34:6. He writes about himself in the third person, describing what God has done for him.

As we read this brief verse, we may find our own testimony coming into close alignment with David's. Notice three things that we find in his testimony.

First of all, there was destitution. David referred to himself as a poor man. Certainly David had humble beginnings. He was the least of his brethren, tending sheep when he was anointed to be the next king of Israel. However, the destitution he refers to is a spiritual poverty that all men without God experience. A man may have millions in stocks, bonds and cash, yet be spiritually bankrupt. To be rather honest, regardless of your financial stability, you are spiritually bankrupt without Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God." Through Jesus Christ, there is relief for the spiritually bankrupt. The riches of God's grace is enjoyed by those who come to Christ in repentance and faith. On a personal note, I was spiritually bankrupt myself. I had an incredible debt because of sin and I had no way to bail myself out of the mess I was in. It was a mess that I was solely responsible for. Like David, I was destitute.

Destitution leads to desperation. David's desperate need led to him to cry out to the Lord. My desperation led me to do the same, what about you? Despite being raised in a Christian home --- even a preacher's home --- I had a desperate need that only God could help with. Throwing aside my self-righteous efforts, I humbly cried out to God for help. Human pride often stands in the way of men finding the help they desperately need. That is why the Bible says that God gives grace to the humble. Our arrogance not only hinders us from finding help, it is actually part of our problem. Only desperate men can come humbly to God for help.

Destitution leads to desperation. Desperation leads to deliverance. When David cried out to God, things began to happen. Notice two things that occurred when David prayed. First of all, God heard him. It is an amazing fact that God hears the desperate cries of those seeking mercy. Does God refuse to listen to some prayers? I believe so. The Bible says that God resists the proud. Proud men may impress others, but they will never impress God. However, humble men receive the favor of God. God resists the proud, but gives grace tot he humble. The second thing that happened when David prayed was that God saved him out of all his troubles. Notice that the word "trouble," is in the plural form. He had troubles. Yet God saved him from them all.

That is my testimony. I had a lot of troubles. Many of them were self-inflicted. To put it bluntly, all of my trouble involved sin. I was in over my head. I was spiritually bankrupt. I was facing death because of my guilt. I cried to God and He heard me! He saved me from ALL of my troubles. Praise His Name!

Like David, I was destitute. Like David, I got desperate. Like David, I was delivered by the grace of God.

Is this your testimony, too? Then let me give you some advise. Share your testimony with others. There is nothing that will bless your soul like sharing your testimony. Furthermore, you'll probably find that others need to hear your testimony. Most of all, the Lord deserves the praise for your testimony.

Thank the Lord above that He still saves people from their troubles!


"They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed." - Psalm 34:5

As I get older, I seem to be more sentimental about my youth. I have fond memories of my childhood. For instance, I recall visiting my grandparents on Belcher Mountain and playing outside until it got dark. I recall the "lightning bugs" flying around. Some refer to these bugs as "fireflies," but I will always call them lightning bugs.

I recall capturing a lightning bug and watch it light up my hand ... just before I let it go. I never did harm these creatures, but I was mystified about them. I thought there was nothing like a summer evening with lightning bugs moving around.

To be honest, I haven't seen many lightning bugs during the past few summers. Maybe I go to bed too early. Lightning bugs were a visual treat for a kid like me. To see them emitting light during the darkness of night was impressive.

We are living in a world of darkness. The darkness of sin has blanketed our land. Yet Jesus has designated Christians to emit light in this dark world.

To be rather honest, many professing Christians seem to just blend in with the darkness. Sometimes it is hard to spot a Christian. But that is not what Jesus is calling us to do. We are called to let our light shine. God has called us to be different from the unbelieving world. Yet how does this take place?

When Moses spent time with God in private, he would come back to the Israelite camp with his face all aglow. I still think that time spent alone with God can pull back the curtains of sin from the heart so that the light can shine brighter to the world around us.

In Psalm 34:5, David wrote about people who, "looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. It makes a difference when a person looks to Jesus! Here are a couple of things that happen when a man looks to the Lord.

The Bible says, "Look unto me and be ye saved." This was the text that a young boy heard one snowy morning. In an instant, he looked to Christ and was changed. His name was Charles Haddon Spurgeon. A man can look to the church building and leave disappointed. A man may gaze at a denomination and get disheartened. A man may look at spiritual activity and get depressed. But if that man will look, by faith, to Jesus, he will be saved.

The book of Hebrews says, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." After giving us a grand tour of the hall of fame of Faith, the writer of the book of Hebrews challenges believers to move forward in their faith. Realizing that the Christian life is more of a marathon than a sprint, the writer provides us help for the grueling race ahead. A runner does not find strength by looking back at the starting line. Neither does he find sustaining strength by looking at the onlookers along the way. Instead, his motivation is found by looking ahead to the finish line. Our finish line will take us into the presence of the Lord. Knowing He is just ahead should motivate us to press on to the end.

David wrote that those who look to the Lord "were lightened." They had a glow on their face. They were not ashamed because they loved the One who put that glow in place.

There are so many demands on our schedule. I believe this is a ploy of the enemy, because we cannot cultivate intimacy with God while we're continually busy. It takes personal discipline to carve out time to meet with God. Staying busy in ministry is not even a substitute for this. We need to deliberately get alone and look to the Lord. Over time, we may find that old glow returning.

In this world of sin, we need believers who glow in the dark!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...