"This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." - Psalm 34:6

What is your personal testimony? Could you share, in just one sentence, what the Lord has done for you? If you're like me, the Lord has done far more than can be described in a short statement. Yet, David does this in Psalm 34:6. He writes about himself in the third person, describing what God has done for him.

As we read this brief verse, we may find our own testimony coming into close alignment with David's. Notice three things that we find in his testimony.

First of all, there was destitution. David referred to himself as a poor man. Certainly David had humble beginnings. He was the least of his brethren, tending sheep when he was anointed to be the next king of Israel. However, the destitution he refers to is a spiritual poverty that all men without God experience. A man may have millions in stocks, bonds and cash, yet be spiritually bankrupt. To be rather honest, regardless of your financial stability, you are spiritually bankrupt without Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God." Through Jesus Christ, there is relief for the spiritually bankrupt. The riches of God's grace is enjoyed by those who come to Christ in repentance and faith. On a personal note, I was spiritually bankrupt myself. I had an incredible debt because of sin and I had no way to bail myself out of the mess I was in. It was a mess that I was solely responsible for. Like David, I was destitute.

Destitution leads to desperation. David's desperate need led to him to cry out to the Lord. My desperation led me to do the same, what about you? Despite being raised in a Christian home --- even a preacher's home --- I had a desperate need that only God could help with. Throwing aside my self-righteous efforts, I humbly cried out to God for help. Human pride often stands in the way of men finding the help they desperately need. That is why the Bible says that God gives grace to the humble. Our arrogance not only hinders us from finding help, it is actually part of our problem. Only desperate men can come humbly to God for help.

Destitution leads to desperation. Desperation leads to deliverance. When David cried out to God, things began to happen. Notice two things that occurred when David prayed. First of all, God heard him. It is an amazing fact that God hears the desperate cries of those seeking mercy. Does God refuse to listen to some prayers? I believe so. The Bible says that God resists the proud. Proud men may impress others, but they will never impress God. However, humble men receive the favor of God. God resists the proud, but gives grace tot he humble. The second thing that happened when David prayed was that God saved him out of all his troubles. Notice that the word "trouble," is in the plural form. He had troubles. Yet God saved him from them all.

That is my testimony. I had a lot of troubles. Many of them were self-inflicted. To put it bluntly, all of my trouble involved sin. I was in over my head. I was spiritually bankrupt. I was facing death because of my guilt. I cried to God and He heard me! He saved me from ALL of my troubles. Praise His Name!

Like David, I was destitute. Like David, I got desperate. Like David, I was delivered by the grace of God.

Is this your testimony, too? Then let me give you some advise. Share your testimony with others. There is nothing that will bless your soul like sharing your testimony. Furthermore, you'll probably find that others need to hear your testimony. Most of all, the Lord deserves the praise for your testimony.

Thank the Lord above that He still saves people from their troubles!

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