"But now is Christ risen from the dead." - 1 Corinthians 15:20

Easter Sunday is the most important holiday of the year, but it is not considered important by most people. Instead of referring to the day as Easter, we should give it the proper title: Resurrection Sunday.

For Christians, we view Resurrection Day as being of utmost importance. Our faith and future hinges upon the historical fact that Jesus died for our sins upon a cross and rose again the third day.

Here's the problem. While Christians proclaim that they believe that Christ has risen from the dead, most don't seem to live like this is true. The implications of the resurrection are massive. Rather than treating Resurrection Day as just a story told in Sunday School, we need to embrace this day as it really is: a factual event that powerfully impacts our lives.

Why is the resurrection so relevant for today? Why should an event from nearly two thousand years ago be so important for us now? The crucifixion and resurrection impacts our past, present and future.

Far too many people are basing their hope of heaven upon the fact God is merciful and will give them a pass to get in. Their view of God has probably been shaped by the diluted messages they see from TV ministers. Here's the fact: mercy and grace are ours only because of the cross and the empty tomb. On the cross, our sins were paid. On the cross, Jesus took our place and paid our penalty with His own blood. Through His sacrifice, the justice of God was satisfied and the sin-debt has been paid.

Yet how can we be assured of this? How do we know that His sacrifice was sufficient? The empty tomb is the evidence! The empty verified that Jesus was who He claimed to be. His resurrection was, in essence, God's receipt, showing their our debt is paid in full. All who repent and believe in Jesus receive this payment to their account by grace through faith.

Our past is now forgiven because of what Jesus did for us upon the cross.

Secondly, the present is strengthened. Realizing that Jesus has risen should impact our present lives. If Jesus has risen from the dead (and He has), then it makes sense that we will never face a problem or obstacle He can't overcome in our lives.

Since Jesus has triumphed over death, hell and grave, we should live and walk in victory. The Bible says, "We are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

We were once dead in trespasses and sin. Then Jesus came and gave us life. We have passed from death unto life. This transformation came through the resurrected Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Now we should live and walk in the light of His resurrection.

Finally, our future is spectacular because of Jesus' resurrection. You see, His resurrection guarantees our own. Our lives are temporary here on earth. Each one of us must die some day. Yet that is not the end. The same Spirit which raised Jesus from the dead, will quicken our mortal bodies.

Our future is bright because of the empty tomb. The best is yet to come! Yet if you looked at most believers, they act as if death is the worst thing that could ever happen. Yet if we truly believe in the resurrection, we can say, like Paul, "... to die is gain."

Jesus has risen. Believe it! Live in the light of this glorious truth!!!

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