"And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward." - Exodus 14:15

Let's be honest. 2020 has been a difficult year --- and it isn't even half over yet! When there are negative events that dramatically change our lives, it is easy to go into survival mode. When things are going wrong, it is tempting to hibernate and never come out again. The problem is that life is not meant to be lived that way.

Typically, when things are rough, people either quit, retreat or try to maintain the status quo. It is unthinkable that someone could thrive when everything seems to be crashing down around them.

Israel went through the full range of emotions during their exodus from Egypt. Before their release, the intensity of their bondage worsened. When freedom came, it must have been exhilarating!

Now the Israelites have come to the Red Sea. Hard-headed Pharaoh had a change of mind and was in hot pursuit, seeking to bring the Jews back to Egypt as slaves. Moses and the Israelites found themselves in trouble. Pharaoh was near but Israel had nowhere to go except into the Red Sea. The prospect of slavery was only slightly preferred over drowning.

With nowhere else to go, Moses cried out to God for help. In response, the Bible says, "And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward."

Go forward? Where were they to go? The Red Sea didn't seem like a promising route. Yet Israel had to learn what we need to learn today: when God guides, He provides. When God says to go forward, He will make a way.

I think this message is needed by all of us today. It is easy to complain and worry. It is another thing to go forward. Let me challenge you to go forward today.

First of all, go forward when you're tempted to stop. Quitting sounds like an easy, simple solution when things are going bad. However, God does not call us to be quitters. When things get tough, quitters are abundant. The few that go forward are the people we honor and respect. So if you're tempted to quit, get a renewed sense of purpose and go forward. Even if you go alone, go forward. You may be scared of failing, but it is better to go forward and fall short than to quit. Quitting is a guaranteed way to fail. So get back to teaching Sunday School. Return to church. Begin reading your Bible once more. Pray again. Go forward in your faith. Go forward in your relationships. Go forward with your career. Go forward with your dreams.

Also, go forward when you're tempted to stray. While some are tempted to quit, others are tempted to compromise and sin. It is easy to give in to sin when times get tough. When we hear of a moral or ethical failure of a prominent leader, we tend to think it happened suddenly. Actually, the circumstances probably evolved slowly until everything became public knowledge. Too many gifted leaders have failed along the way. At some point, they chose compromise rather than commitment. They chose the easy path rather than the right path. When you're tempted to stray, flee from temptation and go forward with the Lord.

Finally, go forward when you're tempted to stay the status quo. We know about those who quit and the many who've compromised, but there are many more who are stuck in a rut. If you've ever had your automobile stuck in the mud, you know that if you apply the accelerator, the motor will rev up, the speedometer will show a lot of speed, but if the tire is settled in mud, you're still not going anywhere. Many people are like that. They are busy, but not accomplishing anything worthwhile. It is sad to succeed at something of no value. Are you in a rut? With the Lord's help, you can get out right now. If you're content to stay in a rut, you will. If you refuse to stay in a rut, turn to the Lord and ask for help. You don't have to stay in a rut any longer. Get out of the rut and go forward.

God made a way for Israel, but only after they took a step of faith and went forward. That was certainly not the end of the story for the Israelites, but it was for Pharaoh and his army.

Even though most of our world is reeling from a pandemic, this can be a time of real renewal and refreshing for you. Don't quit. Don't compromise. Don't stay in a rut.

Go forward.


"Then came she and worshiped him, saying, Lord, help me." - Matthew 15:25

Nearly all religions practice some kind of prayer. As Christians, we believe that when we pray, we talk directly to God through Jesus Christ. God has promised in His Word that if we pray according to His will, He hears us. The Bible gives specific promises that God hears and answers prayer.

If God promises to hear and answer the prayers of His people, why don't we see more tangible results from our prayers? We boast to an unbelieving world that our prayers are not in vain. We proclaim that God hears us and answers come when we pray. Yet if we were pressed to the point, many Christians could not pin-point a specific answer to any of their recent prayers.

While I believe and teach that God hears and answers prayer, I must admit that He doesn't always answer when I want Him to. Neither does He always give me the answer I desire.

Many books have been written about prayer. Yet there is not a better book on prayer than the Bible itself. While it is profitable to do a Bible study about prayer, it is even better to pray yourself. I believe the spiritual barrenness of many Christians can be traced back to prayerless living. Part of the reason we are receiving few answers to prayer is that we are not praying. It is impossible to receive an answer to a prayer you don't pray.

Also, our spiritual barrenness is due to faulty beliefs about prayer. For instance, we believe that the longer we pray, the better our chances to receive an answer. Furthermore, we tend to believe that the more eloquent we are in our prayers the more God is impressed and this increases our chances to get an answer. Both of these beliefs are wrong.

When the woman of Canaan came to Jesus seeking help for her daughter, her initial request contained just three words: "Lord, help me." At first, Jesus did not answer her. Jesus definitely heard her, but chose not answer immediately. Her faith was being tested.

Yet the recorded response of this woman destroys the common belief that eloquent or lengthy prayers get results. Her prayers got results because of some fundamental reasons.

Sadly, often our "prayers" focus on ourselves, our needs and our desires. If the truth be known, there are times we don't really pray at all. We merely talk to ourselves. R. A. Torrey often led prayer meetings with an introductory challenge. He would tell his congregation to focus on the Lord before they began to pray. When we focus on Jesus, our attention shifts from our problems to the problem-solver. When we focus on the Lord, our worries turn to worship. To be rather blunt, there is not power in our prayers, instead the power is in the One we pray to. Like the woman, focus on the Lord.

Secondly, she prayed with faith. Jesus commended her faith. She believed that Jesus could help her daughter. She made a special trip there to get the help her daughter desperately needed. Do you pray with faith? James wrote, "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord." Hebrews 11:6 says, "... he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Pray with faith!

Finally, the woman from Canaan prayed with fervency. She was not apathetic with her requests. Rather than a boring time of reciting a litany of prayer requests, she appealed to Jesus with great emotion. The Bible says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Fervent prayers seem to touch heaven. The mother from Canaan refused to leave the Lord's presence until she got an answer. What about you? Do you pray with fervency? The heart of prayer is prayer from the heart.

Ultimately, we realize that prayers don't make the difference, but the One who answers our prayers makes an enormous difference. When we pray with focus, faith and fervency, we enter the presence of the One who does marvelous and miraculous things. Perhaps you, or someone you know, may experience a miracle today because you sought God and refused to quit until the answer came.

Right now is a good time to pray, don't you think?


"... he answered her not a word." - Matthew 15:23

"Silence is golden." That old statement seems to hold true in our society today. It seems like there is always something going on to keep a person from enjoying tranquility. A phone rings. A dog barks. A noisy car passes by. Someone knocks at the door. A man can hardly enjoy peace and quiet in his own home these days.

There are times when silence is not golden. When you anxiously await news on a friend's medical condition or learn the outcome of a job interview. At moments like this, you want the silence to be broken.

The worst form of silence comes when you await an answer from God. When you desperately pray about a dire need and receive nothing but silence from God, it is difficult. That was the case for a mother from Canaan. She came to Jesus seeking a miracle for her daughter. In spite of her plea, the Bible says that Jesus, "... answered her not a word."

Perhaps you are going through such a time in your life. Maybe you are praying desperately for something, yet God remains silent.

Don't mistake God's silence for apathy. God knows your need and the degree of pain you are enduring. Be assured that He is fully aware of your concern. He certainly knows when your heart is breaking.

So why does He remain silent, especially when we seem to need Him most? There may be a number of reasons for His silence, but let's consider just a few possible reasons.

First of all, it may be that the timing isn't right. You see, God does not operate according to our schedule. He is working out the timing of many situations, some we are totally unaware of. When Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick, Jesus did not show up when they thought He should. They thought he was late --- but He was actually on time.

A second reason that God may be silent to our cries is that He may be training us for something to come. That was the case for Joseph in the Old Testament. The man was betrayed by his brothers, falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and wrongly imprisoned for years. God seemed silent in spite of all the injustice that happened. Yet I believe that Joseph was being prepared for leadership. To say the least, when he blurted out his dreams as a young person, he wasn't ready for leadership. God often uses hardships to mold us into a person He can use at a future time. That was the case for Joseph.

God may remain silent in order to test us. Our faith needs to be tested. God tested Abraham's faith when God told him to offer his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice. I believe that Job had his faith tested by adversity. Job struggled because God remained silent. At the end of the story, God spoke, but it wasn't until Job and his faith faced the refining fire. That is often the case for us. Adrian Rogers once said, "A faith that's not be tested can't be trusted. Jesus was silent when the Canaanite woman begged for help. I believe her faith was tested. You may find your faith being tested often, too. Faith, like a rubber band, can only be tested when it is stretched.

There are times when God remains silent during our adversity and never reveals why. These are simply times we must trust Him. Someone once said, "If we cannot see His hand, we can trust His heart." The Bible says, "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God" (Deuteronomy 29:29). There are certain things that God will not reveal to us while we live on earth. Some of the most heartbreaking experiences seem to defy explanation. God reserves the right to remain silent, if He so chooses. While such times may hurt deeply, we can trust Him in those circumstances.

Perhaps you are going through a trial right now and God seems silent as you beg for help. Keep trusting Him. Keep praying. Keep doing right. Whether God ever reveals the reason for your trials --- or His silence --- you should know that He is omniscient and is in control.

God is trustworthy. So trust Him, even when He remains silent.


"And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil." - Matthew 15:22

Here in the United States, Mother's Day began in my home state of West Virginia. Later, President Woodrow Wilson made Mother's Day an official holiday. For over 100 years, our nation has honored mothers on the second Sunday in May.

I have a wonderful mother. She is an old-fashioned mother, for which I am very grateful for. She loves her family. She has sacrificed so much through the years for her husband and children. Mom is a touching example of a loving servant. She, more than any woman I know, reflects the kind of woman described in Proverbs 31. When it comes to her two sons, Mom knows when something is wrong. Our pain is her pain. Our burdens are her burdens. Only God knows how often she has prayed for us.

A good mother has a heart for her children. She is willing to give her life for her children. We find such a woman in Matthew 15. A woman of Canaan came to Jesus with a great burden. Her daughter was oppressed with a devil. Spiritual warfare cannot be won with human weapons. She knew that Jesus was the only One who could help.

On the surface, it seemed like Jesus was unwilling to help this troubled mother. Her faith was being tested. Yet in the end, this mother received the answer that she yearned for.

Whether you are a mother that is burdened for your children, or a person honoring your mother this weekend, I want you to consider three things about this mother in Matthew 15.

First of all, we find desperation. She was a desperate woman. Desperation drives us closer to Jesus. We do our most fervent praying when we face a dire situation.  Desperation humbles us, placing us in a position where God will bless. Many mothers can testify that God did great miracles when they desperately sought Him.

You'd think that people would be desperate today, but most are not. With a pandemic going on, unemployment at an all-time high and sharp divisions in our nation, we are living in desperate times. Like the mother in our story, it is time for us to desperately seek Jesus today.

Secondly, there was determination. Even though it seemed like Jesus was not responsive to her plea, she keep asking. She kept praying. I wonder how many times we quit praying because God seemed unwilling to respond. Perhaps we were just one request away from getting the answer when we quit praying. O, may God stir our hearts to pray until the answer comes. We need to be like Jacob who said, "I will not let you go until you bless me."

Finally, there was dependence. Although she knew her unworthiness in approaching Jesus, she still came seeking His help and trusting Him for that help. Today, we seek help from the government, family and friends. Few are seeking God. Even fewer are trusting Him and His Word. God can be trusted at all times ... including right now.

The woman from Canaan shows us the heart of a mother. A godly mother has concern for her child, trust in the Master and the tenacity to pray until an answer comes.

I am thankful to have such a mother myself. What about you?

Not only do we see the heart of a mother in Matthew 15, we learn about the heart of Jesus. While we honor mothers this weekend, let us seek to emulate our Lord. May His compassion fuel our own. His love and grace should stir us to show mercy to those around us. Our Lord's answer to pray should motivate us to pray for others. You see, a mother's love can only go so far, but God's love goes much further and deeper.

Thank God for praying mothers! Even more, thank God that He tenderly answers those prayers with love and mercy!


"... the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4

In recent days, many have been asking, "will life ever return to normal?" I do not claim to be a prophet. I have not been giving insight concerning the days and weeks to come here on earth. However, I am very aware of this: what we consider normal is actually abnormal.

Sin has marred our world and brought many challenges and difficulties to the human race. We have grown accustomed to these things. We consider this normal. It really isn't. The world God created was perfect in every way. This morning, I read in the Bible about the early days of Adam. The surroundings he enjoyed prior to the sinful fall are not the same type of conditions we live in today. Adam and Eve had a life of ease, serving God in the paradise of Eden. We live in a sin-infested world of selfishness, crime and evil.

To answer the original question, yes, life will one day return to normal. But this will only occur through an act of God. One day, we will enjoy a sinless paradise once more. Our residence there has been made possible through the blood of Jesus.

Life as we have known it on earth, may or may not return to the state we once knew, but we shouldn't be satisfied with that. We were created for more than that. We should have an inner yearning for something better.

I have a desire for something better than this pandemic existence we have endured lately. But I also have a yearning for something even better than the pre-pandemic life we once knew. I want to experience a life free of pain. I long for a life free from burdens and cares. I seek a world far better than this one has been.

Eden was a paradise for Adam, but mankind cannot enjoy paradise on earth right now. God has a paradise for His people. It is a place where a pandemic will never exist. In that paradise, we won't be worried about the economy, health issues or relational problems. Instead, we will enjoy the presence of God.

Two weeks ago, my father passed away. He had a yearning for a perfect world and was often frustrated that it could not be enjoyed here. He is enjoying it now. The abode of God must be a perfect place because a perfect God must have a perfect place to dwell in.

The Bible states that the believer's citizenship is in heaven. That is why we shouldn't be so distracted by mundane things like sports or politics. The older I get the more I realize that this world is not my home. I am heartbroken over the moral and spiritual decay I am witnessing in this world. I don't intend to stay here longer than I have to. As an ambassador for Christ, I have a mission to accomplish in my remaining days here on earth. When God sees that it is unhealthy and unsafe for me to stay here, he will call me home. Until then, I won't be satisfied here on earth.

It bothers me that many people have not made preparations for eternity. For them, this world is the best they will ever enjoy. This is their heaven. How sad and tragic this is! I would hate to think that I am living my best life now. Thankfully, through faith in Christ, a better life is available. Eternal life begins here on earth, but is enjoyed to the fullest when we reach heaven.

Life will return to normal some day. Adam and Even enjoyed a normal life. They served God in the perfect surroundings of Eden. One day we will leave this abnormal world and enjoy the perfect surroundings of paradise. Best of all, our perfect Lord will be there to welcome us to that perfect place.

That is the normal life I yearn for, what about you? 

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...