"... the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4

In recent days, many have been asking, "will life ever return to normal?" I do not claim to be a prophet. I have not been giving insight concerning the days and weeks to come here on earth. However, I am very aware of this: what we consider normal is actually abnormal.

Sin has marred our world and brought many challenges and difficulties to the human race. We have grown accustomed to these things. We consider this normal. It really isn't. The world God created was perfect in every way. This morning, I read in the Bible about the early days of Adam. The surroundings he enjoyed prior to the sinful fall are not the same type of conditions we live in today. Adam and Eve had a life of ease, serving God in the paradise of Eden. We live in a sin-infested world of selfishness, crime and evil.

To answer the original question, yes, life will one day return to normal. But this will only occur through an act of God. One day, we will enjoy a sinless paradise once more. Our residence there has been made possible through the blood of Jesus.

Life as we have known it on earth, may or may not return to the state we once knew, but we shouldn't be satisfied with that. We were created for more than that. We should have an inner yearning for something better.

I have a desire for something better than this pandemic existence we have endured lately. But I also have a yearning for something even better than the pre-pandemic life we once knew. I want to experience a life free of pain. I long for a life free from burdens and cares. I seek a world far better than this one has been.

Eden was a paradise for Adam, but mankind cannot enjoy paradise on earth right now. God has a paradise for His people. It is a place where a pandemic will never exist. In that paradise, we won't be worried about the economy, health issues or relational problems. Instead, we will enjoy the presence of God.

Two weeks ago, my father passed away. He had a yearning for a perfect world and was often frustrated that it could not be enjoyed here. He is enjoying it now. The abode of God must be a perfect place because a perfect God must have a perfect place to dwell in.

The Bible states that the believer's citizenship is in heaven. That is why we shouldn't be so distracted by mundane things like sports or politics. The older I get the more I realize that this world is not my home. I am heartbroken over the moral and spiritual decay I am witnessing in this world. I don't intend to stay here longer than I have to. As an ambassador for Christ, I have a mission to accomplish in my remaining days here on earth. When God sees that it is unhealthy and unsafe for me to stay here, he will call me home. Until then, I won't be satisfied here on earth.

It bothers me that many people have not made preparations for eternity. For them, this world is the best they will ever enjoy. This is their heaven. How sad and tragic this is! I would hate to think that I am living my best life now. Thankfully, through faith in Christ, a better life is available. Eternal life begins here on earth, but is enjoyed to the fullest when we reach heaven.

Life will return to normal some day. Adam and Even enjoyed a normal life. They served God in the perfect surroundings of Eden. One day we will leave this abnormal world and enjoy the perfect surroundings of paradise. Best of all, our perfect Lord will be there to welcome us to that perfect place.

That is the normal life I yearn for, what about you? 

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...