"Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." - Romans 10:1

This past Sunday, we buried my father. It has been a difficult experience for our family, but we have drawn strength from the fact that Dad is in the paradise of God.

When he was 18 years old, Dad met the Lord on Belcher Mountain, in McDowell County, WV. This profoundly changed his life. Later in life, Dad was ordained into the Gospel ministry, preaching throughout southern West Virginia and eventually serving as pastor for 30 years at our home church, the Guyandotte Baptist Church, near Herndon Heights, WV. The fruit of his Christian life was obvious to us and those who knew him.

This week I have pondered on the subject, what about other families? While we have confidence that Dad is with the Lord, many families have members who are not ready for death. When death comes, these families will have no hope for their lost loved ones.

The time to address this issue is NOW.

The first question you need to ask, "Am I ready for to meet the Lord?" One day it will be your turn to leave this world. It may happen at any time. Do you KNOW you are saved? Have you been born again? Before addressing the issue of your family members, you need to make sure you are heaven-bound yourself. Before telling your family members about the Lord, you need to know Him personally yourself.

I live in a very religious region of the United States. Yet I am very concerned that many people in this area shrug off the subject of salvation because they have a religious background. Far too many people are depending upon their church membership, religious activity or a profession of faith to get them into heaven. Apart from a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, you have no reason to be confident of your standing with God. You must repent and believe the Gospel. You must be receive Christ Jesus personally. You must be born again.

If you can't honestly say that this has happened to you, let me challenge you to repent and call upon the Lord right now, trusting in Him alone to save you. Receive, by faith, God's gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

If you know you have spiritually passed from death unto life, let me ask you: are you confident that your family members are ready to meet God? There is nothing worse that having a family member pass away, leaving you and others heartbroken about their spiritual state.

You may think that such a subject is not important unless they have a terminal disease. Here's some sobering news. They HAVE a terminal disease, it's called humanity. All of us are dying. Death is certain and imminent for all of us.

First of all, you don't have very long to share Jesus with them. Your life is fleeting. Don't face death regretting that you never spoke about the Lord with your family members. Your time is running out. Pray fervently for their souls. The time to share the Gospel is NOW.

Secondly, your family members don't have much longer either. At any moment, you may receive the horrifying news that a lost family member has died. Don't delay in making the Gospel know to them. Their eternal future hangs in the balance.

Death is difficult enough the way it is. It is comforting to know that when a family member dies, that he is with the Lord. We have just a brief time to live here on earth. Let's make the most of the time we have left --- for the glory of God.

Salvation is too important to treat lightly.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...