"And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." - Luke 7:23

Am I the only one who thinks America has gone off the deep end? Several years ago political correctness crept into our society. Now it seems like everyone is offended about something. A few years ago, there were demonstrations because people were offended that Donald Trump won the Presidential election. Since then, there have been demonstrations about gun rights (and gun laws), the Confederate flag, racism and police brutality. Let me state emphatically that I do not condone police brutality. No respectable person does. I don't know of any decent person that thinks that human slavery should be defended. I, like most Americans, condemn ethnic hatred.

But look at the extreme people are going with their offended feelings. Historical monuments and landmarks have been desecrated. Statues are being removed. Buildings have been burned. Many were "offended" that the old TV show, "The Dukes of Hazzard," had a car named after a Confederate general, leading some TV stations to remove the show from syndication. Now the Quaker Oats Company has been forced to rename the brand, Aunt Jemima. All of this because people are offended.

I fear that this generation of Americans is trying to destroy our history. Certainly, there are things in our past that we are ashamed of. Yet if we fail to learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it. It is obvious that many have never learned American history to begin with.

As bad as our culture is offended over the past or hatred in the present, there is a layer of offense that goes far deeper. Most of mankind is offended with God. Just think what would happen if Christians stormed the streets of every town handing out Gospel tracts, preaching on street corners and sharing Jesus one-on-one with people. There would be a riot against Christians. Evangelical Christianity is already viewed as a hate group by some. Why? Because people are offended with God.

Why are people offended with God? Let me give you three reasons.

First of all, men are offended with God because of His sovereignty. God is sovereign. He rules and super rules. He takes orders from no one. He is not accountable to anyone. He is Lord of all. His ruling is final. And that offends people.

People are offended with His authority. Some refuse to acknowledge God's existence because they don't want to be accountable to Him. Others believe that God is a grandfather-like figure that pampers people with blessings and overlooks sin. A few believe that God is like a butler, eagerly waiting to fulfill their desires. None of this is true. The Bible reveals God as He really is. People are offended that Someone could rule without being subject to reelection, recall or impeachment. People are offended that His ruling is official, binding and eternal. They are offended with His authority.

Also, people are offended with His actions. Many are offended with the way God does things. He doesn't act they way they think He should. He doesn't bow to their command. His works are often baffling and mysterious. Have you known someone who was mad at God because a relative died? They are offended at God. Job said, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." Most want God to give but never take away. When He takes away, they get offended.

Also, men are offended with His standards. It is sad to see how low we have lowered the bar of ethics, integrity and morality in our land. Men expect God to lower His standards to accommodate them. He won't. This offends many. When a Christian talks about sin, repentance and judgment, he finds himself at odds with this world. Even some church members would object to such subjects. People are offended with God's standards. You see, God's standard is perfection. Mankind cannot reach this standard. Only through a Savior can people find grace. Jesus met that standard of perfection on our behalf. Only when we repent of our self-righteousness and receive His righteousness can we find ourselves right with God. Most don't believe this. Clinging to their "good intentions," and filthy rags of self-righteousness, they think they deserve heaven. They are offended to be called sinners. They are offended to be told that they need to be saved.

Finally, men are offended with His Scriptures. Many refuse to believe the Bible. Some claim to believe the Bible, but they indulge in Bible buffet. They pick and choose what they want to believe. If you only pick and choose what you want to believe in the Bible, it isn't the Bible you believe, you believe yourself. When the Bible is preached in its purity, many are offended and refuse to believe. While many preachers dilute the message so they can get a crowd, we need to remember that Jesus taught doctrine that people didn't like. In fact, many were so offended that they got up and left him (see John 6:66).

The problem with the offense of men is that God finds these men offensive. This is an unpopular truth. Those who deny Jesus will one day be denied themselves. Those who reject Christ will find themselves rejected on Judgment Day. Men who condemn God are already condemned themselves.

Jesus is Lord. You will either bow before Him in this life in repentance and faith or you will bow before Him on Judgment Day. God has done nothing to deserve your disgust, but you have done much to bring disgust to Him. Repent and believe the Gospel.

Let me close by making some unpopular, yet Biblical statements. 1. All lives matter. 2. There is only one race, the human race. 3. The human race is a fallen race. 4. God commands all men to repent. 5. Jesus is the only way to heaven. 6. Hell is the final destiny of those who die in their sins. 7. God is sovereign and will reign forever.

Are you offended?


"And all the city was moved, and the people ran together: and they took Paul, and drew him out of the temple: and forthwith the doors were shut. And as they went about to kill him, tidings came unto the chief captain of the band, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar." - Acts 21:30-31

These are dark days in our nation. First, the Covid-19 virus brought fear and isolation. Eventually, it led to the worst economic downturn in many years. Our nation's attention has been diverted to other matters, giving Americans the false assurance that the virus scare is past. It is not. In fact, our false assurance may be putting us in greater danger than before.

Also, our days have been darkened because of the matters of police brutality, racism and rioting. Our news broadcasts have been bombarded with stories of demonstrations and riots in American streets. Although demonstrations are often legal, riots are not. The riots we have witnessed on news broadcasts have included defacing historical monuments, destruction of private property, arson and even the brutal murder of shop keepers.

In the book of Acts, we find two things going on: riots and revival. Yes, riots occurred in the book of Acts. Yet these riots occurred because of Christians and their message. I believe that if the Church were as vocal about the Gospel as we should be, we would probably see similar demonstrations and riots against us.

What happened to the believers in the book of Acts? Why were they the target of persecution, hostility, and even riots? What did they do in response to the riots? Why did they experience revival during such civil unrest? I believe that if we emphasized what they did, we'd see revival --- even during times of civil unrest. So what did the first century Church do?

First of all, they prayed. For us, prayer is just a segment of a church service or something we do in a crisis. In our day, if something doesn't go the way we want, we call a congressman, talk to a local news reporter or pursue a lawsuit. The believers in the book of Acts sought God. Yet they did not pray for the persecution to be removed. Instead, they prayed for God to empower them to be faithful in spite of the persecution. In Acts 4, when they were commanded to quit preaching the truth, the believers gathered for prayer. In verse 29, the Bible says that they prayed, "And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word." As a result, the Bible states in verse 31, "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness." That leads us to the second thing that they did.

Believers faithfully preached the Word. They didn't compromise the truth in order to appease the crowd. They didn't water-down the message in order to conform to political correctness. They preached the Word. The message of the cross is an offense to the world. Unbelievers often respond negatively, some even harshly, to the message of the Gospel. And yet the same message that turns many off is the same message that draws others to Jesus. A compromised message is ineffective. We wouldn't think of diluting medicine. We knew that if we diluted medicine, it would limit its power. The same is true for the message of the Gospel. Today many well-meaning ministers are compromising the truth in order to "reach" their culture. Subjects like sin, repentance and judgment are noticeably absent from the message that many are proclaiming. We have a mission. That mission is to spread the Gospel.

Finally, the early believers were persistent about praying and preaching. They didn't stray from the primary mission they were given. They knew what was most important and gave themselves to it. When Paul was placed under arrest, he was given an opportunity to speak to many prominent leaders. Yet if you look at Paul's words, he did not appeal for the relaxing of persecution against believers. He did not appeal for social reform. Instead, he proclaimed the Gospel.

Is it wrong to speak out about injustice or racism? No! However, if we speak loudly about these matters but never speak loudly about Jesus, we must examine ourselves. While it is important to stand up for the innocent, the poor, the sick and the abused, let us never forget that our primary mission to make Christ known. Political and social reform are good, but temporary. The Gospel of Jesus Christ makes an eternal difference.

The ills of our land are spiritual in nature. Spiritual problems require spiritual solutions. Our nation's problems are due to sin. The answer is Jesus. It is time we make Him known --- for the glory of God!!!


"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." - Ephesians 5:16

Time is the most precious commodity you have. You can lose money and earn more. You can possibly lose your health and regain it. But if you waste your time, it can never be retrieved.

You have three choices when it comes to the use of your time. You can waste it, spend it or invest it.

Too many are wasting time. During this pandemic, many have been forced to stay home. Rather than finding creative ways to utilize their time, many have wasted time watching TV or surfing the internet. Even during normal times, most people waste their time. They can't give you a detailed accounting of their previous day.

While some waste time, most people just spend their time. They stay busy but never accomplish anything. It is sad that some live to be very old but have nothing to show for a long lifespan.

Wise people invest their time. An investment requires giving something of value with the intention of receiving more in the future. We know a little about investing money, but few seem to know about investing time.

If you intend to invest your time, it makes sense to invest your time in such a way that it brings a long-term high yielding result. The wisest investments we can make are eternal investments. Think about it for a moment. If your investments are just in temporary things, you'll probably get temporary results. If you invest in eternal things, you'll receive eternal rewards.

With that in mind, let me point you to four areas where you should invest your time.

First of all, make the greatest investment of all by making time to be with the Lord. Have a time with the Lord every day. In fact, your time with God should be your top priority. Give God your best time. It is important to carve out time for God. Just as you would create a slot of time for an appointment, treat your time with God as a daily appointment. The quantity of time you give may be contingent on a number of factors, but having a time with God in prayer and His Word is vital. Time with God is never wasted time. When you have time with the Lord, it is an investment that truly enriches your life.

Secondly, you need to make time for your family. God has entrusted you with family. Your family needs you. It is vital to provide for your family. That is why it is not a waste of time to work for a living. You honor God and provide for your family through your job. While work is important, don't be a workaholic. At the end of your shift, go home and be with your family. Have times of conversation with each member of the family. Love your family. Cherish your family. Declare your love for each family member and demonstrate that love in various ways.

Also, make time for your friends. There are certain individuals that you can count on through thick and thin. In the worst of times they are there for you. These friends are special individuals that you should share your time with. Good, reliable friends are hard to find. When you have a Christian friend who invests in your life, count that friend as a special blessing. At the same time, be a friend to those friends. Others have invested their time with you, it is time for you to invest your time with them. If your "friends" drag you down, drain you of your joy and seek to hinder your faith, find new friends. If you don't have any Christian friends, start at church. Find someone of the same gender that you respect and want to learn from. Befriend such a person. Make time for friends.

Finally, make time for things that will outlast you. Make time for your local church. As time permits, make time for civic organizations or ministries where you can serve. Utilize your time, talents and treasures for ministries that are making a positive difference in your community, region and the world. With God's help, there are various ways you can make a positive contribution. However, when you join together with several people for a common goal, God can use such efforts to make a massive difference. Invest in things that will continue to make a difference long after you leave this world.

When you invest time in your faith, your family, your friends and the future, you are investing time in things that will bring dividends in the future. Invest your time in eternal matters. Invest daily.

Redeem the time ... beginning right now.


"Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" - Acts 9:6

Do you make plans in advance? To a certain extent, most of us do. Whether it is planning work to do around the house, where to go on vacation or choosing how to spend your paycheck, we often make plans in advance. Perhaps you already have plans made for tomorrow or the week to come.

Sadly, many people make plans without consulting God. It is His plans, not ours, that matter most. At best --- at very best --- our plans are tentative. God may change them without notice.

How do we discern God's plans? The answer is simple. Read your Bible. The more you read the Bible, the more you learn about God's will. Learn His will. Obey His will.

I don't consider myself to be an expert on anything, but when it comes to making choices about what to do, I have found four truths to be apparent:

There are some things I simply can't do. I cannot heal someone of cancer. If I had the cure to cancer, I'd certainly make it available for everyone. But I don't. I'm not even a doctor. There are some things I can't do. In the self-help and self-improvement market, there are many say, "If you can believe it, you can achieve it." What nonsense!!! There are many things I can't do, regardless of how hard I believe. If I believe that I can make it snow in July here in West Virginia, it doesn't change the fact that I can't make it happen. There are some things I can't do. All of us need to realize this. Too many people waste time trying to do things that they know, in advance, they can't do. It is a frustrating act of futility.

There are some things I shouldn't do. I shouldn't hurt others. I shouldn't lie. I should steal. I shouldn't commit a felony --- or even a misdemeanor for that fact. In recent days, we have seen chaos in the streets of many cities in America. While peaceful protesting may be legal, acts of vandalism, rioting, arson and physical harm are obviously wrong and evil. Such people not only violate the laws of our land, they violate the law of God. These individuals are doing things they know they shouldn't do. Regardless of the publicity and support they may receive from others, it doesn't change the fact it is wrong. The same holds true for us. There are some things we shouldn't do. If the truth be known, there are many people who are burdened with the regret of past sins. They knew better but went ahead and did what they wanted to do anyhow. I believe grace is available for such regrets, but how much better it would be to avoid those regrets in the first place. There are some things we shouldn't do.

But there are many things I can do. The number of options seem endless. When a teenager faces adulthood, the future seems so bright and the opportunities seem endless. Yet there comes a time when we realize that, although the options are many, we can't utilize all of them. In fact, we shouldn't. To be honest, there are only 24 hours in the day. There are many good civic organizations I could volunteer for, but I just don't have time available to participate in them. There are some things I could do, but I can't do them all. But that leads us to the last and most important thought.

Yes, there are a few things I can't do. There are several things I shouldn't do. There are many things I could do. But there are certain things I should do. Knowing my purpose and calling in life quickly separates the things I should do from the things I could do. Let me put it this way. There are many good things I could do, but I want to focus on the best things I should do. In other words, if I know my purpose and my calling, I know what is most important. The priorities set by my calling will always trump the lesser important issues. The same holds true for you. Organize your life around your purpose and calling.  Keep in mind that you can only do God's will with His divine help.

I mentioned four things: things I can't do, things I shouldn't do, things I could do and things I should do. If I try to live in the first area, I will be frustrated. If I live in the second area, I will have lifelong regrets. If I live in the third area, I will waste my life. But if I live in the fourth area --- doing the things I SHOULD do --- I can live a fulfilled life, accomplishing what I was put here on earth to do, and ultimately face God unashamed.

What about you? If you don't know what to do with your life, then pray like Saul of Tarsus, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" Saul learned what he should do and when he obeyed God, he was used to turn the world upside down.

When it comes to the choice of what to do, leave that choice up to God and you'll never go wrong.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...