"And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." - Luke 7:23

Am I the only one who thinks America has gone off the deep end? Several years ago political correctness crept into our society. Now it seems like everyone is offended about something. A few years ago, there were demonstrations because people were offended that Donald Trump won the Presidential election. Since then, there have been demonstrations about gun rights (and gun laws), the Confederate flag, racism and police brutality. Let me state emphatically that I do not condone police brutality. No respectable person does. I don't know of any decent person that thinks that human slavery should be defended. I, like most Americans, condemn ethnic hatred.

But look at the extreme people are going with their offended feelings. Historical monuments and landmarks have been desecrated. Statues are being removed. Buildings have been burned. Many were "offended" that the old TV show, "The Dukes of Hazzard," had a car named after a Confederate general, leading some TV stations to remove the show from syndication. Now the Quaker Oats Company has been forced to rename the brand, Aunt Jemima. All of this because people are offended.

I fear that this generation of Americans is trying to destroy our history. Certainly, there are things in our past that we are ashamed of. Yet if we fail to learn from our past, we are doomed to repeat it. It is obvious that many have never learned American history to begin with.

As bad as our culture is offended over the past or hatred in the present, there is a layer of offense that goes far deeper. Most of mankind is offended with God. Just think what would happen if Christians stormed the streets of every town handing out Gospel tracts, preaching on street corners and sharing Jesus one-on-one with people. There would be a riot against Christians. Evangelical Christianity is already viewed as a hate group by some. Why? Because people are offended with God.

Why are people offended with God? Let me give you three reasons.

First of all, men are offended with God because of His sovereignty. God is sovereign. He rules and super rules. He takes orders from no one. He is not accountable to anyone. He is Lord of all. His ruling is final. And that offends people.

People are offended with His authority. Some refuse to acknowledge God's existence because they don't want to be accountable to Him. Others believe that God is a grandfather-like figure that pampers people with blessings and overlooks sin. A few believe that God is like a butler, eagerly waiting to fulfill their desires. None of this is true. The Bible reveals God as He really is. People are offended that Someone could rule without being subject to reelection, recall or impeachment. People are offended that His ruling is official, binding and eternal. They are offended with His authority.

Also, people are offended with His actions. Many are offended with the way God does things. He doesn't act they way they think He should. He doesn't bow to their command. His works are often baffling and mysterious. Have you known someone who was mad at God because a relative died? They are offended at God. Job said, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away." Most want God to give but never take away. When He takes away, they get offended.

Also, men are offended with His standards. It is sad to see how low we have lowered the bar of ethics, integrity and morality in our land. Men expect God to lower His standards to accommodate them. He won't. This offends many. When a Christian talks about sin, repentance and judgment, he finds himself at odds with this world. Even some church members would object to such subjects. People are offended with God's standards. You see, God's standard is perfection. Mankind cannot reach this standard. Only through a Savior can people find grace. Jesus met that standard of perfection on our behalf. Only when we repent of our self-righteousness and receive His righteousness can we find ourselves right with God. Most don't believe this. Clinging to their "good intentions," and filthy rags of self-righteousness, they think they deserve heaven. They are offended to be called sinners. They are offended to be told that they need to be saved.

Finally, men are offended with His Scriptures. Many refuse to believe the Bible. Some claim to believe the Bible, but they indulge in Bible buffet. They pick and choose what they want to believe. If you only pick and choose what you want to believe in the Bible, it isn't the Bible you believe, you believe yourself. When the Bible is preached in its purity, many are offended and refuse to believe. While many preachers dilute the message so they can get a crowd, we need to remember that Jesus taught doctrine that people didn't like. In fact, many were so offended that they got up and left him (see John 6:66).

The problem with the offense of men is that God finds these men offensive. This is an unpopular truth. Those who deny Jesus will one day be denied themselves. Those who reject Christ will find themselves rejected on Judgment Day. Men who condemn God are already condemned themselves.

Jesus is Lord. You will either bow before Him in this life in repentance and faith or you will bow before Him on Judgment Day. God has done nothing to deserve your disgust, but you have done much to bring disgust to Him. Repent and believe the Gospel.

Let me close by making some unpopular, yet Biblical statements. 1. All lives matter. 2. There is only one race, the human race. 3. The human race is a fallen race. 4. God commands all men to repent. 5. Jesus is the only way to heaven. 6. Hell is the final destiny of those who die in their sins. 7. God is sovereign and will reign forever.

Are you offended?

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