Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly...” - Revelation 2:16

As I post this message, America is celebrating her 244th birthday. On this day, in 1776, our forefathers signed a declaration of independence, making a public stand against the tyrannical rule of England. We consider that day to be the official birthday of our country.

America has weathered many storms, including Presidential assassinations, recessions, a depression, a Civil War and even the disgraceful resignation of a President. By God's grace, our nation has survived all of these dark days.

We are living in dark days right now. 2020 has been a difficult year and may prove to be the most critical year of our nation's existence. We entered the year with impeachment charges hanging over the current President. The Covid-19 pandemic hit our nation and is still a major concern. We have seen demonstrations and riots over the issues of police brutality and racial discrimination. Our nation is deeply divided over political, social and economic issues. President Lincoln once paraphrased Scripture when he said that a nation divided against itself cannot stand. 

Many foolishly think that the answer to all our woes is found at the voting booth. If we vote a certain way, America will be fine. If the right kind of Supreme Court justices are appointed, we'd see this nation turn around. Are we so gullible to believe these lies? The answer for America is not at the White House but at the church house. The answers we need won't be found in the U. S. Constitution, but in the Bible. America won't be turned around at the voting booth but in the prayer closet. America won't be saved by a majority of the right kind of Supreme Court justices, but only as we look to the just Judge of the universe.

Call me all kinds of names if you wish, but here are the only things that can save America from internal destruction. By the grace of God, and for His glory, we need to:

First of all, America needs to repent. Despite what many say today, God is not holding us responsible for the actions of our ancestors 250 years ago. However, God does hold us responsible for our own actions. As a nation, we have pushed God out of the schools, courts and the much of the public square. The Bible is sneered at. God's people are classified by some as a hate group. Righteousness is considered legalism. The message of repentance is considered judgmental, hypocritical and intolerant. Yet repentance is the only path that will help our ailing society. Certainly our nation needs to repent. This can only happen as individuals repent. Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior. Just as God commanded people and nations to repent in the Old Testament, He is calling people to do the same today. Just as John was commanded to tell several churches to repent in the book of Revelation, churches and Christians need to repent today. Without repentance, this nation is doomed for judgment.

Secondly, we need to return to God. In desperation, we need to seek God for help. We need to return to the prayer closet. We need to bring prayer meetings back to our churches. We need to set aside quality time to get on our knees and seek God. More than mere rhetoric, our hearts need to yearn for God once more. We need to return to the Bible, church and holy living.

After repenting and returning, we to rise up and be counted. Be unashamed to be counted as a Christian. Be unafraid to defend the truth. Be unwavering in the Gospel. Rise up and stand against evil and wickedness.  Rise up and be a faithful witness for the Lord. Be an example of genuine, Biblical Christianity. These days, everyone is standing up for what they believe in … except Christians. Where are the Christians? If we claim to love Jesus, why don't others know? If we claim to be following the Lord, shouldn't it be obvious to your friends? We are the only ones with the message of hope that is needed in this day.  It is time for us to rise up and show God's love daily, share God's Word shamelessly and lead others to know the One who can transform their lives.

That is what America needs most.

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Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...