When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.” - Jonah 2:7

We live in a fast-paced society with many distractions. Billboards, television, radio and the internet are among the many distractions screaming for our attention. Additionally, the demands of a career, family and church activities can easily overwhelm an already-full schedule.

With all the people trying to get your attention, I pose this question. Does God have your attention?

When Jonah was called to preach at Nineveh, he disobeyed and went in the opposite direction. God tried to get his attention through a storm, the experience of being cast overboard, and the prospect of death in the cold waters below. Only when he was swallowed by a great fish did God finally have Jonah's attention. During his time in the fish's belly, Jonah prayed, “When my soul fainted within me I remembered the LORD: and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.” God had his undivided attention.

Haven't recent circumstances challenged you to seek the Lord?

2020 has been a tough year for all of us. But let's consider some of the events in the past 20 years that should have gotten everyone's attention. In 2001 terrorists infiltrated our country, killing thousands in the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina brought unparalleled death and destruction to the New Orleans area. In 2008, our nation underwent a difficult long-lasting recession. In 2011, a large tornado outbreak did massive destruction to numerous areas, probably the worst was the destruction that came to Tuscaloosa, AL and Joplin, Mo. Fast-forward to 2020. This year, we have experienced the spread of Covid-19. You'd think that this would get people's attention. Instead, for the most part, Americans have run to the government for help rather than God. Now we have large-scale demonstrations and riots. Some are even calling for the abolition of police forces, which would lead to lawlessness in our land.

Think about all of these things. We have witnessed these events in our lifetime. Could it be that God has been trying to get America's attention? If so, America has failed this test. We are seeking political change rather than spiritual transformation. Our nation is trusting in a future vaccine more than looking to the Great Physician. Could it be that God is trying to get America's attention so she may avoid the judgment she deserves?

The American church is not much better. Churches should be calling believers to repent and seek the face of God. We should be seeing a great move among believers to pray and seek revival. Instead, churches are staying with the status quo. It is true that many have implemented innovative ways to continue their work during this pandemic. However, very few are seeing the huge problems around us as a rallying cry for Christians to seek God for a spiritual awakening. I'm not sure God has gotten the attention of the American church. Could it be that God is trying to get the American church's attention so she will awaken before His imminent return?

What about us as individual believers? Has God got our attention? Does God have your attention? Does He have mine? Could it be that He is calling us to pray and preach with greater intensity than ever before? It is time to repent of our apathy and start treating our faith seriously.

Perhaps you are not a Christian. What is it going to take to get your attention? Maybe you're going through a crisis right now because God is trying to get your attention. Time is running out. Jesus may come at any moment. While His mercy and grace are being extended to you through Jesus Christ, it is time to repent, look to Christ alone for salvation. Then take up your cross and follow Him.

Does God have our attention?


Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” - Philippians 4:4

Life is like a roller coaster. Sometimes you are up and at others time you are down. You can start the day with high expectations and in just a few moments, you find yourself regretting that you got out of bed. Some days are just better than other days.

Additionally, we are emotional people and emotions can vary drastically in just one day. It doesn't take much for our emotions to peak or crash. For those who live by their emotions, life can be a very challenging experience.

We must admit that we are living in difficult times. We are constantly hearing about the pandemic, political rants, riots, and other crimes. We are bombarded with bad news.

How do you keep your spirits up when everything is trying to drag you down? Let me give you just a few suggestions:

First of all, trust God. It is easy to believe that everything has gotten out of hand. However, we need to remember that God still has everything in His hands. He has not relinquished control. He is still Lord of all. We can trust Him, even in the worst of times.

We live in a sin-cursed world, so it is impossible to avoid bad news. However, we need to remind ourselves of the Good News. Continue to read your Bible daily. You can go without the national news. You can avoid the newspaper. But never neglect your Bible. While the world seeks to drain you of your faith, stay in your Bible. The Bible feeds your faith. A promise from God is much better than a political promise. You can depend upon God to keep His Word.

Although social distancing is strongly advised these days, we still need the fellowship of other believers. While there are some believers who seem be down all the time, choose to fellowship with those who are walking with God and living by faith. When you fellowship with positive people, it tends to lift your spirits. Although there may be restrictions about proximity with others, you can still talk with people on the phone or communicate with people by social media, email or text. If you have opportunity, join with believers in public worship.

Another way to stay up in these times is to serve someone else. Lend a helping hand, give a word of encouragement, or call someone on the phone. When you are blessing to someone else, you find yourself being blessed.

Finally, spend time daily reflecting on your blessings. Specifically mention your blessings when you give thanks to God. Often we get down when we forget how blessed we really are. God has been good to us. It changes your entire thinking process when you consider the blessings you currently enjoy.

These are just a few suggestions. During these depressing times, it is important for God's people to be different from the unbelieving world. Because of Jesus Christ, we have every reason to stay up during these discouraging times.


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” - Matthew 5:16

As I have written in recent weeks, we are living in dark days. The darkness of sin is prevalent in our land. Every newscast seems to reveal even darker aspects of our society.

What should be our response to such times? How should we deal with dark days? The two most common responses are compromise and complaining. Neither are beneficial. In fact, both are counterproductive. Yet many professing believers are guilty of one or both of these responses.

There are some who compromise. In order to please or befriend those in darkness, they fade into the dark themselves, blending in with those who live in darkness. Darkness is not overcome with more darkness.

Others complain about the darkness. I must confess that I have wasted so much time doing this myself. It is not difficult to complain. While many complain, the world keeps getting darker.

There is an answer for dark times. Darkness must be penetrated with light. Light is the only real answer for the darkness we face these days.

Before He ascended to heaven, Jesus said, “Ye are the light of the world.” Since Christ resides within us, His light shines through us to the outside world. We are the light of the world. We don't need to pray that we will be light, for Jesus said we are already the light of the world. However, Jesus did say, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” How can we do this? How does God use us to bring light to this present darkness?

First of all, be a person of integrity. When we stand clean before God and others, the light of Christ shines brightest. Sin tends to cloud the window of our hearts, keeping the light from shining outward at its greatest intensity. A lack of integrity among church members has managed to damage the credibility of others. God uses people of integrity. The Great Physician chooses to use clean instruments. Keep short accounts with the Lord. Do you have areas of your life that you keep hidden? Do you have closets of sin that you keep closed from others? It is time to open this areas to to the light of God's Word and seek His cleansing. Don't expect the light of your life to be used much if you have hidden areas of darkness yourself. Be a person of honesty and credibility. Be a person of integrity.

Secondly, be a person who prays diligently. It has once been said that prayer may not be all we can do, but we can't do much until we pray. Rather than complain about the darkness, pray for those in darkness. We are in a spiritual war. This war cannot be won through human means. This spiritual battle can only be won as we pray. Spiritual victories are often won on our knees in prayer.

Finally, be a person who influences others. How does God take ordinary people and use them to influence others? First of all, through their convictions. A person influences others by the convictions he or she has. Those who are unstable in their beliefs are not respected by those around them. It is time for God's people to have strong, Biblical beliefs and live by them. Secondly, ordinary people are used by God to influence others through their compassion. Having a genuine love for others, even your enemies, is a trademark of a genuine believer. Unlike the fickle affection shown by the world, a true follower of Christ cares for others despite their beliefs, lifestyle or actions. While we don't condone their sin, we care about them as people. Finally, an ordinary person is used by the Lord to influence others through their conversations. The communication of truth is unpopular in this age, but it is desperately needed. This world of darkness and lies can only be helped by those who speak and share the truth. The truth of the Gospel is needed today. Those in darkness must come to the Light. As Christians, we've been given the glorious privilege of sharing the life-changing message of Jesus with those who live in darkness.

Some in darkness will be drawn to the light. Others will find the light repulsive and will resist it at all costs. Jesus said, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.”

Ultimately every person will spend eternity in a place of utter darkness, or in a city where darkness will never come. Their eternal future is settled by their response, in this life, to the light of the Gospel.

Be a light in the dark.


Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly...” - Revelation 2:16

As I post this message, America is celebrating her 244th birthday. On this day, in 1776, our forefathers signed a declaration of independence, making a public stand against the tyrannical rule of England. We consider that day to be the official birthday of our country.

America has weathered many storms, including Presidential assassinations, recessions, a depression, a Civil War and even the disgraceful resignation of a President. By God's grace, our nation has survived all of these dark days.

We are living in dark days right now. 2020 has been a difficult year and may prove to be the most critical year of our nation's existence. We entered the year with impeachment charges hanging over the current President. The Covid-19 pandemic hit our nation and is still a major concern. We have seen demonstrations and riots over the issues of police brutality and racial discrimination. Our nation is deeply divided over political, social and economic issues. President Lincoln once paraphrased Scripture when he said that a nation divided against itself cannot stand. 

Many foolishly think that the answer to all our woes is found at the voting booth. If we vote a certain way, America will be fine. If the right kind of Supreme Court justices are appointed, we'd see this nation turn around. Are we so gullible to believe these lies? The answer for America is not at the White House but at the church house. The answers we need won't be found in the U. S. Constitution, but in the Bible. America won't be turned around at the voting booth but in the prayer closet. America won't be saved by a majority of the right kind of Supreme Court justices, but only as we look to the just Judge of the universe.

Call me all kinds of names if you wish, but here are the only things that can save America from internal destruction. By the grace of God, and for His glory, we need to:

First of all, America needs to repent. Despite what many say today, God is not holding us responsible for the actions of our ancestors 250 years ago. However, God does hold us responsible for our own actions. As a nation, we have pushed God out of the schools, courts and the much of the public square. The Bible is sneered at. God's people are classified by some as a hate group. Righteousness is considered legalism. The message of repentance is considered judgmental, hypocritical and intolerant. Yet repentance is the only path that will help our ailing society. Certainly our nation needs to repent. This can only happen as individuals repent. Repentance is a change of mind that leads to a change of behavior. Just as God commanded people and nations to repent in the Old Testament, He is calling people to do the same today. Just as John was commanded to tell several churches to repent in the book of Revelation, churches and Christians need to repent today. Without repentance, this nation is doomed for judgment.

Secondly, we need to return to God. In desperation, we need to seek God for help. We need to return to the prayer closet. We need to bring prayer meetings back to our churches. We need to set aside quality time to get on our knees and seek God. More than mere rhetoric, our hearts need to yearn for God once more. We need to return to the Bible, church and holy living.

After repenting and returning, we to rise up and be counted. Be unashamed to be counted as a Christian. Be unafraid to defend the truth. Be unwavering in the Gospel. Rise up and stand against evil and wickedness.  Rise up and be a faithful witness for the Lord. Be an example of genuine, Biblical Christianity. These days, everyone is standing up for what they believe in … except Christians. Where are the Christians? If we claim to love Jesus, why don't others know? If we claim to be following the Lord, shouldn't it be obvious to your friends? We are the only ones with the message of hope that is needed in this day.  It is time for us to rise up and show God's love daily, share God's Word shamelessly and lead others to know the One who can transform their lives.

That is what America needs most.

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...