Seeking God In Prayer

  “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication.” - Acts 1:14

It is much easier to complain about problems than it is to help solve them. We are quick to point out issues but very slow to implement changes that can turn things around. It doesn't take much effort to complain, but it often takes hard work to resolve problems.

When it comes to our selfish, sinful world, we can easily mention the problems we have. Just watch the national news on TV and you'll see interviews with people who complain about everything from politics to social injustice. The solutions they claim to have often seems worse than the original problem.

When Jesus ascended back to heaven, He left His disciples with the promise of the coming Holy Spirit. During this waiting period, the disciples met together for prayer.

What ever happened to prayer meetings? We need to remember that the Church really began at a prayer meeting, not a preaching service or a business conference. It is time for the Church to return to prayer.

I am convinced that most of the problems we face in America have spiritual roots. The answer for spiritual problems can only come as we seek spiritual solutions. Rather than looking around for answers or looking within for solutions, we need to look up to the only One who can solve our problems.

The American Church has lost its edge. We no longer receive the respect of the people. Very few Americans look to the church for help. Instead, they have more confidence in secular counselors and even politicians.

Charles Spurgeon once said that the reason the Church has so little influence in the world is because the world is having too much influence over the church. We are witnessing the result of this today.

To be rather blunt, churches are no longer places of prayer. Of course, we have prayer in our services, but it is merely part of the service format, just an entry on the church bulletin.

By and large, the American Church is not desperate for God. We've learned slick methods, implemented exciting events and programmed our services for entertainment. We have everything except spiritual power. The first century church did not have methods, programs or entertainment. They did not have Bible software, Christian music CDs or sermons on the internet. What they did have was the power of God. This came upon them as they were praying.

Unlike us, the early disciples had the good sense to realize that they desperately needed God. They were in uncharted waters. There was a great deal of uncertainty without Jesus present. They needed help --- and they knew it.

What about us? We are living in unprecedented times. We are facing uncharted waters ourselves. There is so much uncertainty ahead. If there has ever been a time that believers need to seek God, it is right now.

Every revival and spiritual awakening in Church history has begun with someone getting desperate enough to seek God in prayer. Vance Havner used to say, “At the lowest ebb is the coming of the tide.” The spiritual waves have gone out to sea. We need the tide to return right now.

Will you join me in seeking God today?

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