Why We Aren't Seeing Revival

 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” - Revelation 3:15-16

We are living in the best of times. We have ample copies of God's Word available to us here in America. Additionally, most of us have access to the internet, which places many free Bible study tools at our disposal. Also, there are TV, radio and internet ministries to aid us in our spiritual journey. There is a church on nearly every corner where we can publicly worship. We have CDs and DVDs of Christian ministry and music available to bless and help us. These are the best of times.

Yet these are also the worst of times. In spite of all the spiritual resources available to us, the American Church seems to be in decline. Spiritual apathy abounds. While many are quick to be identified as Christians, few are actually living Christian lives. Our pagan society is impacting the faith community at an alarming rate. People no longer look to the Church for spiritual answers. Oprah and CNN are more likely to be sought than churches during times of calamity.

Because of the spiritual apathy of our times, many believers are praying fervently for revival. Knowing that a spiritual awakening is America's only hope, many Christians are seeking the Lord at this critical hour. Despite all of the prayers and programs designed to bring Christians together in prayer for revival, revival is noticeably absent in our society. To be clear, there are pockets of revival here and there, but by and large our culture is not being impacted by a mighty awakening.

All of this raises an important question. Why aren't we seeing revival today? Let me give you a few reasons why America is not seeing revival.


Despite the large numbers of believers who are seeking God for revival, most believers have an anemic prayer-life. Many prayers are very selfish in nature.  In spite of our desperate times, we are not desperate people. Most churches do not have prayer meetings. If you study revival in the Bible and church history, you will find that nearly every revival and awakening began with a remnant of believers praying.


Let's be honest about it. Some of the most popular “preachers” in America are televangelists who preach false doctrine. The only exposure many Americans have to Christianity is found in watching these individuals. God will not bless false teachers. Neither will He bless heresy. It is time for the pulpit to be cleansed in America. Rather than trying to be popular or entertaining, it is time for preachers to simply and boldly preach the Word of God without compromise.


Another issue that is hindering revival is the superficial worship that occurs on Sundays. Rather than passionately worshiping and praising God, many church members simply go through the motions. They lack the zeal and love they once had for Jesus. Too many people are just playing church.


The priorities that people live by are completely out of order. Church is no longer essential to so-called believers. Many are more passionate about politics and sports that they are about spiritual matters. The distractions of this world are luring many away from the vital matters of prayer, the Word and evangelism. Rather than seeking God's kingdom and His righteousness, most are seeking an easy, comfortable life. No wonder we aren't seeing revival!


Finally, our pride is keeping us from admitting our guilt and seeking God's grace. We want to protect our image at all costs. The Bible says that God resists the proud. Our pride is not helping anyone, including ourselves. Rather than repenting ourselves, we proudly sit back and expect others to repent. What hypocrisy!

Revival is a sovereign move of God. He can bring revival any time He wishes. He doesn't require your input or mine. However, there are certain things He will not bless. He will not bless sin, regardless of whether it is at the White House, the church house or your house. It is not the sins of the unbelieving world that are hindering revival, it is the sins of the Church.

May the Lord have mercy on us!

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