Getting God's Attention

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?” - Psalm 8:4

As humans, we tend to seek attention. Even in the crib, little children cry out for attention. This desire continues well into adulthood with attempts to receive praise or awards. Even though we should be maturing as we live through adulthood, our feelings are easily crushed when we fail to receive the attention we think we deserve.

This desire does not stop with our craving for human attention. We also seek God's attention and favor. Sadly, many of us even have an entitlement attitude. We feel that God owes us His consideration.

But do we deserve His attention? We tend to have an exalted view of ourselves. There is an overt attempt these days to deify humans and humanize God. More and more, men and women wish to treat themselves as deity. In doing so, they have reduced their concept of God to the point that He is just a grandfather-type figure. While society is brainwashing millions into accepting this fatal view, there is a higher standard we should base our attitude on. Rather than embracing popular trends, we need to believe the truth.

The truth is found in the pages of God's Word. When we see ourselves as God sees us, everything changes. The Word of God is the mirror of the soul. It reveals what is really in our hearts. We are forced to view our lives through the lens of truth. It is a very sobering experience.

When we see God as the holy, omnipotent creator of the universe, we must confess than we don't measure up to His standard. If an astronaut took a picture of the earth from the international space station, you would not be personally visible. Neither would I. Yet is liberating to know that God Himself observes the smallest of activities here on earth. He sees and knows each one of us. In fact, He knows us better than we know ourselves.

The psalmist asked the question, “What is man, that thou are mindful of him?” We are corrupt, sinful creatures. In many ways, we are very much like a rodent that needs to be squashed. We have deliberately violated God's laws, used His Name in vain and treated Him with contempt. We have taken His Word and twisted it to meet our desires. We seek Him for our selfish indulgence and not for spiritual fellowship. To be rather blunt about it, humanity has misused and abused God's grace.

Yet God shows His favor to fallen man. He has displayed an amazing amount of restraint in spite of our rebellion. Yet there is a deep well of grace that few drink from. These special souls enjoy more than the favor of God, they enjoy God Himself. They have His attention and affection.

I once had a job that required me to visit schools. Due to security reasons, only select people are permitted to enter a school building. As an average citizen, I would have no access to the building. However, the company I worked for had such access. I was permitted in the building, not because of who I was, but in the name of the company I worked for.

Through salvation, I have been given access to God Himself. This access was not granted because of my worthiness, but through the Name of God's Son, Jesus Christ. When I approach God, I do so in the Name of Jesus. God the Father receives me in the Name of His Son. I will always be unworthy of God's attention, but Jesus has given me the power of attorney to use His Name to approach the throne of grace at all times. Furthermore, through Jesus Christ, I am a child of God. I have God's attention and affection because of Christ.

Without Christ, a man or a woman is seen by God, but personal, intimate access to God is unavailable. The saving grace of God is not inherited from parents. It cannot be earned. It is only available through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

As I look over my life, I am not impressed with myself. Neither is God. Yet I am impressed with Jesus and so is the Father. When the Father looks at me, He sees the redeeming blood of His precious Son.

That is worthy of His attention. 

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