Does God Have Your Attention?

... prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.” - Amos 4:12

In last week's blog message, I wrote about us getting God's attention. Today I want to us to consider this question: does God have our attention?

In Amos chapter 4, the prophet writes about God's attempts to get Israel's attention. He sent famine, yet they did not respond. Then the Lord brought a drought on the people, but again they refused to heed Him. The Lord also brought about destruction, but once more the people would not listen. Next, the Lord sent disease, and again Israel would not hearken to Him. Finally, God gave them this warning: “... prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”

I can't help but think that God has been trying to get America's attention, but our nation refuses to listen. In spite of the terrorist attacks of 9-11, political tension, racial unrest, a pandemic and an economic meltdown, most Americans are turning to the government rather than God for help.

What is it going to take for God to get your attention? How far does He need to go before you recognize His call and respond positively?

I want us to consider three areas that God often operates to get the attention of individuals.


First of all, He often works to get the attention of sinners and show them their need of salvation. I once listened as a lady called a Christian radio program. She was emotionally shaken because she was in a major car accident the day before and walked away uninjured. She felt that the Lord was trying to get her attention about her need for salvation. No doubt He was. It took a blinding light on the Damascus Road to get Saul's attention. God has a way of getting a person's attention. How far will He need to go before you surrender your life to Him?


For the Christian, God has a way of getting our attention concerning unconfessed sin. When we fail to properly repent of sin, it is part of a gradual spiritual decline that takes us further and further from the intimacy we once had with God. In the Old Testament, God sent Nathan to confront David about his sins. God got David's attention. He has a way of getting our attention, too. If we fail to heed, the intensity of His effort will greatly multiply. Has He been getting your attention about sin? If so, repent immediately and seek to have fellowship with Him restored.


Finally, there are times believers are like Jonah. They run from God's call on their lives. A shocking number of believers treat church attendance as the peak of their Christian service. While I strongly encourage believers to attend church, this should just be the starting point of our service. I believe every Christian has a work to do in God's kingdom. Jonah ran from the work he was called to do. Yet Jonah finally realized that he could not outrun God. God got Jonah's attention when a large fish swallowed Jonah. Whether it is a small act of kindness or a call into ministry, God wants us to lovingly obey Him. Our refusal to obey may leave us in a situation similar to Jonah's. The Lord knows how to get your attention about the work you are to do. Perhaps you need to get back in church. Maybe you need to return to the unique work He designed you for. Whatever it is, the Lord is working to get your attention. Why resist Him any longer?

Save yourself some pain and heed the call of God on your life.  Soon you'll have to stand before Him and give an account of your response to His call.  

Does God have your attention?

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