God's Library

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness
 - 2 Timothy 3:16

I have to admit that when I was in grade school, I under-performed academically. I was lazy and didn't want to study. It wasn't easy for me to sit still and learn. Fortunately, things began to change as I changed schools. I began to read books and soon I was making better grades.

Now I love to read. For years, I bought books on a fairly regular schedule --- until I ran out of places to store the books. I'd love to have a library, but available space is an issue. Then Amazon introduced the Kindle Fire, which allowed me to own hundreds of books without taking up more space. I have my own library in the palm of my hand.

In spite of all the books I've read, I still haven't encountered a book like the Bible. The Bible itself is a library of books. The Bible has historical books, poetic books, prophetic books, biographical books and instructional books. The Bible is a more than just a book, it is God's Word to us.

For many Americans, the Bible is merely a Book they take to church with them. For others, a large family Bible occupies a place of prominence in the living room, but has little importance in their lives. The Bible is more than a book. It is alive and powerful. It transforms lives.

How often do you read the Bible? Once per month? Just on Sundays? Shouldn't the Bible be part of our daily activities? Just as you set aside time to feed your body, you should also plan to feed your soul.

There are countries that have made it illegal for its citizens to own a Bible. Underground churches exist in such areas. When a person receives a Bible in these places, it is a major event. There is such excitement and joy when a Bible is received.

Truly, the Bible is a gift to us. Here in America we take this gift for granted. We have lost the thrill and awe of the Word and its Author.

While I have read many books, I've never read a book like the Bible. When I read the Bible, I have the Author here with me. I can read His Book and talk to Him at the same time.

The Bible is my spiritual food. It is a well of knowledge that I drink from daily. It is a fount of wisdom that never runs dry. The Bible instructs and inspires. The Word of God melts the hard heart and heals the broken heart. The Bible is a mirror that allows me to see myself as I really am. The Bible shows me the beauty of Christ, the wonder of the cross, the value of redemption and the plan of salvation. The Word is relevant, rich and rewarding. It humbles the proud and lifts the humble. The Bible comforts, counsels and corrects. The Scriptures give us promises to rely on.

Make it a point each day to intentionally set aside time to read from the Bible. Receive the Word. Believe the Word. Obey the Word.

Appreciate the gift of God's Word. The Bible is a vast library that is rich in content and unmistakable with its message. It doesn't need to rewritten. It needs to be read daily.

Open your Bible and enter God's library. Those who study in this library are never the same.

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