The Last Day Of Your Life


For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” - James 4:14

If the Lord revealed to you that this is your last day on earth, how would you live today? Would you spend the day calling people and expressing your love to them? Would you be writing letters, expressing your feelings to those afar off? Would you be meeting someone that you need to forgive, or ask for forgiveness?

We can learn much from those who've been given a grim notice from the Lord. For instance, King Hezekiah was informed that he was going to die. He wept and prayed before the Lord and received an extra 15 years of life!

The people of Nineveh were given a 40-day notice by Jonah. Through that hard-headed preacher, God informed that vast city that in just 40 days, they would be destroyed. In response, they got serious about repentance. They fasted and prayed. God had mercy on them. There are many people who need to follow the example of Nineveh and get serious about their spiritual condition. God still calls sinners to repent.

The Apostle Paul realized that he was, at most, just days away from death when he penned his second letter to Timothy. At the conclusion, Paul wrote, “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” Paul faced his imminent death with faith and peace. He would not be spared from martyrdom. Instead, he would die for his faith in Jesus Christ.

When it comes to the last day on earth, there is no one better to learn from than Jesus. Jesus knew when His final day arrived. His final day was primarily spent in silence as He stood trial. Eventually, He died in agony on the cross for us. Let's back up to the day prior and consider His day in the Upper Room. Knowing that He would soon be arrested, put on trial and executed, consider what Jesus did:


Jesus spent precious time with His disciples. The upper room would constitute a time of fellowship and teaching. The Gospel of John records much of this intimate time. Jesus prepared His disciples to carry on the work after His departure. He prepared future leaders for the vital work ahead.


In the Upper Room, He washed His disciples feet. This act of service was usually performed by a servant. The washing of feet was a practical activity at the time since people typically walked everywhere, resulting in dirty feet. When Jesus washed His disciples His feet, He showed His disciples (and us) that He was willing to get His hands dirty to minister to sinful mankind. He demonstrated what Christian service should be about. No Christian should consider themselves “too good,” or “too important,” to do the thankless jobs, obscure tasks or dirty work. Jesus came to serve and the foot-washing episode in the Upper Room aptly demonstrated that. His final hours weren't spent pampering Himself. They were spent ministering to others.


Finally, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed. He had spent a time of intimate fellowship with His disciples in the Upper Room, but in the Garden He had a time of intimate prayer to the Father. There in the Garden, Jesus prayed about His upcoming death. He agonized in prayer that evening.

Most of us will not be aware of our final day. Perhaps the final day will be spent in a comatose state or in a nursing home with severe dementia. Then again, death may come unexpectedly in the form of a massive coronary or automobile accident.

Death is inevitable for all of us. Whether death comes upon us slowly through a long-term illness or suddenly, without warning, it is vital that we be ready to meet the Lord. Death is certain … and so is judgment.

It would wise for us to heed the practical words of Ray Comfort, “Live every day like it is your last day, for one day you'll be right.” Great words to live by, starting today!

It may be today is your last day.

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