The Book That Changes Lives

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” - John 17:17

Books are an important part of my life. While I may read books of fiction from time to time, I spend most of my time reading non-fiction books. A surprising number of people have never read a book since graduating from high school. I guess they never gained a passion for reading. For them, reading is like paying taxes --- something only done under compulsion.

Books have a way of instructing and inspiring people. Certainly books can entertain, bringing hours and hours of enjoyment. Sadly, we've traded great books for mediocre movies.

I have books that I treasure so much that I read them repetitively. Since I travel a great deal daily to and from work, I also listen to audio-books. I found this to be a rewarding experience.

Yet there is one book that is more precious than the others. This book sits beside my bed. When I am home, I keep it within arm's reach nearly all the time. This book is the Bible.

The Bible is God's Word. It is a book of books. Within its pages, you'll find history, adventure, biographies, poetry, prophecy, inspiration, instruction and guidance.

While praying to the Father in John chapter 17, Jesus made this powerful request: “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” From this verse, I want us to glean two important facts about God's Word.


Jesus said, “thy word is truth.” While it is true that the Bible contains truth, it is more than that. The Word IS truth. The reason the Bible is under constant attack from the enemy is that the devil hates the truth. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. Satan is a deceiver, thus he resists the truth. That is why the Bible is under assault in America. First, it was removed from our schools. Then it was removed from public places. The devil wishes to have it removed from homes and churches. He hates the truth is fighting against it fiercely.

Also, notice how the devil tries to keep you from the Word. He makes it difficult for you to spend quality time in the Word daily. He tries to derail your efforts in attending church so you can hear the Word. The reason for all this opposition is to keep you from the truth. Those who are ignorant of the truth are easily misled by lies. Be assured that this spiritual war is real, personal and costly.

The Word of God is truth.


Secondly, we learn that God's Word transforms lives. Jesus prayed, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” It is the Word that sanctifies believers. We are set apart and made holy through the power of the Word. The Word changes lives.

That is why the preaching of the Word is so vital. Lives are changed by the continual preaching of the Word. Personal Bible reading and study is so important because we are changed by the very Word we read daily. That is why it is important to be faithful to Christ in our relationships, because the very Word that changes our lives may change those around us as well.

The Reader's Digest doesn't changes lives. Neither does National Geographic, the TV guide or Sports Illustrated. Furthermore, books like “Moby-Dick,” “Little Women,” or “Pride and Prejudice” won't make an eternal impact in the lives of readers. However, the Bible does make an eternal difference.

It is one thing to possess a Bible, it is another thing for the Bible to possess you. I challenge you to read your Bible daily. Sit under good Gospel preaching each week. The Bible will change your life. It is the truth. When you know the truth intimately, it is easy to spot deceit and lies. Read the truth. Believe the truth. Live by the truth. Have an open heart as you open your Bible.

The Bible is the book that changes lives … and it can change yours today. 

Real Truth

 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - John 14:6

Earlier this week, the President of the United States made the statement that social media giant, Facebook, had been allowing misinformation on its platform. This misinformation, according to the President, is killing people. We live in an age where information abounds … and misinformation abounds more. Sometimes it is difficult to separate truth from fiction. Well-meaning people are embracing and spreading false information these days. The results can be catastrophic.

The President was referring to the pandemic in his remarks about Facebook and misinformation. I believe that the problem is far worse than that. False information about a number of subjects is being spread through all available formats of communication. It is hard to know what is fact and what is fiction.

It is good to know that there is still a foundational truth we can turn to in these uncertain days. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” It is important to note that Jesus did not just claim to tell the truth, He said that HE IS THE TRUTH.

As I wrote last week, many despise the fact that Jesus claimed to be the only way to the Father. We must face this choice: did Jesus tell the truth or not? If He did, then we should believe that He is the only way to the Father. If His words were not true, nothing He has said is dependable.

Jesus spoke the truth at all times. His words brought division at times. At other times, His words brought comfort and help. At all times, His words were true. His words are still true today.

We tend to think that speaking the truth is what makes a man honest. Actually, it is the opposite: from an honest heart, a man speaks the truth. A man is honest whether he is speaking or not. When he speaks, an honest speaks tells the truth.

Jesus was more than an honest man. He was truth personified. He was the embodiment of truth. Those who seek truth need only to look to Jesus, for He is the truth.

Jesus came to a deceitful, dishonest world. The truth came and lived among liars and cheaters. The light of truth penetrated the world of darkness. At the very appearance of light, despicable, filthy insects tend to run. No wonder Jesus was resisted and rejected by men during His earthly ministry. That is the reason He is hated and rejected today.

It is difficult to find honest men these days. Even the best of men have flaws. Our Lord is the exception. Not only did Jesus speak the truth, He IS the truth.

In sharp contrast, the Bible refers to the devil as a liar. He deceives and destroys. He is cunning and dishonest. Our society is following this liar. The Bible says that unbelievers are blinded by the god of this world. Following a liar also has severe consequences.

As Christians, it is our job to embrace the truth, stand on the truth and share the truth. Truth is more than just honest words. If we share the truth properly, we will share Jesus with those who need Him most.

A careful study on the subject of truth will ultimately take you to the very source of truth, Jesus Himself. Our society ridicules us for our faith, but it is better to stand alone for the truth than follow error with the multitude.

Popularity polls, elections and court rulings have their place, but they can be utterly wrong. It is best to find the truth and stand on it regardless of the winds of opposition. Jesus Christ is the Rock of our salvation. We are anchored in the truth. Storms of adversity will come and go, but the Rock of Ages will stand forever. Trends and fads are temporary, but Jesus remains the same. He is the Truth.

That is where I stand, what about you?

The Most Hated Person In America

 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - John 14:6

Who is the most hated person in America? Donald Trump? Joe Biden? Chuck Schumer? Mitch McConnell? I'm sure each of these men are unpopular among certain people, but I don't believe any of them would classify as the most hated person in America.

In my opinion, Jesus Christ is most hated person in America. Many would argue this point, so I'll clarify it for emphasis. The most hated person in America is Jesus Christ --- as He is specifically revealed in the pages of Scripture.

You see, there are many who claim that Jesus was a good man or a great teacher. However, if you press them on the things Jesus actually taught, you'll find a great deal of resistance. Most people only want to think of Jesus as being a kind, tender, loving man. Certainly He was loving, but it is inaccurate to say that is all He is.

Furthermore, the only teachings that many like from Jesus are those times He told His followers to love others and judge not (two commands that are often taken out of context). Jesus taught far more than that. His words penetrate the very heart of men, exposing sin and evil.

Probably the most ridiculed teaching of Jesus is found in John 14:6: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” In this verse, Jesus taught that He is the only way to heaven, a statement that most people resist and reject.

When pressed about the exclusivity of Jesus Christ, most of the crowd reject Him and His teaching. Some claim that they still love Jesus, but they disagree with Him on this issue. In fact, most resent His claim. You cannot separate Jesus from His teaching. Neither can you escape this ultimate challenge: Is Jesus who He claimed to be?

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, the only way to heaven. If you reject this claim, you are rejecting Him. When this is emphasized to this lost world, the response is often anger and resentment. To declare Jesus as the only way to heaven is seen as narrow-minded, harsh and even bigoted.

When Jesus walked the shores of Galilee, He was popular when He performed miracles and fed people. When He got blunt with His teaching, many of them got up and left. Sounds like people today, doesn't it?

Those who claim to love Jesus, but reject His strong teaching only love their concept of Jesus, not the Jesus of the Bible. They resent the Bible's claim that Jesus was God in the flesh. They despise His claim of being the only way to the Father. They are appalled at His call for repentance, faith and sacrifice. They reject the idea that they are accountable to the Lord.

You see, most don't really love the real Jesus. If you stand on a street corner and preach the Gospel or witness to each passerby, you'll quickly learn that most reject the truth. Many hate to even hear the Name of Jesus and others reject the Jesus of the Bible. This hatred runs deep and wide. Long before Donald Trump or Joe Biden, people hated Christ. Long after those politicians are dead and gone, humanity, by and large, will still stand in rejection of Jesus.

Jesus is the most hated person in America … and the world. The devil and the demons hate Him. Those who follow the devil hate Jesus Christ. Our world is living in open rebellion to Jesus and His teaching.

For those of us who believe in the Biblical Jesus, we shouldn't be shocked at the outcry against us. Jesus told us that if they hated Him, they would hate us. I am shocked and frustrated with pastors, churches and Christians who seek to appease the world in order to enlist them in the church. It isn't our job to please the lost, but to please God. Our job is not to satisfy sinners, but simply tell them the truth of the Gospel. Some will repent and and believe. Many will reject it. It isn't our job to soften the message in order to gain more converts. It is our job to lovingly, yet firmly, speak the truth in love --- then let the chips fall where they may.

Jesus may be the most hated person on earth right now, but His still King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will reign forever. He won't be impeached. He can't be recalled from office. He will never die and He will never compromise. Popularity polls have no bearing on His position and power. We must either follow Him or perish in our sins.

He may be hated right now on earth, but that doesn't change the fact that He is who claimed to be. Throughout eternity He will reign supreme.

God's Exam

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” - Psalm 139:23-24

If questioned on the subject, most of us would say that we are honest people. But are we really honest?

Recently, I had my teeth cleaned. After the cleaning, the dentist examined my teeth. I always dread that because I fear that he will find a problem. And he did. This week, he had to put a filling in a tooth because of an issue he found during that exam.

Sometimes we fear medical exams. Whether it is a dentist looking at an x-ray or a specialist studying an ultra-sound, we pray earnestly that no problems are found. But what if there are problems? Isn't it important to know now and get proper treatment before the problem spirals out of control?

But what if God performs an exam on us? Would that bother you?

The psalmist asked God to perform such an exam. In reality, God does not need such permission. He already knows you thoroughly. The real issue is whether you want to know what He sees.

If we were honest about it, we tend to see ourselves as we wish to be seen rather than the way we really are. God knows the truth about us. If we are serious about truth, we should seek to know the truth about ourselves. We don't need to take an extended vacation, escape reality or live in a monastery in order to seek truth, we simply need to go to the One who knows the truth already. By simply asking God, we save a lot of time, travel and trouble. He knows the truth and is willing to share that truth with us. The big question is, do we really want to know the truth?

The truth may lead to deep levels of humility and repentance. Ultimately, the truth liberates us and draws us closer to God.

God's work of on-going sanctification in our lives requires our knowledge of the truth. Holiness does not come automatically in life. We must acknowledge and embrace the truth.

If we are serious about sanctification, we must do the hard things in life. It begins in prayer. Like David, we should pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Secondly, we need to respond properly to the truth. Often this occurs through personal repentance. Repentance is a tough pill for some to swallow, yet it is a proper response to the truth.

It isn't my job to search the lives of others. I am not responsible for their obedience and sanctification. I do have an obligation to seek the truth myself. I need to be sincere in my approach to God. As I am exposed to God's Word, the

truth is revealed. The Word of God is like an x-ray, showing us internal reality that we can't see. This diagnosis should lead us to the Great Physician for the help we desperately need.

While we tend to think of ourselves as being honest, the fact is that we are often oblivious to the truth until God reveals it to us. Then we need to be honest with God and receive that truth and respond obediently.

Do you REALLY want to know the truth? Do you really want to be free of spiritual decay and disease? Then seek God in prayer and His Word.


 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:32

As I write this, our nation is approaching another birthday. On July 4, 1776, our nation declared independence from the oppression of British rule. On our calendars, July 4th is designated as Independence Day. People from other nations look to America with envy, desiring the very freedom that Americans take for granted.

There is a real spiritual battle going on in our land today. The forces of evil are working to destroy the concept and reality of truth in our society. The very freedom our nation was founded upon is based upon truth. Now the concept of truth is being eradicated from our country. The very truth that liberates souls is hated and despised by those who need freedom the most.

I live in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia. It is a beautiful state. Yet many residents here live in bondage to drugs. Substance abuse is a major issue that is destroying lives here. The answer for the opioid crisis here in our area is found in Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Truth brings freedom. For those who are enslaved to sin, substances and shame, the freedom they desperately need is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Avoiding the truth is a common, but harmful reaction. Others hate the truth and violently seek to destroy it. The truth may hurt, but the pain it may bring is the first step in the healing process.

When you have a health problem, you go to the doctor to find out what is wrong and hopefully receive medication to resolve the problem. The doctor's diagnosis is key to recovery. A wrong diagnosis may make your condition worse. When we have a health scare, we want good news from the doctor when he reveals his diagnosis. However, good news is not really good news if his diagnosis is wrong. You see, if you are given the truth by the doctor, even bad news may work for your benefit, if it leads to proper treatment.

The reason mankind struggles so much is that we reject God's diagnosis of our problem. His diagnosis is very clear: we have a terminal disease called sin. Rather than receiving this diagnosis, we reject it outright. Instead, we seek an easier and friendlier diagnosis. In doing so, we reject the truth and accept a lie.  

Here's the problem, God's diagnosis is true. Furthermore, his diagnosis leads to good news that will bring positive change for our eternal good. Rejecting the truth is harmful to your soul because when you reject the diagnosis, you are also rejecting the cure. Believing and receiving the truth leads to freedom and joy.

Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Notice that He didn't say, “... ye shall know about the truth...” Instead, in a very personal way, “... ye shall know the truth.” In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am … the truth...” True freedom comes in knowing Jesus personally, loving Him supremely and trusting Him explicitly.

Furthermore, we are called live and walk in the light. As followers of Jesus, we are expected to know the truth and live by it. We need to repent of all forms of deceit, lies and sin. We should not resist the truth or run from it. Rather, we believe that the facts are our friends. We believe in a factual God. We believe in a real Jesus who came to give us genuine life. We rely on the trustworthy promises of God's Word and live thereby.

When we know the truth personally and intimately, we experience freedom. We celebrate liberty daily, not just on July 4th. We were once in sin's bondage, but now we have been set free by the power of God.

For those held captive by drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, and immoral living, the message of the cross is the solution that bring ultimate, eternal results. Through genuine repentance and personal faith in the crucified and risen Redeemer, freedom is a genuine reality. Jesus Christ sets captives free.

Know the truth today. Meet Jesus Christ and experience liberty & abundant life through Him!

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...