The Most Hated Person In America

 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - John 14:6

Who is the most hated person in America? Donald Trump? Joe Biden? Chuck Schumer? Mitch McConnell? I'm sure each of these men are unpopular among certain people, but I don't believe any of them would classify as the most hated person in America.

In my opinion, Jesus Christ is most hated person in America. Many would argue this point, so I'll clarify it for emphasis. The most hated person in America is Jesus Christ --- as He is specifically revealed in the pages of Scripture.

You see, there are many who claim that Jesus was a good man or a great teacher. However, if you press them on the things Jesus actually taught, you'll find a great deal of resistance. Most people only want to think of Jesus as being a kind, tender, loving man. Certainly He was loving, but it is inaccurate to say that is all He is.

Furthermore, the only teachings that many like from Jesus are those times He told His followers to love others and judge not (two commands that are often taken out of context). Jesus taught far more than that. His words penetrate the very heart of men, exposing sin and evil.

Probably the most ridiculed teaching of Jesus is found in John 14:6: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” In this verse, Jesus taught that He is the only way to heaven, a statement that most people resist and reject.

When pressed about the exclusivity of Jesus Christ, most of the crowd reject Him and His teaching. Some claim that they still love Jesus, but they disagree with Him on this issue. In fact, most resent His claim. You cannot separate Jesus from His teaching. Neither can you escape this ultimate challenge: Is Jesus who He claimed to be?

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, the only way to heaven. If you reject this claim, you are rejecting Him. When this is emphasized to this lost world, the response is often anger and resentment. To declare Jesus as the only way to heaven is seen as narrow-minded, harsh and even bigoted.

When Jesus walked the shores of Galilee, He was popular when He performed miracles and fed people. When He got blunt with His teaching, many of them got up and left. Sounds like people today, doesn't it?

Those who claim to love Jesus, but reject His strong teaching only love their concept of Jesus, not the Jesus of the Bible. They resent the Bible's claim that Jesus was God in the flesh. They despise His claim of being the only way to the Father. They are appalled at His call for repentance, faith and sacrifice. They reject the idea that they are accountable to the Lord.

You see, most don't really love the real Jesus. If you stand on a street corner and preach the Gospel or witness to each passerby, you'll quickly learn that most reject the truth. Many hate to even hear the Name of Jesus and others reject the Jesus of the Bible. This hatred runs deep and wide. Long before Donald Trump or Joe Biden, people hated Christ. Long after those politicians are dead and gone, humanity, by and large, will still stand in rejection of Jesus.

Jesus is the most hated person in America … and the world. The devil and the demons hate Him. Those who follow the devil hate Jesus Christ. Our world is living in open rebellion to Jesus and His teaching.

For those of us who believe in the Biblical Jesus, we shouldn't be shocked at the outcry against us. Jesus told us that if they hated Him, they would hate us. I am shocked and frustrated with pastors, churches and Christians who seek to appease the world in order to enlist them in the church. It isn't our job to please the lost, but to please God. Our job is not to satisfy sinners, but simply tell them the truth of the Gospel. Some will repent and and believe. Many will reject it. It isn't our job to soften the message in order to gain more converts. It is our job to lovingly, yet firmly, speak the truth in love --- then let the chips fall where they may.

Jesus may be the most hated person on earth right now, but His still King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will reign forever. He won't be impeached. He can't be recalled from office. He will never die and He will never compromise. Popularity polls have no bearing on His position and power. We must either follow Him or perish in our sins.

He may be hated right now on earth, but that doesn't change the fact that He is who claimed to be. Throughout eternity He will reign supreme.

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