Real Truth

 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - John 14:6

Earlier this week, the President of the United States made the statement that social media giant, Facebook, had been allowing misinformation on its platform. This misinformation, according to the President, is killing people. We live in an age where information abounds … and misinformation abounds more. Sometimes it is difficult to separate truth from fiction. Well-meaning people are embracing and spreading false information these days. The results can be catastrophic.

The President was referring to the pandemic in his remarks about Facebook and misinformation. I believe that the problem is far worse than that. False information about a number of subjects is being spread through all available formats of communication. It is hard to know what is fact and what is fiction.

It is good to know that there is still a foundational truth we can turn to in these uncertain days. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” It is important to note that Jesus did not just claim to tell the truth, He said that HE IS THE TRUTH.

As I wrote last week, many despise the fact that Jesus claimed to be the only way to the Father. We must face this choice: did Jesus tell the truth or not? If He did, then we should believe that He is the only way to the Father. If His words were not true, nothing He has said is dependable.

Jesus spoke the truth at all times. His words brought division at times. At other times, His words brought comfort and help. At all times, His words were true. His words are still true today.

We tend to think that speaking the truth is what makes a man honest. Actually, it is the opposite: from an honest heart, a man speaks the truth. A man is honest whether he is speaking or not. When he speaks, an honest speaks tells the truth.

Jesus was more than an honest man. He was truth personified. He was the embodiment of truth. Those who seek truth need only to look to Jesus, for He is the truth.

Jesus came to a deceitful, dishonest world. The truth came and lived among liars and cheaters. The light of truth penetrated the world of darkness. At the very appearance of light, despicable, filthy insects tend to run. No wonder Jesus was resisted and rejected by men during His earthly ministry. That is the reason He is hated and rejected today.

It is difficult to find honest men these days. Even the best of men have flaws. Our Lord is the exception. Not only did Jesus speak the truth, He IS the truth.

In sharp contrast, the Bible refers to the devil as a liar. He deceives and destroys. He is cunning and dishonest. Our society is following this liar. The Bible says that unbelievers are blinded by the god of this world. Following a liar also has severe consequences.

As Christians, it is our job to embrace the truth, stand on the truth and share the truth. Truth is more than just honest words. If we share the truth properly, we will share Jesus with those who need Him most.

A careful study on the subject of truth will ultimately take you to the very source of truth, Jesus Himself. Our society ridicules us for our faith, but it is better to stand alone for the truth than follow error with the multitude.

Popularity polls, elections and court rulings have their place, but they can be utterly wrong. It is best to find the truth and stand on it regardless of the winds of opposition. Jesus Christ is the Rock of our salvation. We are anchored in the truth. Storms of adversity will come and go, but the Rock of Ages will stand forever. Trends and fads are temporary, but Jesus remains the same. He is the Truth.

That is where I stand, what about you?

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