Liberty, License or Legalism

Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” - Romans 14:5

Our country has major problems, not the least of which are the internal conflicts that are unraveling the thread of civility from our land. Social media is greatly responsible for this. Right now, the big issue at the center of our conflicts is our personal response to Covid-19.

The President has issued executive orders mandating the vaccination of certain groups of people. Some believe he has exceeded his power with such a wide-scale mandate. While this is an issue that is open for debate, I want us to focus on the Christian's response to Covid-19, wearing masks and being vaccinated.

As an American, I believe in personal liberty. In my personal opinion, the government should not be running our lives. Some things are simply up to the individual. While others may disagree, we do not want to have governmental interference with our personal lives. Personal liberty is an important aspect of our nation's freedom.

We cannot say that the government cannot ever tell us what to do. The government orders us to pay taxes. The Bible instructs us to pay our taxes. According to the Scriptures, we are to obey the government … yet we must practice civil disobedience if the government tries to force us to disobey God.

While I may strongly disagree with our government and its leaders at times, my faith does not give me permission to violate our laws simply because I don't like them. We are commanded to live in harmony with others … as much as possible.

So what about mask mandates? What about vaccination mandates? What is to be our response to these things?

When it comes to the laws of our land, the legality of such mandates are to be determined by the judicial branch of government. I admit that I don't always agree with the judgments rendered by our courts. Often judgments are influenced by the political preference rather than the Constitution.

What bothers me are the Christians who are hostile towards others who do not share the same view about this virus. Those who are vaccinated and wear masks seem condescending and judgmental towards those who don't. Those who object to masks and vaccination openly question the patriotism and convictions of those who've been vaccinated.

Before you condemn the unvaccinated, let me remind everyone that there are many who cannot receive the vaccine because health issues or the medication they are taking.

Personally, I have received the vaccination and here's why. While we don't know about all the long-term consequences of receiving the vaccine, we do know that it is keeping many from being infected. Plus, the small percentage of vaccinated people who still get the virus often do not suffer as badly as those who don't and the mortality rate is significantly lower.

I have an elderly mother, elderly church members and deal with the public in my work. I don't want my carelessness to be the means of infecting those I care about the most. The consequences of infection could be harsh on me and deadly on others. I don't want that on my conscience.

Nevertheless, I understand why some refuse the vaccination. I understand why some are harshly against wearing a mask. I also understand that they may be putting themselves and others at risk.

The Bible says, “Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.” I think this should be the proper response we have concerning this matter. Don't be harsh in judging others who disagree with you. Each person must make their own decision. Of course, the decisions we make do have consequences. We should demonstrate sympathy and love towards those who are suffering, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not.

I do not agree that the vaccine is the “mark of the beast,” described in the book of Revelation. However, I can see how governmental mandates are opening the door to that wickedness. I know that this fueling some of the vaccination resistance.

While we may have strong opinions on this matter, we shouldn't allow our opinions to mold us into Pharisees. Legalism is more dangerous than this virus. Many Christians may strongly object to my thesis on this subject and that's okay. As an American, I have the freedom to express myself. As a Christian, I have the responsibility to respond to my own convictions and conscience. I suggest that we all do the same.

Personally, I can't wait until this whole pandemic is behind us. 

Pandemic, Propaganda or Pandemonium

Satan hindered us.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:18

If Satan hindered the work of the Apostle Paul, we shouldn't be surprised when he hinders us. Satan is very strategic in his assault. Although he is not omniscient, he is still very cunning. He tends to recognize spiritual opportunities and timing better than we do.

Many believe that we are nearing the return of our Lord. Furthermore, many believe that the government's attempts to mandate mask-wearing and vaccination shots are a foreshadow of end-time events, perhaps even the beginning of these events. I do believe that mandates foreshadow the coming mandate of the mark of the beast (Revelation 13). While this may be so, I want us to consider our present situation.

The medical community has used the label, “pandemic,” to describe our world's infection with Covid-19. Some, like Pastor John MacArthur, dispute this label. Most dictionaries define a pandemic as a wide-spread epidemic of a disease. We may debate what constitutes a “wide-spread epidemic,” but I don't choose to argue this point.

Some believe that Covid-19 is just a hoax. They think it is propaganda of the government and news media, trying to use fear to get citizens to obey government orders and mandates. However, Covid-19 is not a hoax. It does exist. People I know personally are suffering from it. Many have died. It is not a hoax.

While I do not believe that Covid-19 is a hoax, I don't want to be swept away with the pandemonium that the government and news media is trying to stir. Common sense, good hygiene and prayer can help us deal with this situation. Next week, I intend to address the subject of masks and vaccinations.

As I write this, my desire to emphasize what I see going on and how we should respond to it. Covid-19 has brought division to our country, typically along party lines. Furthermore, Covid-19 has brought challenges to believers unlike anything we have seen in this generation.

Let me be crystal clear in saying that God is NOT the source of this virus. Our enemy, the devil, is responsible.

The enemy has come to kill, still and destroy. I believe that United States has been a target the devil has been concentrating on. This virus shut down our economy in 2020 (and it has never fully recovered yet). Furthermore, this virus has further divided our nation politically and socially. We are no longer a nation united. Cynicism is at an all-time high in our country. We have a hard time believing anyone.

Worst of all, the devil has used this virus to divide churches. Many argue about whether masks should be worn in church or not. In some places, such as Canada, the government has ordered churches to close, resulting in the arrest of pastors who refuse to comply. Fear and intimidation has kept many out of church here in America. Some churches are struggling to keep their doors open. Others are struggling to reach new people because fear of infection is now an “acceptable” excuse for folks to stay away from church.

Satan is hindering believers. Satan is hindering the Church.

Even though the devil is the source of this virus, God permitted it. Why? I will not attempt to answer that question because I am not God. His ways are above my ways. There are aspects of His will that are not obvious to mankind.

I will say this, though. This virus has unmasked certain problems among church members. First of all, it has revealed that church members lack empathy. Rather than showing compassion, we are debating politics. Would you rather win a political argument or have a healthy family?

With the life and death issues facing so many, you'd think there would be more discussion about eternity. This is a unique opportunity for Christians to spread the Gospel. We are failing badly at this.

You'd think that a situation like this would give Christians the opportunity to demonstrate their faith before a dying world. Rather than living in fear and panic like the world, we should be confident in the Lord and stand on His Word.

Covid-19 is real, but so is God. The devil is cunning, ruthless and powerful, but the Lord is stronger. This is not a time for pandemonium. Neither is it is time for panic.

It is time to use common sense, walk with God, make Him known and live wisely.

Lest We Forget

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” - Psalm 11:3

Do you recall what you were doing on September 11, 2001? On that day I was working, driving to Mercer County, WV. Before I had left my office, a co-worker told me that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. As I drove that morning, I had the radio on and listened to the news as events unfolded. It was a time like no other. Fear gripped our nation. Without question, these unprovoked attacks would change our lives. We just didn't know how much.

As I write this, today is the 20-year anniversary of that horrific day. Memories of that day, and the days afterward, are deeply embedded in my mind. Believe it or not, there are still many who applaud the cowardly act of terrorism from that day. Our nation still has enemies that wish to inflict damage upon us.

After intelligence was gathered about the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush addressed the nation and declared war on terrorism. Even though President Bush cautioned the nation that this would be a long process, the nation was squarely behind the President and his plan. At the time, I questioned America's resolve to follow through with such a response. I knew that terrorism is not easily defeated. I didn't think the American people would have the patience required to endure such an effort. It turns out that I was right.

In just a short period of time, our nation seems to have forgotten the tragedy of 9/11. We have forgotten the horrific sight of first responders trying to find survivors in the rubble of the Twin Towers. The catastrophic loss of life in New York City, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania are just faint memories to many.

9/11 has since been declared “Patriot Day.” Yet patriotism has since eroded. Rather than uniting together under the flag, we are fighting each other on social media. Athletes kneel at our national anthem and are applauded. Now a second “national anthem” has come out of nowhere to be played before athletic events. We are no longer a nation united. The fragmentation of our nation has made our nation vulnerable to attacks from without and within.

Often it is said that if we fail to learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Our nation tends to only emphasize the parts of history that are pleasing to us. We don't like to reminded of our mistakes and failures. Furthermore, we have grown rather complacent about terrorism. I fear that we are doomed to have history repeat itself.

Worst of all, we are prone to forget God. After 9/11, our nation sought spiritual help. We needed God's healing balm to bring life and hope back to our nation. Why does it take a 9/11 for God to get our attention? While God was not the cause of the terrorist attacks, He did permit them. I believe it was a wake-up call for America. All we did was press the snooze alarm.

The Psalmist posed the question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” I am not a prophet, but I do believe God tried to get our attention on 9/11. Now the foundations of our nation are in serious danger. Since the foundations are being destroyed, what can we, as Christians, do?

First of all, we need to remember. Rather than rewriting our history books, we need to reread them. Rather than tearing down monuments, we need to remember why they were placed there to begin with. We need to remember our mistakes and learn from them. We need to remember what God has done for us and give Him the credit He deserves.

Secondly, we need to pray. Like never before our nation needs prayer. We need to pray for America and her future. We need to beg God for a mighty spiritual awakening. Apart from an act of God's grace, our nation will self-destruct.

Next, we need to get back to the Bible. Too many Americans trust what they read on social media, or hear from politicians and newscasts. Isn't it time we trust God's Book rather than Facebook? Isn't it time for Americans to trust in God rather than the government? We need a Bible revival once more.

Finally, we need to let our voices be heard. Yes, Christians need to vote, based on Biblical convictions. Furthermore, we need to be unashamed in sharing the life-changing message of the Gospel. People need the Lord. It is time that hear about Him from us rather than the false representation of Christianity spread by the news media and the ungodly influence of entertainers.

Yes, we need to remember 9/11. We need to be reminded that terrorism still exists. Our nation is still vulnerable. Factions within our nation are trying to undermine our freedoms. As Christians, it is time for our light to penetrate the world of darkness around us.

A Mile Wide and An Inch Deep

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.” - Hebrews 5:12

Are you satisfied with the depth of your Christian life? Too many are content with a dab of Christianity on Sunday mornings. They are uncomfortable around zealous believers. They want to compartmentalize everything, including God.

Most believers aren't concerned with spiritual depth. They figure since they got their “ticket punched” for heaven, that is all that is required of them. Devotion, service and self-sacrifice may be required of pastors, evangelists and missionaries, but not them.

It is true that there are more demands on our time than ever before. There is overt pressure to conform to the world's expectations. The fact is that we still only have 24 hours in a day. How we utilize that time says a great deal about our priorities.

In this age of entertainment, the worship of God has been reduced to highly programmed church services. In fact, most American Christians are attracted to “exciting” church services with a groovy band, choreographed events and a brief “life lecture.”

What if all the entertainment was stripped away, is that enough to keep you actively involved in your church? If all your church had to offer is Jesus, would that be enough to keep you engaged?

Sadly, we talk about the sufficiency of Christ when it comes to salvation, but for some reason, He isn't sufficient for our daily lives. This says more about us than it does Him.

In persecuted countries, Christians often have to meet in secret. There are no high-profile stage lights, a popular choir or jazzy entertainment. All they is the Word, the Spirit and each other. That is more than enough for them.

The reason that isn't enough for us is because we are shallow. We lack spiritual perspective and correct priorities. We are spiritually a mile wide but an inch deep. We have style but no substance. We specialize on the superficial to the neglect of the supernatural. Rather than impacting our world with the Gospel, the world is impacting our lives with its propaganda. Sadly, church members know more about the TV schedule than their Bibles. We're more concerned about the next election than Judgment Day.

Spiritual depth does not increase because the pastor tells jokes or the choir sings a new song. Instead, we grow deeper as we take God seriously, depending on Him and obeying His Word in spite of hostile circumstances. Although we try to avoid trials, they often make believers stronger. We don't need to live in fantasy-land, being saturated with entertainment in an effort to avoid responsibility or problems.

Such things as prayer meetings and Bible Study classes are avoided by most church members. These meetings are not flashy events. But how can we grow deeper if we refuse to have communion with God?

As our culture continues its decline into ungodliness, we can expect persecution to increase. If such a scenario plays out, we will need more than Sunday glitter and religious entertainment. We'll need to be deeply grounded in God's Word, anchored in truth and fervent in prayer.

Are you willing to go deeper? 

Down To The River To Pray

DOWN TO THE RIVER TO PRAY “ Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven...