Pandemic, Propaganda or Pandemonium

Satan hindered us.” - 1 Thessalonians 2:18

If Satan hindered the work of the Apostle Paul, we shouldn't be surprised when he hinders us. Satan is very strategic in his assault. Although he is not omniscient, he is still very cunning. He tends to recognize spiritual opportunities and timing better than we do.

Many believe that we are nearing the return of our Lord. Furthermore, many believe that the government's attempts to mandate mask-wearing and vaccination shots are a foreshadow of end-time events, perhaps even the beginning of these events. I do believe that mandates foreshadow the coming mandate of the mark of the beast (Revelation 13). While this may be so, I want us to consider our present situation.

The medical community has used the label, “pandemic,” to describe our world's infection with Covid-19. Some, like Pastor John MacArthur, dispute this label. Most dictionaries define a pandemic as a wide-spread epidemic of a disease. We may debate what constitutes a “wide-spread epidemic,” but I don't choose to argue this point.

Some believe that Covid-19 is just a hoax. They think it is propaganda of the government and news media, trying to use fear to get citizens to obey government orders and mandates. However, Covid-19 is not a hoax. It does exist. People I know personally are suffering from it. Many have died. It is not a hoax.

While I do not believe that Covid-19 is a hoax, I don't want to be swept away with the pandemonium that the government and news media is trying to stir. Common sense, good hygiene and prayer can help us deal with this situation. Next week, I intend to address the subject of masks and vaccinations.

As I write this, my desire to emphasize what I see going on and how we should respond to it. Covid-19 has brought division to our country, typically along party lines. Furthermore, Covid-19 has brought challenges to believers unlike anything we have seen in this generation.

Let me be crystal clear in saying that God is NOT the source of this virus. Our enemy, the devil, is responsible.

The enemy has come to kill, still and destroy. I believe that United States has been a target the devil has been concentrating on. This virus shut down our economy in 2020 (and it has never fully recovered yet). Furthermore, this virus has further divided our nation politically and socially. We are no longer a nation united. Cynicism is at an all-time high in our country. We have a hard time believing anyone.

Worst of all, the devil has used this virus to divide churches. Many argue about whether masks should be worn in church or not. In some places, such as Canada, the government has ordered churches to close, resulting in the arrest of pastors who refuse to comply. Fear and intimidation has kept many out of church here in America. Some churches are struggling to keep their doors open. Others are struggling to reach new people because fear of infection is now an “acceptable” excuse for folks to stay away from church.

Satan is hindering believers. Satan is hindering the Church.

Even though the devil is the source of this virus, God permitted it. Why? I will not attempt to answer that question because I am not God. His ways are above my ways. There are aspects of His will that are not obvious to mankind.

I will say this, though. This virus has unmasked certain problems among church members. First of all, it has revealed that church members lack empathy. Rather than showing compassion, we are debating politics. Would you rather win a political argument or have a healthy family?

With the life and death issues facing so many, you'd think there would be more discussion about eternity. This is a unique opportunity for Christians to spread the Gospel. We are failing badly at this.

You'd think that a situation like this would give Christians the opportunity to demonstrate their faith before a dying world. Rather than living in fear and panic like the world, we should be confident in the Lord and stand on His Word.

Covid-19 is real, but so is God. The devil is cunning, ruthless and powerful, but the Lord is stronger. This is not a time for pandemonium. Neither is it is time for panic.

It is time to use common sense, walk with God, make Him known and live wisely.

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