Lest We Forget

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” - Psalm 11:3

Do you recall what you were doing on September 11, 2001? On that day I was working, driving to Mercer County, WV. Before I had left my office, a co-worker told me that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. As I drove that morning, I had the radio on and listened to the news as events unfolded. It was a time like no other. Fear gripped our nation. Without question, these unprovoked attacks would change our lives. We just didn't know how much.

As I write this, today is the 20-year anniversary of that horrific day. Memories of that day, and the days afterward, are deeply embedded in my mind. Believe it or not, there are still many who applaud the cowardly act of terrorism from that day. Our nation still has enemies that wish to inflict damage upon us.

After intelligence was gathered about the 9/11 attacks, President George W. Bush addressed the nation and declared war on terrorism. Even though President Bush cautioned the nation that this would be a long process, the nation was squarely behind the President and his plan. At the time, I questioned America's resolve to follow through with such a response. I knew that terrorism is not easily defeated. I didn't think the American people would have the patience required to endure such an effort. It turns out that I was right.

In just a short period of time, our nation seems to have forgotten the tragedy of 9/11. We have forgotten the horrific sight of first responders trying to find survivors in the rubble of the Twin Towers. The catastrophic loss of life in New York City, at the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania are just faint memories to many.

9/11 has since been declared “Patriot Day.” Yet patriotism has since eroded. Rather than uniting together under the flag, we are fighting each other on social media. Athletes kneel at our national anthem and are applauded. Now a second “national anthem” has come out of nowhere to be played before athletic events. We are no longer a nation united. The fragmentation of our nation has made our nation vulnerable to attacks from without and within.

Often it is said that if we fail to learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. Our nation tends to only emphasize the parts of history that are pleasing to us. We don't like to reminded of our mistakes and failures. Furthermore, we have grown rather complacent about terrorism. I fear that we are doomed to have history repeat itself.

Worst of all, we are prone to forget God. After 9/11, our nation sought spiritual help. We needed God's healing balm to bring life and hope back to our nation. Why does it take a 9/11 for God to get our attention? While God was not the cause of the terrorist attacks, He did permit them. I believe it was a wake-up call for America. All we did was press the snooze alarm.

The Psalmist posed the question: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” I am not a prophet, but I do believe God tried to get our attention on 9/11. Now the foundations of our nation are in serious danger. Since the foundations are being destroyed, what can we, as Christians, do?

First of all, we need to remember. Rather than rewriting our history books, we need to reread them. Rather than tearing down monuments, we need to remember why they were placed there to begin with. We need to remember our mistakes and learn from them. We need to remember what God has done for us and give Him the credit He deserves.

Secondly, we need to pray. Like never before our nation needs prayer. We need to pray for America and her future. We need to beg God for a mighty spiritual awakening. Apart from an act of God's grace, our nation will self-destruct.

Next, we need to get back to the Bible. Too many Americans trust what they read on social media, or hear from politicians and newscasts. Isn't it time we trust God's Book rather than Facebook? Isn't it time for Americans to trust in God rather than the government? We need a Bible revival once more.

Finally, we need to let our voices be heard. Yes, Christians need to vote, based on Biblical convictions. Furthermore, we need to be unashamed in sharing the life-changing message of the Gospel. People need the Lord. It is time that hear about Him from us rather than the false representation of Christianity spread by the news media and the ungodly influence of entertainers.

Yes, we need to remember 9/11. We need to be reminded that terrorism still exists. Our nation is still vulnerable. Factions within our nation are trying to undermine our freedoms. As Christians, it is time for our light to penetrate the world of darkness around us.

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