Christmas Music

 ... come before his presence with singing.” - Psalm 100:2

Let me get on the soap box for a moment and get something off my chest. I was at the doctor's office this week. As I waited in the examination room, music from a local radio station came through the wall speaker. Every song was about the upcoming Christmas holiday. Yet there was a glaring omission. Although the music was probably considered “Christmas music,” none of the songs even mentioned Jesus. Instead the songs were about snow, memories and holiday romance.

What has happened to us here in America? In an effort to be politically correct, we are trying to rewrite history. History doesn't need to be rewritten, it needs to be understood. In our effort to keep from offending anyone, we have removed statues, amended history books and tried to restructure our holidays.

We are overwhelmed with information while drowning in the sea of ignorance.

The holiday we call, “Christmas,” is among the victims in this endless parade of political correctness. Removing Jesus from Christmas has robbed the holiday of its richness and depth. Replacing Jesus with a fictional character of Santa Claus is a foolish idea. This week, I read how a priest had to apologize for telling children that Santa Claus was a myth. Indeed, the blind are leading the blind.

I may stand alone, but I wish to be heard on this subject. We need people of all backgrounds to understand that the holiday of Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. Even the word, “Christmas,” has the word, “Christ,” within it. We need to get back to singing the great Christmas hymns like, “Silent Night,” and “Joy to the World.” There is nothing wrong with introducing people to newer Christmas songs like, “Mary, Did You Know?”

To my songwriter friends, let's not shy away from writing new songs about Christmas. Christmas is a very important part of the Gospel message. This generation needs new songs that convey the true message of Christmas. The world needs to understand that the babe in the manger would eventually be the One on the cross. Salvation only comes through Him.

As I was driving through town yesterday, I heard the voice of Elvis Presley through the loud speakers in downtown Mullens, WV. “Blue Christmas,” was a holiday hit for Elvis, but I don't consider it a favorite. Let's revive, “Away In the Manger,” and “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” At Christmas, we need to hear about Jesus, not heartache.

As I write this, tomorrow is Sunday, a day of worship. Lord willing, we'll be singing classic Christmas hymns at church. Our service will designed to honor Jesus. Shouldn't that be the way we live?

I'll get off my soap box now. It's true that we Christians tend to complain a lot. The fact is, there is much to complain about. However, I wish to be part of the solution and not just a complainer. During this holiday, I intend to sing and listen to Christ-honoring, Gospel-centered Christmas songs.

What about you?

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