The Divine Difference

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” - John 3:17

I have been writing about Biblical characters who were used of God to make a positive difference in this world. While many of these men have made an impact in the lives of others, we must admit that the greatest difference-maker of all time is Jesus Christ. He has made a divine difference that has impacted the lives of millions. His impact is still being felt today.

The Old Testament saints trusted that such a difference-maker would arrive and provide redemption of sin. The New Testament saints recognized Jesus to be the Son of God, trusting Him alone as Savior and Lord. Today, believers look to Him alone for salvation.

We tend to over-estimate the impact of others and under-estimate the impact of Jesus. Our ungodly society glamorizes and worships actors, musicians and politicians. We admire and praise gifted individuals and exalt them for their talent. Yet their contribution to mankind is tiny and fleeting. On the other hand, Jesus made an eternal difference that has positively impacted millions of lives, and continues to do so today. We should reserve our praise for Jesus, who literally gave His life to save people from destruction.

Some will pay large sums of money to enter a ballgame and sit for hours. The same people will complain about sitting in church for an hour and putting money in the offering plate. That goes to show how we over-estimate the contributions of men but vastly under-estimate what the Lord has done.

Why is Jesus the greatest difference-maker of all time? Why can I make such a claim? There are so many answers to these questions, so let me just give a few.


First of all, Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus, God in the flesh, is much more different than any human before or since. Yes, He was human. But He was, and is, God. He did not possess an earthly title, but He stands out because of His divinity. He was a prophet, priest and King. Although He was a good teacher and miracle-worker, He was much more. He was the Redeemer, the Savior and Lord of all. From these roles, He had authority to do what no one else could do. He was and is special. His impact upon humanity came as He embodied humanity while remaining divine. As a man, He walked among men so He could minister to men. He willingly took a step down to come as a human that He may be a servant to mankind. Referring to Himself in Mark 10:45, Jesus said, “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” That's the kind of difference He came to make.


While most people prefer to study the teachings and miracles of Jesus, it was His death that made the greatest difference of all. Typically, people try to side-step the story of His crucifixion. Yet this one event has made a tremendous impact upon millions of lives. It is through His sacrificial, substitutionary death that salvation was secured for us. Technically, we are not commanded to remember or celebrate His birth. However, we are commanded to remember His death. His death teaches us some important lessons. First of all, we learn the significance and severity of our sin. Our sin is so great that it requires a steep penalty. The cross is a reminder of our sins. Our sins are so bad that it required God to die in our place. When we properly understand and appreciate the cross, we realize that our sins are far worse than we ever realized. Secondly, we learn the depth of God's love for us. God so loved us that He gave His Son to die, so that through His death we would have eternal life. Jesus told us that He came to give us life and have it more abundantly. Yet this life came at the expense of His own life. The Good Shepherd gave His life for the sheep. That is love.


Finally, we must consider the great blessings He has provided to us. We tend to take them for granted, but we shouldn't. James wrote that all good and perfect gifts come from above. Our Lord Jesus purchased our freedom and pardon through His death upon the cross. We must admit that His death upon the cross has purchased for us all the spiritual blessings that we enjoy. We didn't earn these blessings. We don't deserve them. They are free gifts from the generous hand of our Lord. The Holy Spirit, the Bible, and the fellowship with other believers are among the many blessings we owe Him. We continue to be impacted and blessed by His countless provisions. Let us give Him the credit for them all.

No one has impacted humanity --- or our lives --- like Jesus Christ. We should never forget the impact He has made in our lives. As His Gospel continues to spread, we rejoice over every single soul that is gloriously saved by His grace.

That's the divine difference that Jesus makes.

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