Choose Life

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” - Deuteronomy 30:19

This week, the news media has been passionate in its reporting of a leaked Supreme Court document. The leak itself was never a major issue to the media, although it should be. Instead, the contents of the document is the source of the excitement. The document, which expresses the opinion of one Supreme Court justice, seems to indicate a possible overturning of Roe vs. Wade, the highly controversial law permitting women to have an abortion. The media has been electrified about this. The liberal establishment has been blazing hot and hostile in its condemnation of the document.

It brings back a fundamental issue. Is it proper for a woman to have an abortion? The President of the United States, along with nearly all liberals, have been fervent in their support of a woman's choice to choose an abortion. Their argument continues to be that a woman has a right to choose what she does with her body. To them, this is a personal choice, even a medical choice.

Let's get to the truth. In the Bible, the unborn are always referred to in the same manner as babies. As far as God is concerned, the unborn are living beings. As such, deliberately and savagely ending the life of the unborn is murder.

The fact is that abortion is viewed as a convenient way to remove responsibility from sexual choices. Our society has been actively trying to distance itself from moral obligations. Murdering the unborn rather than accepting moral responsibility for conception is an evil act. Politicians, entertainers, and judges have blood on their hands. The legalization of abortion will not cleanse this blood nor remove ultimate divine judgment from these individuals.

This is more than a political issue. It is a moral issue. While it is popular to say that a woman should have the right to make choices about her body, no one makes the argument that the unborn baby has a body. It is wrong to say that the choice of a woman's body includes the body of the unborn child. If a woman has a right to choose what is right for her body, shouldn't the unborn be given the same opportunity?

I know that many women would argue that I, as a man, have no right to speak about such things. Yet this is not a matter of gender. It is not a matter of political preference. It is a matter of right or wrong.

If an actual abortion procedure were broadcast for everyone to see, most Americans would be disgusted with abortion. It is sickening what a doctor does in an abortion procedure. It may be an easy way for individuals to avoid responsibility for their careless actions, but they have not really escaped responsibility. They must still answer to God for their choices.

If abortion is murder, why are so many passionately supporting it? Here are the two basic reasons:


The Bible teaches us that mankind is sinfully depraved. Watching the national news for five minutes (or less) will give you a visual demonstration of mankind's depravity. Although it is unpopular to say so, every person (including the President and members of the Supreme Court) are wicked sinners in dire need of a Savior.


The Bible says that the god of this world (the devil) has blinded people. In Jeremiah 17:9, God says: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” Depravity and deception are the two reasons that our nation has encouraged and embraced sin. Truly, the most hostile liberal politician or entertainer should not to be hated by us. Instead, we should pray for them. Unless God opens their eyes to the truth, they will perish in their sins.

Let me give a word to my fellow Christians. We can have a reputation for what we stand against, but never state what we stand for. Yes, we stand against abortion, LGBT lifestyles, adultery, fornication, lying and cheating. But there are many things we stand for. We believe in God. We trust in Jesus. We believe the Bible. We believe in truth. We believe in healthy families. We believe in righteousness. While we are very vocal about our opposition to abortion, let us be even more vocal about the message of the Gospel.

To women who are facing an unwanted pregnancy, let me say that you have a moral obligation to protect the unborn child within you.  There are many wonderful couples who long to have a child, but can't.  If you don't want to raise the child, consult with adoption agencies.  There are couples praying for an opportunity to raise the child you don't want.

Finally, let us be clear that God offers grace to repenting souls. If we are not careful, we can make it sound like abortion is the unpardonable sin. We need to let women know that, even if they've had an abortion, there is salvation available to them if they will repent and believe the Gospel. Jesus offers freedom from guilt and regret.

Our message to everyone is the same: choose life.

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